Hansard: Index

HOUSE INDEX - 2nd Session - 41st Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z



Hall, Wayne. See Members' statements

Halloween safety warning

Fentanyl blotters discovered

Goertzen, 3255-3256

Klassen, 3255-3256

Stefanson, 3256

Handi-Transit services

Funding intention

Allum, 2541-2542

Pallister, 2541-2542

Hanover School Division

Human rights training

Kinew, 1996

Wishart, 1996

New schools, plan for

Kinew, 1616

Wishart, 1616

Respect in Schools program

Kinew, 1996

Wishart, 1996

Small class size funding inquiry

Kinew, 593-594

Wishart, 593-594

Headingley, RM of

Twenty-fifth anniversary events

Martin, 1332-1333

Health Accord

Federal negotiations

Goertzen, 693, 948-949

Lamoureux, 692-693

Pallister, 693

Wiebe, 948-949

General comments

Goertzen, 2464-2465

Wiebe, 2464-2465

Manitoba's position

Goertzen, 399-400

Lamoureux, 399-400

Negotiation concerns

Goertzen, 404

Lamoureux, 424, 1477

Marcelino, F., 1042-1043

Pallister, 1042-1043, 1477

Signing, timeline for

Allum, 353

Goertzen, 1970-1971, 2419

Lamoureux, 1970-1971, 2603-2604

Pallister, 2603-2604

Wiebe, 2419

Status update

Gerrard, 1650

Goertzen, 1650-1651

Health and wellness promotion

Funding cuts to

Gerrard, 315

Health professions. See Regulated Health Professions Amendment Act

Health Sciences Centre, emergency room

Closure, impact of

Maloway, 1354

Patient transfers, victims of violence

Kinew, 1275

Wait times

Smith, B., 3599

Health Sector Bargaining Unit Review Act (Bill 29)

1 R

Goertzen, 801

2 R


Gerrard, 1171

Goertzen, 1164-1166

Wiebe, 1168-1171


Gerrard, 1166-1168

Goertzen, 1166-1168

Wiebe, 1166-1168

Referred to Standing Committee on Legislative Affairs

C 3/R

Gerrard, 2749-2750

Wiebe, 2747-2749


Filmon, 2752

Bargaining representative, appointment of

Goertzen, 1165

Wiebe, 1169

Bargaining representative, selection process

Goertzen, 1168

Wiebe, 1168

Bargaining units, number of

Goertzen, 1164

Bargaining units, target number

Goertzen, 1166

Wiebe, 1166

CancerCare Diagnostic Services workers, impact on

Goertzen, 1167

Wiebe, 1167, 1169

Consultations with organizations

Lindsey, 1753-1754

Pallister, 1753-1754

Employers' organization, establishment of

Wiebe, 1170

Large vs. small units

Gerrard, 1166-1167, 1171

Goertzen, 1167

Province-wide workers, effect on

Goertzen, 1167

Wiebe, 1167

Small units, consultation with

Goertzen, 1167

Wiebe, 1167

Small units, impact on

Wiebe, 1170

Timeline for completion

Gerrard, 1168

Goertzen, 1168

Health Services Insurance Amendment Act (Bill 232)

