# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


4-H programs


Penner, Jack, 1805-1806

Wowchuk, 1806-1807

911 service–Winnipeg


Mackintosh, 2240-2241

Praznik, 2240-2241


E. coli bacteria. See also Sturgeon Creek; Water resources--Drinking water supply

Gerrard, 2214-2215

Balmoral, Manitoba

Gerrard, 4573-4574

Lathlin, 4573-4574

Government initiatives

Doer, 1666-1667

Mitchelson, 1666

High-risk wells

Chomiak, 2334-2335

Gerrard, 2334-2335

Safety measures

Chomiak, 4613

Enns, 4612-4613


Chomiak, 2032

Gerrard, 2032

East End Millennium Park, Brandon

Smith, S., 2064-2065

École Lavallée

Sod-turning ceremony

Asper, 4339-4340

Ecole Polytechnique

See National Day of Remembrance


See Electronic commerce

Economic development


Loewen, 4662

Government initiatives

Friesen, 4659-4660

Winnipeg, MB

Loewen, 4662

Economic Development, Standing Committee on. See also Economic Development Committee index

1st Report

Jennissen, 551

Economic growth

Capital investment

Stefanson, 374, 375-376


Stefanson, 375

Consumer spending

Stefanson, 375

Employment creation

Stefanson, 374

Employment statistics

Mihychuk, 1404

Tweed, 1407

Environmental protection

Caldwell, 415

General comments

Dacquay, 382

Driedger, 434

Dyck, 340-341, 358-359

Reimer, 311

Stefanson, 374

Government commitment

Helwer, 297-298

Government initiatives

Cerilli, 1518-1519

Government strategy

Schellenberg, 1270


Stefanson, 375

Migration rate

Tweed, 1407

Migration rates

Mihychuk, 1403-1404


Mihychuk, 1413-1414

Tweed, 1413-1414


Mihychuk, 1403

Tweed, 1407

Progressive Conservative policies

Nevakshonoff, 321

Rural Manitoba (See also Rural Economic Development Initiative)

Derkach, 326-327

Rocan, 450

Summit on the future of Manitoba's economy

Lemieux, 388-389

Sustainable development

Maguire, 410

Technological advancements

Gerrard, 950-951

Mihychuk, 951

Throne speech

Filmon, 153-154

Loewen, 46-47

Trade agreements

Filmon, 166-167

Economic Innovation and Technology Council

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 92)

Mihychuk, 269

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 203)

Mihychuk, 4728


Mihychuk, 2015

Tweed, 2015

Grant assistance

Mihychuk, 1860-1861

Tweed, 1860-1861

Education and Training, Department of


Debate, 1875-1892, 1935-1958, 3183-3218, 3280-3293, 3654-3679, 3752-3783, 3854-3883, 3981-3989, 4466-4489, 4535-4544


Caldwell, 1875-1891, 1935-1958, 3184-3218, 3281-3293, 3654-3679, 3752-3783, 3854-3883, 3981-3989, 4466-4488, 4539-4543

Derkach, 1881-1884, 1890-1892, 1935-1943, 1949-1954, 3861-3883, 3981-3989, 4470-4485, 4535-4542

Faurschou, 3208-3212, 3782-3783

Smith, J., 1878-1881, 1884-1890, 1943-1949, 1954-1958, 3184-3206, 3213-3217, 3280-3291, 3656-3679, 3752-3782, 3854-3860, 4466-4470

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 82)

