Hansard: Index

HOUSE INDEX - 5th Session - 40th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


ABA therapy. See Applied behavioral analysis therapy


New facility

Pedersen, 231-232

Aboriginal Academic Achievement Grant

Allum, 552, 957

Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week

Blady, 381

Aboriginal education

After-school programs

Allum, 176

Auditor General's report

Ewasko, 1038

Graduation rates

Allum, 544-545, 809, 956

Ewasko, 544-545, 557, 763, 809, 956

Friesen, 563

Goertzen, 571-572

Indigenous culture curriculum

Allum, 161, 176

Altemeyer, 307

Lathlin, 23

Nevakshonoff, 150

Robinson, 722

Selinger, 321

Wishart, 730

Martin Aboriginal Education Initiative

Allum, 552

Program funding supports

Allum, 544-545

Transitional programs

Wight, 1085

Triple A funding allocation

Ewasko, 556

Truth and Reconciliation Commission


Allum, 552

Gerrard, 560-561

Aboriginal Justice Inquiry

Ashton, 727

Blady, 734

Aboriginal women

Homicide rates

Driedger, 899

Property rights

Briese, 726

Wishart, 730

Violence against

Driedger, 489

Mitchelson, 518

Aboriginal women, missing and murdered

National inquiry

Altemeyer, 306

Ashton, 727


Rowat, 522

Roundtable on

Lathlin, 897


Domestic violence

Helwer, 876

Liquor pricing sales model

Gerrard, 63-64

Selinger, 63-64

Addiction services

First Nations communities

Mental health supports

Wishart, 622

Northern Manitoba communities

Lathlin, 695

Youth supports

Lathlin, 694

Addiction treatment

Facility (Thompson)

Lathlin, 695

Wait time for

Driedger, 346

Addiction treatment facilities

Thompson Manitoba

Lathlin, 695

Wait times for

Helwer, 876

Advisory Council on Workforce Development Amendment Act (Bill 12)

1 R

Chief, 423

Affordable housing units. See also HOMEWorks! Program

Condition of

Mitchelson, 101

Saran, 101

Rental costs and wait times

Mitchelson, 100-101

Saran, 100-101


Blady, 813

Graydon, 813

Agape Table, 165

Agricultural drainage

Wishart, 675

Agriculture industry. See also Association of Manitoba Community Pastures; Members' statements; Resolutions

Government support for

Graydon, 126-127

Air ambulance service

Contract tendering process

Cullen, 80

Helipad use, timeline for

Blady, 170-171

Driedger, 170

Aki Energy

Geothermal heat installation

Robinson, 710, 711

Hydro partnership

Wiebe, 795

ALL Aboard strategy. See also ALL Aboard strategy in Social and Economic Development Committee

Child poverty rates

Irvin-Ross, 14, 496-497

Wishart, 496

Effectiveness of program

Irvin-Ross, 245-246

Wishart, 245-246

Manitoba's Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion Strategy

Annual report 2014-2015

Irvin-Ross, 289

All-season roads

Princess Harbor connection

Briese, 394

Robinson, 394

Allan, Nancy (St. Vital) NDP

Child-care spaces

Investment in, 130

Condolence, motions of

Trouping, René, 281-283

Members' statements

Jocelyn House Hospice, 93

Karpyshin, Cherry and Prairie Theatre Exchange, 291

Pink Shirt Day, 537-538

Public Schools Amendment Act (Small Classes for K to 3) (Bill 2)

2 R, 356-358

Teaching profession

New positions, 356

Throne Speech

Debate, 129-132

Allum, Hon. James (Fort Garry-Riverview) NDP

Aboriginal Academic Achievement Grant, 552, 957

Aboriginal education

After-school programs, 176

Graduation rates, 544-545, 809, 956

Indigenous culture curriculum, 161, 176

Martin Aboriginal Education Initiative, 552

Program funding supports, 544-545

Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Recommendations, 552

Apprenticeship training programs

First-Year Now, 176

Trades training, women, 176

Assiniboine Community College

Annual report 2015-2015, 488

Canadian Wheat Board

Elimination of, 596

Climate change

Demand-side management (Hydro), 744-745

Condolence, motions of

Sherman, Louis Ralph "Bud," 365-366

Dakota Collegiate

Field of dreams project, 131

Education Administration Amendment Act (First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education Policy Framework) (Bill 13)