1 R

Swan, 2893

Health Sustainability and Innovation Review

KPMG report costs

Goertzen, 1634

Wiebe, 1634

KPMG report, ER recommendations

Goertzen, 1640-1644

Wiebe, 1640-1644

KPMG report, release of

Allum, 1588-1589, 1606-1615

Goertzen, 1375, 1379, 1419-1420, 1633-1636, 1637-1640

Kinew, 2900-2901, 3518-3519

Lamoureux, 1379

Marcelino, F., 1595-1596

Pallister, 1375-1376, 1588-1590, 1595-1596, 1606-1615, 2900-2901, 3518-3519

Swan, 516

Wiebe, 1375, 1419-1420, 1633-1636, 1637-1640

Peachey report recommendations

Friesen, 3003-3004

Goertzen, 1644-1646, 1649

Wiebe, 1644-1645, 1649

Steering committee members

Goertzen, 1636-1637

Wiebe, 1636

Health-care boards

Aboriginal representation

Goertzen, 1647-1648

Lathlin, 1647

Health-care budget

Front-line workers, impact on

Goertzen, 1590

Lindsey, 1590

Pallister, 1590

Government plan

Marcelino, F., 1581-1582

Pallister, 1582-1583

Patient care, impact on

Goertzen, 1583-1584

Wiebe, 1583-1584

Health-care premium. See also Opposition Day Motion


Helwer, 3111-3112

Schuler, 3119

Government intention

Goertzen, 3095-3096

Kinew, 2850-2851

Pallister, 2850-2852

Swan, 3095-3096

KPMG recommendations

Allum, 3003

Friesen, 3003-3004

Manitobans, impact on

Kinew, 2806, 2814-2815, 2960-2962

Pallister, 2814-2815, 2960-2962

Tax fairness

Allum, 2834-2835

Helwer, 2834-2835

Health-care professionals

Mental and physical health of

Gerrard, 2721

Health-care services. See also Canada Health Transfer; Resolutions; Specific health authorities

Budget 2017

Friesen, 3009

Gerrard, 132, 3009

Capital projects

Allum, 448, 728

Friesen, 448, 728

Goertzen, 433-434, 1151, 1566-1567

Maloway, 611

Marcelino, F., 2561

Pallister, 1704-1708

Wiebe, 1150-1151, 1360, 1706

Collective bargaining unit reduction

Union bargaining councils, use of

Gerrard, 1973-1974

Goertzen, 1973-1974

Pallister, 1974

Community partners

Wiebe, 284

Concern over program changes (for women)

Goertzen, 2965-2966

Lamoureux, 2965

Federal funding percentage

Friesen, 2490-2491

Gerrard, 2490

Goertzen, 404-405

Selinger, 3391

Smith, A., 755-756

Wiebe, 406-407

Federal funding proposal

Lagimodiere, 412

Financial report findings

Marcelino, F., 431-432

Pallister, 431-432

Fiscal outlook

Allum, 3097-3098

Friesen, 3097-3098

Flu shot clinic closures

Kinew, 3422-3423

Pallister, 3422-3423

Front-line workers

Goertzen, 1530

Lindsey, 1530

Pallister, 1530

Funding agreement, long-term

Smith, A., 756

Funding cut concerns

Goertzen, 335-336, 396-397, 2903-2904

Marcelino, F., 333-334, 431, 719

Pallister, 333-335, 431, 719

Swan, 2903-2904

Wiebe, 335, 396-397, 787

Future of facility (Burrows)