Caldwell, 187

Better Methods Initiative

Caldwell, 3286-3287

Smith, J., 3286-3287

Boards and committees

Caldwell, 3186-3190, 3752-3753

Smith, J., 3186-3190, 3752-3753

Communication costs

Caldwell, 1886

Smith, J., 1886


Caldwell, 1876

Controllership function

Caldwell, 3283-3284

Smith, J., 3283

Educational service agreements

Caldwell, 3754-3755

Smith, J., 3754

Equipment maintenance costs

Caldwell, 3755

Smith, J., 3755

Financial and business planning

Caldwell, 3287

Smith, J., 3287

French-language programming

Caldwell, 3756-3757, 3758-3764

Smith, J., 3756, 3758, 3763

Human resource services

Caldwell, 3282, 3289-3290

Smith, J., 3282, 3289-3290

Interdepartmental service coordination

Caldwell, 3754

Smith, J., 3754

Job descriptions

Caldwell, 3185

Smith, J., 3185

Learning technologies

Caldwell, 1939-1943

Derkach, 1938-1943

Mission statement

Caldwell, 3185

Smith, J., 3185

Operating costs

Caldwell, 1886-1887

Smith, J., 1886-1887

Policy initiatives

Caldwell, 3217

Smith, J., 3217

Professional development

Aboriginal culture

Caldwell, 3195-3199

Smith, J., 3195

Caldwell, 3287

Smith, J., 3287

Regional managers

Caldwell, 3675

Smith, J., 3675

Research and Planning branch

Caldwell, 1948, 3291-3293, 3654-3656

Smith, J., 1948, 3291


Caldwell, 1885, 3184-3185, 3206-3207, 3214, 3767

Smith, J., 1885, 3184-3185, 3214, 3767

SAP program

Caldwell, 3286-3288

Smith, J., 3286-3288

Staff recognition

Caldwell, 1876


Caldwell, 1890-1892, 1936-1943, 1947, 1948-1954, 3184, 3185, 3207, 3282-3283, 3285-3286, 3672, 3675, 3678, 3755-3756, 3758

Derkach, 1890-1892, 1935-1943, 1949-1954

Smith, J., 1947, 1948-1949, 3184, 3185, 3282, 3285, 3342, 3672, 3675, 3678, 3755, 3758

Supplementary information (S.P. 158)

