Hansard: Index

STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 1st Session - 41st Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z



Gardner, William (Manitoba Employers Council)

Labour Relations Amendment Act (Bill 7)

Card-check statistics, SED79

Public presentations, SED78-80

Secret ballot voting, SED78-79, SED80

Garinger, Laura (University of Winnipeg Students' Association)

Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention Act (Advanced Education Administration Act and Private Vocational Institutions Act Amended) (Bill 15)

Active consent, definition of, LA87

Committee, student representation, LA86

Cultural sensitivity, definition of, LA87-88

Culture of consent, LA87

Public presentations, LA85-86

Public reporting, LA86

Rape culture, LA85

Gawransky, Michelle (Manitoba Government and General Employees Union)

Labour Relations Amendment Act (Bill 7)

Automatic certification, SED13

Organizing drive, SED14

Public presentations, SED13-14

Worker intimidation, SED14

Mental Health Amendment Act (Bill 3)

Public presentations, LA4-5

Transport of patients awaiting assessment

Training of the escorts, LA5

Gerrard, Hon. Jon (River Heights) Lib.

Auditor General's Report-Annual Report to the Legislature, March 2014

Chapter 6: Managing the Province's Adult Offenders

Traditional justice approach, PA85

Fatality Inquiries Amendment and Vital Statistics Amendment Act (Bill 17)

Death certificate, cause of death, LA104

Highway safety

Road fatalities, increase in, PB7

Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board

Bipole III transmission line

Landowner committee meeting, CC109

Protecting Children (Information Sharing) Act (Bill 8)


Clause 4, LA76

Family strengths, emphasis on, LA64

Forensic interview, conviction rate increase, LA66

Gibson, Darren (Private Citizen)

Labour Relations Amendment Act (Bill 7)

Automatic certification, SED20

Bill C-377, repeal of (federal), SED21

Public presentations, SED19-21

Secret ballot voting, SED19-20

Gillingham, Scott (Private Citizen)

City of Winnipeg

Severance disclosure, LA106

Public Sector Compensation Disclosure Amendment Act (Bill 14)

City of Winnipeg, technical staff

Severance disclosure, LA108

Employee's identity, protection of, LA107

Public presentations, LA106-107

Gjerek, Rosemarie (Klinic Community Health)

Education system (K-12)

Sexual education curriculum update, LA92

Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention Act (Advanced Education Administration Act and Private Vocational Institutions Act Amended) (Bill 15)

Administration, limits on, LA93

Confidentiality and information sharing, LA92, LA93

Disclosure and reporting, LA92

Public presentations, LA91-92

Sexual violence protocol, LA91

Sexual violence, definition of, LA91

Training, LA92

Godard, John (Private Citizen)

Labour Relations Amendment Act (Bill 7)

Public presentations, SED45-47

Reasons for organizing, SED47

Goertzen, Brianne (Private Citizen)

Labour Relations Amendment Act (Bill 7)

Public presentations, SED101-102

Worker intimidation, SED102

Goertzen, Chris (Association of Manitoba Municipalities)

Mental Health Amendment Act (Bill 3)

Public presentations, LA2-3

Goertzen, Hon. Kelvin (Steinbach) PC

Emergency rooms

Safety and security, LA7

Mental Health Amendment Act (Bill 3)

Opening statements, LA46-47

Transport of patients awaiting assessment

Authority decisions, LA48

Consultation process, LA48-49

Hospitals right to refuse, LA48

Overtime costs, LA3-4

Responsibility of supervision, LA3

Training provision, LA5, LA47

Graceffo, Greg (Associate Deputy Minister of Justice)

Auditor General's Report-Annual Report to the Legislature, March 2014

Chapter 6: Managing the Province's Adult Offenders

Block by Block program, PA85

Corrections Offender Management System, PA84

Mental health and addiction services, PA78

Thunderwing initiative, PA85

Winding River Therapeutic centre, PA78-79

Winding River Therapeutic centre, PA78-79

Graydon, Clifford (Emerson) PC

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Day Act (Bill 208)

Opening statements, PB14

Guillemard, Sarah (Fort Richmond) PC

Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries Corporation

Accessibility of buildings, CC56

Corporate responsibility, CC58

Guimond, Dan (President and Chief Executive Officer, Manitoba Public Insurance)

First Nation communities

Drivers' ed programs, CC38

MPI office locations, CC38

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Accident rate reduction, CC33

Bicycles, licensing of, CC46

Building and parking lot investments, CC43

Cost Containment Committee, CC40

Cycling infrastructure plans, CC47

Cyclist claims, CC46

Cyclist safety, CC45-46

Cyclist safety (for drivers), 47

Distracted driving, cellphone use, CC32

Driver education programs (North), CC39

Driverless cars, CC29-30, CC31-32

Extreme weather events, CC29

First Nation drivers' ed programs, CC38

First Nation MPI office, CC38

Hail damage claims, CC28-29

Hail damage, prevention, CC29

Interest rate forecast risk factor, CC26-28

Investment portfolio, increase on returns, CC39, CC41-42

IT costs, CC41

Mission statements, CC45

Rate shock, CC28

Rate Stabilization Reserve, CC31

Northern Manitoba communities

Driver education programs, CC39


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