Goertzen, 1303

Lamoureux, 1303

Government intention

Goertzen, 888-889

Guillemard, 28

Kinew, 3093-3094

Marcelino, F., 808-809

Pallister, 808-809, 3093-3094

Wiebe, 751-752, 888-889

Government record

Marcelino, F., 1374, 1841-1842

Pallister, 1374, 1841-1842

Health transfers, negotiations

Kinew, 1276

Infrastructure spending

Marcelino, F., 1149

Pallister, 1149, 1697-1700

Wiebe, 1697-1699

Intensive care unit closures

Goertzen, 2644-2645

Wiebe, 2644-2645

Investments in

Mayer, 1313

Medical expenses case concern

Health minister, request for meeting

Goertzen, 592

Wiebe, 592

Metis community, funding for

Gerrard, 1349

Maloway, 2713

Micklefield, 2711-2712

Metis community, health ailments

Gerrard, 2710-2711

Midwives, use of

Kinew, 1717

Wishart, 1717

PC election campaign

Fontaine, 753

Wiebe, 753

Peachey report recommendations

Bindle, 3603

Gerrard, 3214

Goertzen, 2148-2150, 3214

Maloway, 2148-2150

Pallister, 3214

Physical size discrimination

Gerrard, 2463

Goertzen, 2463-2464

Preventative funding

Gerrard, 2855, 3114

Goertzen, 2855-2856

Preventative measures, diabetes

Gerrard, 1349

Preventative medicine

Investments needed

Kinew, 3472-3473

Primary prevention, need for

Kinew, 1276

Primary services funding

Gerrard, 2855

Goertzen, 2855

Private system, reporting on

Goertzen, 2010-2011

Wiebe, 2010

Privatization concerns

Allum, 1044-1045

Friesen, 1044-1045

Goertzen, 81, 268-269, 310-311, 991, 1043-1044

Marcelino, F., 49

Wiebe, 80-81, 268-269, 310-311, 991, 1043-1044

Program funding

Goertzen, 433-434

Wiebe, 433-434

Review of

Lagimodiere, 137

Lamoureux, 754

Pedersen, 166

Wiebe, 282, 754

Saskatchewan model

Goertzen, 2011-2013

Wiebe, 2011-2012

Service and therapy animals

Guillemard, 470

Maloway, 470

Spending vs. results

Johnson, 87

Lagimodiere, 3107

Standards of care

Lagimodiere, 3107

Sustainability of

Friesen, 449

Goertzen, 1566

Lagassé, 419

Lagimodiere, 413, 760-761

Smith, A., 755-756

Sustainability plan

Kinew, 546

Systemic efficiencies

Selinger, 171

Travel for

Morley-Lecomte, 754

Wiebe, 754

Wait time task force

Gerrard, 133

Goertzen, 80

Wiebe, 80

Wait times

Lagimodiere, 3106-3107

Health-care services, changes to

Front-line services/workers, impact on

Goertzen, 3614

Kinew, 3455-3456

Pallister, 3455-3456

Swan, 3613-3614

Funding decision, request to reverse

Kinew, 3421-3422, 3611-3612

Pallister, 3422, 3611-3612

Implementation timeline

Goertzen, 1886

Lamoureux, 1886

Patient care, impact on

Goertzen, 1680-1681

Kinew, 2898-2900, 3033-3034, 3420-3421

Marcelino, F., 1679-1680

Pallister, 1679-1680, 2898-2900, 3033-3034, 3421

Wiebe, 1680-1681

Public sector workers, impact on

Fontaine, 1683-1684

Goertzen, 1683-1684

Reprisal against staff concerns

Kinew, 3421

Pallister, 3421

Riverview Health Centre, impact on

Kinew, 3456-3458

Pallister, 3456-3458

Health-care services, rural

Doctor retention program

Goertzen, 1584-1585

Lathlin, 1584

ER's, plan for

Marcelino, F., 2597-2598

Pallister, 2598

Grant distribution, reduction in

Goertzen, 2422

Wiebe, 2422

Health-care services, United States

Manitobans receiving

Altru Agreement

Goertzen, 591

Wiebe, 590-591

General liability insurance, purchase of

Goertzen, 591

Wiebe, 591

Health-care services, women

Administrative responsibility inquiry

Fontaine, 2303-2304

Goertzen, 2303-2304

Pallister, 2304

Health, Seniors and Active Living Department

Active Living Department

External grant funding

Goertzen, 2229-2230

Wiebe, 2229-2230

Supplies & Services funding

Goertzen, 2228-2229

Wiebe, 2228-2229

Capital spending decrease

Goertzen, 2009

Wiebe, 2009


Debate, 1566-1578, 1633-1651, 1730-1745, 1800-1816, 1924-1934, 2008-2027, 2142-2155, 2215-2231, 2417-2430, 2508

Opening statements

Goertzen, 1566-1567

Wiebe, 1568


Allum, 1739-1742

Altemeyer, 1735-1739

Fontaine, 2216-2226

Gerrard, 1649-1651, 1743-1745, 2424

Goertzen, 1568-1578, 1633-1651, 1730-1745, 1800-1816, 1924-1934, 2008-2020, 2022-2028, 2142-2155, 2216-2231, 2417-2430

Lathlin, 1646-1648, 1730-1733, 1924-1927

Lindsey, 1803-1811

Maloway, 1812-1813, 1931-1933, 2022-2027, 2142-2148

Marcelino, F., 1734

Wiebe, 1568-1578, 1633-1645, 1800-1803, 1814-1815, 1927-1931, 2008-2022, 2143-2155, 2226-2231, 2417-2423, 2425-2429

Intergovernmental Strategic Relations

Federal negotiations, involvement with

Goertzen, 2417-2419

Wiebe, 2417-2419

Management reduction

Goertzen, 2231

Wiebe, 2231

Staff introductions

Fontaine, 2216

Goertzen, 1568, 1633, 1730, 1800, 1924, 2008-2009, 2142, 2216, 2417

Lathlin, 1730, 1924

Wiebe, 1568, 1633, 1800, 2010, 2143, 2419

Supplementary Information for Legislative Review

Goertzen, 1465

Healthy Child Committee of Cabinet

Membership update

Kinew, 1999-2000

Wishart, 1999-2000

Program update

Kinew, 1996

Wishart, 1996

Healthy Child Manitoba

Organizational and funding changes

Kinew, 1998-1999, 2000

Wishart, 1998-1999, 2000

Suicide prevention programs

Kinew, 1997

Wishart, 1997

Healthy communities

Development of

Selinger, 3392

Healthy food and primary prevention

Means of accessibility

Kinew, 3365-3367

Pallister, 3366-3367

Heart and Stroke Foundation. See Members' statements

Helwer, Reg (Brandon West) PC

Brandon University strike, 1401

Budget Debate, 1400-1402

Canadian Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Labour Mobility Act and Regulated Health Professions Act Amended) (Bill 39)