1 R, 423

2 R, 551-556

Consultation process, 553-554

Curriculum changes, 553, 554-555

Integrating Aboriginal Perspectives document, 555

Teacher training, 553

Education system

Apprenticeship training programs, 176

Changes to parental leave

Seniority and salary credits, 500

Gay-straight alliances, 132

Government initiatives, 161

Government record, 243-244

Science lab improvements, 131-132

Science, reading and math results, 243-244

First-Year Now initiative

Apprenticeship training in high school, 176

University and college credits, 176

Gay-straight alliances, 132

Gillam Mall

Records disclosure, 138-139

Indigenous Canadians

Graduation rates, 552

Jocelyn House Hospice, 132

Judicial system

French-language courtroom

Delay notice concerns, 812

Lake Winnipeg East System Improvement Transmission Project

Rural consultation concerns, 752

Little Saints Learning Centre, 130

Manitoba Hydro

Demand-side management

Climate change policy (NDP), 744-745

Government position, 745-746

Minnesota transmission line route, 144

Rate increases

Expansion plans, 808

Export market concerns, 210-211

Saskatchewan power sale, 890

Manitoba Student Aid

Annual report 2014-2015, 949

Manitoba Teachers' Society

K-to-3 class size survey results, 354

Manitoba Teachers' Society Act (Bill 17)

1 R, 487-488

2 R, 756-760

C/3 R, 1035-1036

Bylaws, changes to, 760

Corporations Act, applicability of, 759-760

Disciplinary procedures, 760

Manitoba Text Book Bureau

Special Operating Agency

Annual report 2014/2015, 488

Martin Aboriginal Education Initiative, 552

Members' statements

Jost, Bill, 803

Open Circle, 55

Synonym Art Consultation, 428

Mining and minerals industry

Duty-to-consult policy, 137

Future of industry, 136

Mining exploration

Investment in, 137

New West Partnership Agreement

Manitoba businesses, impact on, 97-99

Oral Questions

Aboriginal students

Graduation rates, 544-545, 809, 956

Changes to parental leave

Seniority and salary credits, 500

Demand-side management

Government position, 745-746

Education system

Government record, 243-244

Ex-Red River College employees

Senior staff severance packages, 167-168

French-language courtroom

Delay notice concerns, 812

Gillam Mall

Records disclosure, 138-139

Hydro expansion

Rate increases, 808

Hydro rate increases

Export market concerns, 210-211

Involvement in New West Partnership

Impact on Manitoba businesses, 97-99

Lake Winnipeg East transmission project

Rural consultation concerns, 752

Manitoba Hydro transmission line

Minnesota line route concerns, 144

Mining industry concerns

Duty-to-consult policy, 137

Future of industry, 136

Investment in exploration, 137

NDP climate change policy

Demand-side management, 744-745

Provincial sales tax

Future increase, 502

Student financial aid system

Implementation timeline, 809-810

Timeline and costs-update, 650

Syrian refugees

Education challenges, 243

Throne speech promises

Economic impact on Manitobans, 241-242

Parental leave

Education system

Seniority and salary credits, 500

Participation of Manitoba in the New West Partnership Act (Bill 207)

2 R, 685, 689-690, 889-890

Points of Order

P/O by Martin regarding questions during second reading, 662

Post-secondary education

Government initiatives, 160

Student residences, need for, 176

Post-Secondary Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policies Act (Various Acts Amended) (Bill 3)

1 R, 53

Project Peacemakers, 55

Provincial sales tax

Future increase, 502

Public Schools Amendment Act (Continuity of Learning) (Bill 19)

1 R, 639

Public Schools Amendment Act (Protecting Child Care Space in Schools) (Bill 7)