Caldwell, 1875

Sustainable Development Initiative

Caldwell, 1943-1944

Smith, J., 1943-1944

Transportation costs

Caldwell, 1886

Smith, J., 1886

Education and Training, Minister of

Apology request

Caldwell, 4497

Derkach, 4497

Doer, 4492, 4498

Mitchelson, 4492


Caldwell, 4495

Derkach, 4498

Doer, 4491-4492, 4498-4499

Mitchelson, 4491

Smith, J., 4494-4495

Relations with stakeholders

Caldwell, 4496

Smith, J., 4496

Resignation request

Caldwell, 5025

Doer, 4493-4494

Gerrard, 5025

Mitchelson, 4492-4493

Education system. See also Post-secondary education

Throne speech

Liba, 8

Aboriginal counselling services

Faurschou, 4168-4169

Robinson, 4169

Administration costs

Caldwell, 538, 540

Derkach, 537-538, 540-541

Doer, 540-541

Advertising policy

Caldwell, 89, 196-197, 417

Doer, 471

Filmon, 158

Nevakshonoff, 321-322

Schellenberg, 260-261

Schuler, 196-197, 290

Tweed, 89

Curriculum development

Caldwell, 1877

Smith, J., 1879


Smith, J., 406

French language instruction

Asper, 306-307


Caldwell, 416, 1876, 3215-3216

Dacquay, 383

Doer, 197, 801

Dyck, 23-24

Gerrard, 800-801

Lemieux, 390

Schuler, 291

Selinger, 801

Smith, J., 197, 3214-3216, 3339


Caldwell, 1876

Funding–special needs

Caldwell, 88, 1207-1208, 1264-1265

Gerrard, 88

Smith, J., 1207-1208, 1264-1265

General comments

Derkach, 329-330

Smith, J., 183-184

Government commitment

Allan, 1115

Cerilli, 364-365

Doer, 469

Liba, 8

Nevakshonoff, 322

Smith, S., 34

Government initiatives

Martindale, 334

Government priority

Asper, 305-306

Schellenberg, 259

Information technology

Caldwell, 3672-3673

Smith, J., 3672-3673

International standards

Caldwell, 3672

Smith, J., 3671

Internet access

Caldwell, 90

Penner, Jim, 90

Parental involvement

Smith, J., 183-184, 3339-3340

Partnership agreements

Penner, Jack, 1653-1654

Smith, J., 1879-1880

Schools of Choice program

Caldwell, 907, 3769-3774

Smith, J., 907, 3769-3774


Caldwell, 3855

Smith, J., 3855

Special Education Review

Caldwell, 3658-3660

Smith, J., 3658

Caldwell, 1877


Caldwell, 3676

Smith, J., 3676

Special education–curriculum development

Caldwell, 3660

Smith, J., 3660

Speech and hearing services

Caldwell, 3754

Smith, J., 3754

Standards testing

Caldwell, 91-92, 3666-3669, 3671-3672

Dacquay, 383

Derkach, 330

French immersion

Caldwell, 3757-3758

Smith, J., 3757-3758

Grade 3

Caldwell, 85-86, 89-90, 92, 195, 538, 602, 1876, 2036-2037, 2547-2549, 3661-3666, 3670-3671

Doer, 471, 601

Dyck, 2547

Filmon, 601-602

Gilleshammer, 89-90, 423-424

Praznik, 92

Schuler, 291

Smith, J., 85-86, 195, 538, 2036-2037, 2547-2548, 3661-3665, 3670

Grade 6

Caldwell, 90-91

Smith, J., 90

Praznik, 91

Smith, J., 1879-1880, 3340-3341, 3666

Student transportation costs

Caldwell, 3057

Dacquay, 3057

Technological infrastructure

Gerrard, 3345

Educational organizations

Grant funding

Caldwell, 1874


See Economic Innovation and Technology Council


Advertising regulations

Doer, 2939-2940, 3261

Gerrard, 2938-2940

Campaign contributions

Doer, 3260

Campaign period

Doer, 3261-3262

Canvassing–multiple residences

Doer, 3262

Election financing

Driedger, 148

Leave provisions

Doer, 3262

Returning officers, appointment of

Doer, 3261

Third-party spending

Doer, 3261

Elections Amendment Act (Bill 17)


Doer, 2843


Cummings, 4719-4722

Doer, 3261-3262

Gerrard, 4722-4723

Mitchelson, 4718-4719

Tweed, 4723-4724


Doer, 5084, 5086-5087

Filmon, 5086

Mitchelson, 5084, 5086, 5128-5129

Pitura, 5084-5085


Gerrard, 5354

Laurendeau, 5354


Liba, 5443

Elections Finances Act



Doer, 4896

Loewen, 4896

Corporate and union contributions

Doer, 84-85

Filmon, 84-85

Freedom of speech concerns

Doer, 4379-4383

Mitchelson, 4379-4383


Derkach, 4129-4131

Doer, 4118-4120, 4126-4127, 4129-4131, 4229, 4378-4379, 4682-4684

Loewen, 4229

Mitchelson, 4118-4120, 4125-4127, 4129, 4378, 4682-4684

Legal challenge

Doer, 4120-4121

Mitchelson, 4120

Legal opinion

Doer, 4684-4685

Gilleshammer, 4684-4685

National Citizens Coalition

Doer, 4850-4851

Tweed, 4850


Doer, 4127-4129, 4132-4133, 4807-4809, 4849-4850

Loewen, 4849

Mitchelson, 4127-4128, 4807-4809

Praznik, 4132

Elections Finances Amendment Act (Bill 4)


Doer, 2843


Doer, 3260-3261

Gerrard, 4715-4718

Gilleshammer, 4710-4715

Loewen, 4703-4710

Mitchelson, 4694-4702

R/S, 5083


Gerrard, 5324-5325

Gilleshammer, 5314-5318

Loewen, 5320-5324


Liba, 5443

Elections Manitoba. See also Chief Electoral Officer

Report–legislative review

Gerrard, 3926

Electoral Divisions Amendment Act (Bill 201)


