Legislative Affairs - 2nd Session - 38th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Legislative Affairs Index


Railway crossings. See Provincial Railways Amendment Act (Bill 32)

Reid, Daryl (Transcona) N.D.P.

Judicial Compensation Committee

Legislative process, 130-131

Retail Council of Canada

Amusements Amendment Act (Bill 25)

Written submission, 226-232

Ridd, Beverley (Private Citizen)

Amusements Amendment Act (Bill 25)

Public presentation, 195-200

Arcades, legislation for, 198, 199

Parental involvement, 199

Public education campaign, 198

Rating system, 197-198, 198

Regulations restricting marketing, 198

Robinson, Hon. Eric (Rupertsland) N.D.P.

Amusements Amendment Act (Bill 25)

Arcades, legislation for, 210

Internet downloading, legislation for, 210

Opening statements, 209

Video games, distribution of, 210

Travel Manitoba Act (Bill 24)

Board appointments, 162-163

Multiyear funding, 163

Opening statements, 180

Report stage amendment, 180

Rolfe, David (Keystone Agricultural Producers)

Highways and Transportation Amendment and Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Trucking Productivity Improvement Fund) (Bill 12)

Public presentation, 138-141

Agricultural industry, impact on, 139

Allocation of funds, 139-140, 141

Alternate programs, 141

Cross of highways, fees, 139, 141

Overweight fines, 139

Prairie Grain Roads Program, 140

Toll roads, 140

Rolling River First Nation

Public Schools Amendment Act (Bill 19)

Written submission, 223-224

Rowat, Leanne (Minnedosa) P.C.

Employment and Income Assistance Amendment Act (One-Tier Assistance for Rural and Northern Manitoba) (Bill 8)

Opening statements, 58-59

Staff concerns, 5, 59


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