2 R

Debate, 2922-2924

Efficiency Manitoba Act (Bill 19)

2 R

Debate, 1224

Financial Administration Amendment Act (Economic Indicators) (Bill 216)

2 R

Debate, 1132

Questions, 1125

Long-term projections, 1125

Health-care premium

Consultations, 3111-3112

Tax fairness, 2834-2835

Housing solutions

Trilateral partnerships, 1848

Immigrant population

Economic contribution, 356

Skills training programs, 595

Labour Relations Amendment Act (Right to Collective Bargaining) (Bill 217)

2 R

Questions, 743-744

Members' statements

Brandon area flood protection, 1333-1334

Brandon Day at the Legislature, 149

Legion National Youth Track and Field Championships, 2847-2848

National Organ and Tissue Donors Awareness Week, 1522

No Stone Left Alone ceremony, 3516

Organ and tissue donation, 332

Penny, Don, 2342-2343

Royal Manitoba Winter Fair, 885-886

Mining industry

Exploration and development, 1401

Investment initiatives, 356

New West Partnership Agreement

Trade barriers, reduction in, 893

New West Partnership Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Various Acts Amended) (Bill 7)

2 R

Debate, 354-356

C 3/R, 2369-2371

Opposition Day Motion

Health-care premium, 3110-3112

Urging the Provincial Government to make investments in palliative care, mental health, drug treatment and pain relief and access to medical assistance in dying, 3576-3578

Oral Questions

Housing solutions

Trilateral partnerships, 1848

New West Partnership Agreement

Reduction in trade barriers, 893

Newcomers to Manitoba

Skills training programs, 595

Points of Order

P/O by Helwer regarding comments made by the Member for River Heights during debate, 2940

Provincial sales tax increase

NDP election promise, 3111

Public Health Amendment Act (Bill 207)

2 R

Questions, 372


Withdrawal of the federal government's proposal on tax planning using private corporations

Debate, 2831-2834

Questions, 2834-2836

Settlement of International Investment Disputes Act (Bill 211)

1 R, 526

Surface Water Management Act (Amendment to Various Acts to Protect Lakes and Wetlands) (Bill 219)

2 R

Debate, 2236-2238

Tax reform--federal

Effective date, timeline for, 2836

Finance minister (federal), consultations, 2834

Income sharing, 2835, 2923

Retroactive provision, 2836

Small and medium-sized enterprises, 2832-2833

Small business, consultation with, 2835

Tax professional analysis, 2834

Zebra mussel infestation

NDP record, 2238

Henderson, Robert. See Members' statements under French Legion of Honour Medal recipients

Hereditary angioedema. See Members' statements

Heritage North Museum. See Members' statements

Highway 280

Closure of

Lathlin, 2392-2393

Pedersen, 2392-2393

Upgrades, need for

Lindsey, 2372

Highway 304. See East-side road construction

Highway 395

Maintenance of

Lindsey, 1310

Highway 59

Perimeter cloverleaf construction

Maloway, 3291-3292

Schuler, 3292

Highways and roads. See also Members' statements; Ministerial statements; specific highways and roads

Agricultural vehicles, safety practices

Eichler, 2264

Lagimodiere, 2264

Budget 2017

Wharton, 1389

Construction needs

Maloway, 1859

Dangerous driving prevention

Johnson, 2353

Stefanson, 2353

Flood protection

Maloway, 916

Rural maintenance

Martin, 53

Sidewalk accessibility improvements

Selinger, 3076

Snow-clearing services

Lamoureux, 3205

Lindsey, 3205

Schuler, 3204-3205

Spending plans

Lindsey, 58

Hindu Society of Manitoba. See Members' statements

Hippocratic oath

Medical assistance in dying (MAID)