2 R, 363, 413-415

Space requirements, 413-414

Public Schools Amendment Act (Small Classes for K to 3) (Bill 2)

2 R, 350-355

Funding commitment, 352

Manitoba Teachers' Society

Survey results, 354

R.D. Parker Collegiate

Trades training centre, 177

Red River College

Financial statements, June 30th, 2015, 488

Severance packages, ex-senior staff, 167-168


Manitoba Needs a Social Licence for Agriculture, 595-596

Safe Suite Program

Seniors protection, 788

Seniors' Rights and Elder Abuse Protection Act (Bill 205)

2 R, 787-791

Implementation concerns, 787-788

Severance packages

Red River College, 167-168

Social determinants of health, 159

Student Financial Aid Information System

Implementation timeline, 809-810

Timeline and costs-update, 650

Syrian refugees

Education challenges, 243, 353

Teaching profession

New positions, 352

Throne Speech

Debate, 158-161, 175-178

Economic impact of, 241-242

Trades training, women

Apprenticeship numbers, 176

Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Aboriginal education recommendations, 552

Wildwood Park Community Centre, 803

Altemeyer, Rob (Wolseley) NDP

Aboriginal education

Indigenous culture curriculum, 307

Aboriginal women, missing and murdered

National inquiry, 306

Blue Dot Declaration

Manitoba participation, 307


Curbside composting, 307

Canadian Wheat Board

Grain prices, 597

City of Winnipeg

Curbside composting, 307

Rail line relocation, 308

Waste water treatment plants, 307

Composting, curbside (Brandon), 307

Composting, curbside (City of Winnipeg), 307

Condolence, motions of

Trouping, René, 286-287

Conservation districts

Protected status, additional hectares, 307

Elections funding

Donor limits, 610

Electric buses, 307

First Nations communities

Government relations, 306

Grain prices, 597

Inuit Art Centre

Winnipeg Art Gallery, 308

Manitoba Hydro

Minnesota transmission line route, 480-482

Oral Questions

Changes to surface water management

Lake, river and wetlands protection, 215

Elections funding

Donor limits, 610

Participation of Manitoba in the New West Partnership Act (Bill 207)

2 R, 685-687

Rail line relocation

City of Winnipeg, 308


Manitoba Needs a Social Licence for Agriculture, 596-597

Transparency lacking in routing of Manitoba-Minnesota transmission line, 480-482

Shoal Lake 40 First Nation

Freedom Road construction, 306

Surface water management

Lake, river and wetlands protection, 215

Syrian refugees

Support for, 307

Throne Speech

Debate, 305-308

Wetlands protection

Surface water management, 215

Winnipeg Art Gallery

Inuit Art Centre, 308

Alternate land-use services

Wishart, 674

Alzheimer's disease

Aggressive patients

Personal-care-home placements

Gerrard, 1020

Selinger, 1020

Elder abuse

Graydon, 537

Ambulance services

Fees, need for lower

Driedger, 693

Graydon, 696

Fees, rural Manitoba

Driedger, 1084

Patient off-load wait times

Blady, 99-100

Driedger, 99-100

An Act Respecting the Administration of Oaths of Office (Bill 1)