Helwer, 4326-4327


Helwer, 4882-4885


Gerrard, 254

Electronic commerce. See also Access 204 Manitoba; Canada Customs and Revenue Agency

Consumer protection

Lemieux, 3080-3081

Government department usage

Selinger, 1360, 2066

Stefanson, 1360

Protection of privacy

Tweed, 1409


Mihychuk, 2008

Tweed, 2008

Electronic Commerce and Information, Consumer Protection Amendment and Manitoba Evidence Amendment Act (Bill 31)


Mihychuk, 2025-2026


Gerrard, 4346-4348

Maloway, 3042-3048

Mihychuk, 2308-2311

Penner, Jim, 4345-4346


Mackintosh, 4776

3r, 4927


Liba, 5444

Electronic documents

Legal evidence (See Electronic Commerce and Information, Consumer Protection Amendment and Manitoba Evidence Amendment Act (Bill 31))

Elevator Board


Barrett, 1757

Schuler, 1757


Barrett, 1758

Schuler, 1758

Per diems

Barrett, 1758

Schuler, 1758


Barrett, 1758, 2164-2168

Laurendeau, 2165-2167

Schuler, 1758, 2163-2165, 2167-2168

Smith, S., 2168


Barrett, 1757

Schuler, 1757

Elk industry. See also Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation


Penner, Jack, 3002-3004

Wowchuk, 3002-3003, 3005

Government position

Penner, Jack, 3001-3002

Wowchuk, 3002

Holding sites

Penner, Jack, 3002

Wowchuk, 3002

Marketing opportunities

Lathlin, 624-625

Penner, Jack, 1647


Penner, Jack, 3002

Wowchuk, 3002

Elk's Lodge–Neepawa

Cummings, 1322

Elwick Village Centre Project

Aglugub, 4857-4858

Emergency Measures Organization


Ashton, 1981-1982

Cummings, 1981-1982

Emergency Preparedness Week

Helwer, 873

Employee Pensions and Other Costs

Supplementary information (155)

Selinger, 1507

Employment creation. See also Call centres; Economic growth

Government strategy

High-tech positions

Doer, 43

Gerrard, 43

Selinger, 239-240

Stefanson, 239

Employment programs

See Concept Special Business Advisors

Aboriginal Employment Information Centre

Caldwell, 1878

Partners for Careers

Caldwell, 1878

Employment standards

Alternative dispute resolution

Barrett, 1743


Barrett, 1743


Barrett, 2898-2899

Schuler, 2898

First Nation communities

Barrett, 2898

Schuler, 2898

Inquiry statistics

Barrett, 2889-2891

Maguire, 2889-2890

Intake process

Barrett, 1743

Part-time employees

Barrett, 2898

Schuler, 2898

Unpaid family leave

Barrett, 2898

Schuler, 2898

Vacation pay

Barrett, 2899

Schuler, 2899

Employment standards, agricultural


Penner, Jack, 1808-1816, 2097-2098

Wowchuk, 1807-1816, 2098

Fork lift operations

Barrett, 2895

Faurshou, 2895


Penner, Jack, 1803-1805

Wowchuk, 1803-1804


Barrett, 2674-2680

Penner, Jack, 2674-2680

Public consultations

Barrett, 2888-2889

Maguire, 2888-2889

Employment statistics. See also Economic growth; Unemployment rate

Minimum wage earners

Barrett, 2886

Schuler, 2886

Enabling Appropriations and Other Appropriations

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 74)

Selinger, 187

Supplementary information (S.P. 179)

Selinger, 3387

Endangered species

See Special conservation andEndangered Species Fund

Energy and Mines, Department of

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 53)

Lathlin, 137

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 113)