Fletcher, 3344

HIV. See Ministerial statements under World AIDS Day

Hjalmarson, Sue. See Members' statements

Hog industry

Development of

Michaleski, 1033

Manure management

Michaleski, 1032


Pallister, 995

Hog industry expansion

Greenhouse gas emissions

Altemeyer, 1156

Cox, 1156

Lake Winnipeg phosphorus levels

Altemeyer, 2043-2044

Cox, 2044-2045

Yakimoski, 3593

Holocaust Memorial Day

Gerrard, 1466-1467

Stefanson, 1465-1466

Swan, 1466

Home-care services

Auditor General's recommendations

Goertzen, 309

Lamoureux, 308-309

Certified attendants, number of

Goertzen, 1928

Wiebe, 1928

Enhanced service model

Goertzen, 1928

Wiebe, 1928

Expansion of--Northern Manitoba

Goertzen, 1925

Lathlin, 1925

Family caregivers

Goertzen, 1930

Wiebe, 1930

Federal transfers

Marcelino, F., 887

Pallister, 887

Funding for

Lamoureux, 424

Investments in

Wiebe, 2328

Level of service

Smith, B., 3600

Need for (Southern Authority)

Goertzen, 2168-2169

Wiebe, 2168

Patients, number of

Goertzen, 1928

Wiebe, 1928

Personal-care homes

Fontaine, 1196-1197

Goertzen, 1197

Private agencies

Selinger, 3390

Swan, 3337

Privatization concerns

Goertzen, 991

Pallister, 2699-2700

Swan, 3337-3338

Wiebe, 283, 991, 2699-2700

Program title name change

Goertzen, 1928-1929

Wiebe, 1928-1929

Review of

Johnson, 87-88

User fees, government position

Goertzen, 1929-1930

Wiebe, 1929

Workers, need for--Southern Manitoba

Goertzen, 2168-2169

Wiebe, 2168


Reduction plan

Gerrard, 2952

Homosexuality. See Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, Two-Spirit, queer* (LGBTTQ*)

Honey labeling

Transparency with

Eichler, 1547-1548

Lindsey, 1547-1548

Honey production

Bee inspection

Eichler, 1986

Horse therapy. See Service and Therapy Animal Day Act

Hospital Home Team

Cut to program

Goertzen, 815-816

Pallister, 1704-1705

Swan, 3336-3337

Wiebe, 815, 1704

General comments

Marcelino, F., 989-990

Pallister, 989-990

Hospitals. See Emergency room closures; Specific hospitals

Hospitals, faith based

Assisted dying

Fletcher, 3344

Houle, Ryan. See Members' statements

Housing. See Affordable housing; Social housing

Housing First rental program

Pilot project (Brandon)

Fielding, 2266

Isleifson, 2266

Housing shelters. See Shelters, housing

Housing solutions

Trilateral partnerships

Fielding, 1848

Helwer, 1848

Housing, Manitoba

Rent increases

Fielding, 3368-3369

Smith, B., 3368-3369

Housing, non-profit

Operating agreements, expiration of

Fielding, 3270-3271

Smith, B., 3270-3271

Housing, supported

Selinger, 3391

Houston, Angie. See Members' statements

Howard, Althea. See Members' statements under Café D'Amour

Hudson Bay rail line. See Matters of Grievance

Hudson Bay Railway Company

Lathlin, 384

Human Resources, Standing Committee on

First report

Teitsma, 3242-3243

Human Rights Code Amendment Act (Bill 200)

1 R

Gerrard, 33

2 R


Gerrard, 2933-2934

Piwniuk, 3414-3415

Saran, 2941-2942

Teitsma, 2937-2940


Curry, 2935

Fletcher, 2935

Fontaine, 2935

Gerrard, 2935-2937

Guillemard, 2936

Kinew, 2936

Nesbitt, 2936

Teitsma, 2935-2936

Clarifying language

Gerrard, 2936-2937

Teitsma, 2936

Community consultations

Gerrard, 2936

Kinew, 2936

Disability consideration

Fontaine, 2935

Gerrard, 2935

Discrimination, education regarding

Gerrard, 2936

Guillemard, 2936

Legislation, other provinces

Gerrard, 2936

Nesbitt, 2936

Mechanisms for addressing cases

Gerrard, 2935

Teitsma, 2935

Medical equipment

Height and weight adjustments

Fletcher, 2935

Gerrard, 2935

Physical size discrimination

Gerrard, 2933

Workplace requirements

Curry, 2935

Gerrard, 2935-2936

Hunting practices

Big-game monitoring

Squires, 3055

Concerns over

Pallister, 1775-1776

Increased enforcement

Cox, 1279

Night hunting

Pallister, 1897-1900


Cox, 1658

HyLife Foods

Expansion of

Pedersen, 2915

Hypertension awareness. See Members' statements


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