Industrial Relations - 5th Session - 36th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Industrial Relations Index


Physiotherapists Act (Bill 26)


Clause 3(1)(a)


59; passed, 59

Public presenters

Arbez, Madeline, 37-38

Arbez, Marc, 31

Brown, 27-28

Desautels, 36-37

Gallant, 3-6

Lavallee, 6-11

Lightly, 32-33

MacHutchon, M., 31-32

McKechnie, 33-63

Milan, 29-30

Morrow, 29

Stewart, 21-27

Woodard, 12-13

Wright, 13-20

Chiropractors, relationship with

Gallant, 6

Kowalski, 6

Complaints and investigations procedure

Gallant, 4

Consultations--health care workers

Lavallee, 9-10

McKechnie, 34-35

Stefanson, 9

Council--public representatives

Kowalski, 36

McKechnie, 36

Direct access

Desautels, 36-37

Lamoureux, 20

Lavallee, 8-9

Louck, 63

Milan, 29

Moreira, 62

Woodard, 12

Wright, 14-5, 20

Education and training

Chomiak, 10

Lavallee, 10

Loucks, 62-63

Moreira, 62

Informed consent

Chomiak, 26

McKechnie, 35

Stewart, 26

Malpractice insurance

Arbez, Madeline, 38

Chomiak, 5, 59-60

Desautels, 37

Gallant, 4, 5

Kowalski, 13

Lavallee, 8

Lightly, 32-33

MacHutchon, R., 65

McKechnie, 35

Milan, 30

Stefanson, 5, 25, 35, 59-60

Stewart, 21-22, 24, 25

Woodard, 13

Wright, 15-16


Arbez, Madeline, 38

Brown, 28

Chomiak, 6, 25

Desautels, 37

Gallant, 4, 5, 6

Lamoureux, 6, 20, 28

Lavallee, 7-8

Lightly, 32

MacHutchon, R., 64

McKechnie, 33-34

Milan, 30

Morrow, 29

Stefanson, 5

Stewart, 22-24, 25-26

Wright, 16-19, 20

Manipulation--Alberta competencies

Chomiak, 35-36

McKechnie, 36

Manipulation--postgraduate training

Stefanson, 25

Stewart, 25


Stefanson, 26

Stewart, 26-27

Manipulation--undergraduate training

McKechnie, 35

Physician referrals

Lamoureux, 10-11

Lavallee, 11

Primary contact practitioners

Stefanson, 19

Wright, 19

Rehabilitation research

Louck, 63

Standards of practice

Desautels, 37

Vertebral artery testing

Chomiak, 19

Wright, 19-20

Written submissions

Loucks, 62-63

MacHutchon, R., 63-65

Moreira, 62

Poon, Phil (Manitoba Dental Association)

Professional Corporations (Various Acts Amendment) Act, 1999, 68-70

Incorporation, 69-70

Professional Corporations (Various Acts Amendment) Act, 1999

Public presenters

Poon, 68-70


Chomiak, 69-70, 83

Poon, 69-70

Stefanson, 83


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