Industrial Relations - 5th Session - 36th Legislature

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Industrial Relations Index


Lamoureux, Kevin (Inkster) Lib.

Highway Traffic Amendment Act (2) (Bill 35)

Impaired driving

Repeat offenders, 77

Public awareness, 77

Medical Amendment Act (Bill 39)

Incorporation, 47

Physiotherapists Act (Bill 26)

Direct access, 20

Manipulation, 6, 20, 28

Physician referrals, 10-11

Laplume, John (Manitoba Medical Association)

Medical Amendment Act (Bill 39), 44-47

Incorporation, 44, 46, 47

Physician assistants, 46

Physician resources

Recruitment/retention strategy, 44-46

Lavallee, Roland (Private Citizen)

Physiotherapists Act (Bill 26), 6-11

Consultations--health care workers, 9-10

Direct access, 8-9

Education and training, 10

Malpractice insurance, 8

Manipulation, 7-8

Physician referrals, 11

Licensed Practical Nurses Act (Bill 37)


Clause 3(1)(a)


61; passed, 61

Clause 6(7)


61; passed, 61

Public presenters

Holgate, 41-43

Advanced practical nursing

Holgate, 42

Stefanson, 42

Competency assessment program

Holgate, 42

Complaints and discipline process

Holgate, 42


Holgate, 42


Holgate, 42

Lightly, Evelyn (Private Citizen)

Physiotherapists Act (Bill 26), 32-33

Malpractice insurance, 32-33

Manipulation, 32

Loucks, Lynda (Private Citizen)

Physiotherapists Act (Bill 26)

Direct access, 63

Education and training, 62-63

Rehabilitation research, 63


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