1 R

Selinger, 7

Anhad Spiritual Centre. See Members' statements

Anne Ross Day Nursery

Driedger, 346

Howard, 682

Mitchelson, 349

Swan, 345, 681

Applied behavioral analysis therapy. See also Members' statements

Treatment wait times

Gerrard, 171-172, 428, 750-751

Irvin-Ross, 172-173, 300-301, 750-751

Wishart, 300-301

Apprenticeship training programs

First-Year Now

Allum, 176

Rural Manitoba locations

Kostyshyn, 86

Trades training, women

Allum, 176

Arctic research facility

Churchill Manitoba

Marcelino, F., 195

Selinger, 321

Arlington Bridge replacement

Swan, 186

Arts and culture

Government funding record

Gerrard, 853-854

Selinger, 853-854

Ashton, Hon. Steve (Thompson) NDP

Aboriginal Justice Inquiry, 727

Aboriginal women, missing and murdered

National inquiry, 727

Bidding practices, competitive

Highway signage contract, 330-331

Community benefits agreements

First Nations communities, 1048-1049

Condolence, motions of

Sherman, Louis Ralph "Bud," 368-370

Trouping, René, 278

Trueman, Inez, 374

Contract tendering process

Floodfighting equipment, 38

Government record, 501

Ombudsman's report, 1046-1047

Contracts, provincial government

Competitive bidding practices, 297-299

CP Railway access

First Street Bridge project, 610

Export and trade

Trade deals

Dispute-resolution, 893

First Nations communities

Community benefits agreements, 1048-1049

Partnerships with, 894

First Street Bridge project

CP Rail access agreement, 610

Flood (2011)

Claim settlements, 814

Floodfighting equipment

Contract tendering process, 38

Ombudsman's report findings, 995


Lake Manitoba, 1100

Grass fires

Road closures

Municipal preparedness, 302-303

Highway 1A west access

Safety concerns, 104-105

Highways and roads

Funding increase, 39

RTAC road, interprovincial standards, 892

Spring load restrictions, 892-893

Indigenous Canadians

Revenue sharing, 728

Infrastructure spending

PST increase, 1015-1016

Keeyask Project

Aboriginal employees, 727-728

Lake Manitoba flood

Promises to flood victims, 1100

Louis Riel

Portrait in Legislature, 727

Manitoba Hydro

Aboriginal employees, 894


Grass fire preparedness, 302-303

Oil and gas development, 894

Oral Questions

Community benefits agreements

First Nations communities, 1048-1049

Competitive bidding practices

Highway signage contract, 330-331

Contract tendering practices

Government record, 501

First Street Bridge project

CP Rail access agreement, 610

Flooding 2011

Claim settlements, 814

Grass fires and road closures

Municipal preparedness, 302-303

Highway 1A west access

Safety concerns, 104-105

Lake Manitoba flood

Promises to flood victims, 1100

Perimeter Highway upgrades

Interchange development, 19

Provincial government contracts

Competitive bidding practices, 297-299

Provincial sales tax increase

Infrastructure spending record, 1015-1016

Tendering practices

Ombudsman's report, 1046-1047

Tiger Dam System

Contract tendering practices, 812-813

Water control structures

Report and legislation, 712-713

Participation of Manitoba in the New West Partnership Act (Bill 207)

2 R, 892-894

Path to Reconciliation Act (Bill 18)

2 R, 727-728

Perimeter Highway

Interchange development, 19, 35

Portage Diversion

Operating guideline review, 712


Investment in, 894

Provincial sales tax increase

Infrastructure spending record, 1015-1016

Red River Floodway

Operating guideline review, 712


Attempted transgression for Tiger Dams purchase, 994-996

Small business

Zero tax rate, 893-894

Tataskweyak Cree Nation

Employment opportunities, 728


Trade centre, new, 728

Throne Speech

Debate, 35-40

Tiger Dam System

Contract tendering process, 812-813, 995-996

Effectiveness of, 995

Water control structures

Report and legislation, 712-713

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs

Customary care report recommendations

Irvin-Ross, 616

Assiniboine Community College

Annual report 2015-2015

Allum, 488

Assiniboine Park Conservancy

Stefanson, 254

Assiniboine River Basin Initiative

Pedersen, 832

Assiniboine River dike system

Location of maps and records

Kostyshyn, 434-435

Wishart, 434-435

Assiniboine Valley

Yearly flooding

Cullen, 839

Association of Manitoba Community Pastures

Flood protection

Kostyshyn, 590

General comments

Kostyshyn, 85

Auditor General Reports. See Auditor General's Report in Public Accounts Committee

Auditor General's Report

Follow-up of Recommendations, November 2015

Waiving of Competitive Bids

Mackintosh, 381

Autism treatment. See also Applied behavioral analysis therapy

Medicare coverage

Gerrard, 1087

Auto theft

Electronic monitoring

Goertzen, 401

Mackintosh, 401

Electronic monitoring, young offenders

Goertzen, 868


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