Mihychuk, 533

Enforcement of Judgments Conventions and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 8)


Mackintosh, 692


Mackintosh, 845-846

Praznik, 3966


Mackintosh, 4579

3r, 4925-4926


Liba, 5443

Enns, Harry (Lakeside) P.C. See also Lakeside, Member for

Agricultural disaster assistance

Funding, 3326


Research and development, 5031-5033

Agriculture and Food, Department of

Estimates debate, 2096, 2190-2192


Budget Debate, 1170-1173

Budget, balanced, 458

Canada-Manitoba Agreement for Water Quantity Surveys

Update, 4087

Canadian Farm Income Program

Negotiations, 4010-4012

Condolences, Motions of

Bend, Robert William, 518-519

McKenzie, James Wallace, 513

Conservation, Department of

Estimates debate, 3738-3740, 3830-3831, 3972-3973, 4087-4090, 4353-4357

Regional operations, 3745

Resources, 3739-3740

Conservation, Minister of

Conflict of interest, 3738-3739

E. coli bacteria

Safety measures, 4612-4613

Endangered Spaces Campaign, 652

First Nation casinos

Social costs, 3493-3494

Fiscal Stabilization Fund

Agricultural disaster assistance, 1675

Fishing industry

Stock management, 4355


Agricultural disaster assistance, 887-890, 925-926, 4245-4247

Flood forecast, 3817, 3915, 4005

Flyer Industries

Management–former NDP administration, 460

Forest fires

Conditions, 4846

Fire conditions, 553

Fire protection priorities, 3838

Government Motions


Agricultural disaster assistance, 887-890, 925-926

Manitoba farm crisis, 124-127

Health care system

Regional system, 459

Interim Appropriation Act, 2000 (Bill 46)

2r, 3325-3326

Labour Relations Act

Amendments, 5081, 5254

Businesses, impact on, 4975-4976

Consultations, 5075-5076

Short-line railways, 5076-5077

Labour Relations Amendment Act (2) (Bill 44)

2r, 4520-4524, 4739-4740, 4741-4742

Labour Relations Amendment Act (Bill 18)

3r, 5385-5386

Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation

Bison industry–level of support, 2191-2192

Staffing, 2096

Manitoba farm crisis, 124-127

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Management–former NDP administration, 458

Members' Statements

Labour Relations Act

Amendments, 5081, 5254

Mining industry

Exploration, 459

Ministerial Statements

Endangered Spaces Campaign, 652


Flood forecast, 3817, 3915, 4005

Forest fires

Conditions, 4846

Fire conditions, 553

Opposition Day Motions


Agricultural disaster assistance, 4245-4247

Oral Questions

Canadian Farm Income Program

Negotiations, 4010-4012

E. coli bacteria

Safety measures, 4612-4613

First Nation casinos

Social costs, 3493-3494

Fiscal Stabilization Fund

Agricultural disaster assistance, 1675

Labour Relations Act


Businesses, impact on, 4975-4976

Consultations, 5075-5076

Short-line railways, 5076-5077

Trade agreements

Premier's position, 4227-4228

Wildlife Act


Justification, 4296

Public consultations, 1511-1512

Woodlands/St. Laurent, Rural Municipalities of

Property damage assistance, 142


Public Schools Amendment Act


4965; ruled in order, 5016

5013; ruled in order, 5067

5111; ruled in order, 5238

Pine Falls Paper Company

Expansion, 4353-4354

Planning Amendment Act (Bill 35)

2r, 4585-4592

3r, 5355-5358

Privilege, Matters of

Premier's comments, 4504-4505

Provincial Railways Amendment Act (Bill 14)

2r, 4322-4324

Public Schools Amendment Act (Bill 12)

R/S, 4917-4918, 5100-5101

3r, 5131

Public Schools Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 42)

2r, 3959-3963, 4080

Special Conservation and Endangered Species Fund

Update, 4357

Throne Speech

Debate, 456-460

Urgent Public Importance, Matters of

Flooding, 4029-4031

Veterinary service centres

Capital projects, 5030

Water resources

Groundwater management, 4087-4090

Waterway maintenance, 4091-4092

Water Resources Administration Amendment Act (Bill 21)

2r, 4144

Water Resources Conservation and Protection and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 6)

2r, 4138-4139

Water Rights Amendment Act (Bill 15)

2r, 3594-3595

Wildlife Act


Justification, 4296

Public consultations, 1511-1512

Wildlife Amendment Act (Bill 5)

2r, 4068-4069

Wildlife management/control

Beaver population, 4356-4357

Government initiatives, 3830-3831

Woodlands/St. Laurent, Rural Municipalities of

Property damage assistance, 142

Workers Compensation Board

Management–former NDP administration, 458

Enterprise System Management

Better Methods Initiative

Selinger, 2066

Consulting/operational support

Loewen, 1453, 1455

Selinger, 1453, 1455

Expenditure breakdown

Gilleshammer, 1452

Selinger, 1452

Future directions

Loewen, 1459

Selinger, 1459-1460

Government support

Selinger, 1464

Stefanson, 1464

Implementation schedule

Loewen, 1452

Selinger, 1452-1453

ISM, impact on

Loewen, 1455

Selinger, 1455-1456

Local expertise

Loewen, 1457

Selinger, 1457-1458

Payroll processing module

Loewen, 1453

Selinger, 1453-1454

SAP system

Selinger, 1352, 2064-2065

Status report

Selinger, 1363-1364

Software upgrades

Gilleshammer, 1452

Loewen, 1458

Selinger, 1452, 1458

Source code–ownership

Loewen, 1457

Selinger, 1457


Gilleshammer, 1452

Selinger, 1365, 1452

Stefanson, 1365

Training/travel expenses

Loewen, 1454

Selinger, 1454

Y2K compliance

Gilleshammer, 1456

Selinger, 1456

Environment, Department of

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 54)

Lathlin, 137

Environment Act


Lathlin, 3730-3731

Environmental issues. See also Lindane levels–East St. Paul

Throne speech

Liba, 9

Cleanup costs

Gerrard, 2139-2140

Selinger, 2139-2140

Government commitment

Liba, 9

Government credibility

Doer, 1624

Gerrard, 1624

Environmental licensing

Hydro transmission line–East St. Paul

Lathlin, 4081-4087

Schuler, 4081-4087

Environmental protection

Martindale, 336

Ericsson, Leif

Helwer, 4230

Eriksdale community initiatives

Nevakshonoff, 1934-1935

Essential Services Act

Ministerial responsibility

Barrett, 2681

Schuler, 2681


Barrett, 2681-2682

Schuler, 2681-2682

Ethanol industry


Maguire, 3741


Lathlin, 3733

Ewing, Steve

See Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co.–Mine accident

Executive Council


Debate, 4109-4124, 4194-4220, 4372-4395


Derkach, 4389-4392

Doer, 4109-4124, 4194-4220, 4372-4395

Gerrard, 4112-4113, 4121, 4214-4220, 4382-4383

Maguire, 4392-4393

Mitchelson, 4109-4120, 4122-4124, 4194-4214, 4372-4381, 4387

Penner, Jack, 4387-4389, 4394-4395

Cabinet shuffle

Doer, 4688

Schuler, 4688

Communications branch

Doer, 4115-4117

Mitchelson, 4115-4117

Labour relations–staffing

Doer, 4197-4199

Mitchelson, 4197-4199

Policy Management Secretariat

Doer, 4117

Mitchelson, 4117


Doer, 4109, 4113-4114, 4194

Mitchelson, 4113-4114, 4194

Political/civil service roles

Doer, 4121-4122

Gerrard, 4121

Export House

Status report

Mihychuk, 2004

Tweed, 2004

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