Legislative Affairs - 2nd Session - 38th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Legislative Affairs Index


Taillieu, Mavis (Morris) P.C.

Amusements Amendment Act (Bill 25)

Opening statements, 209-210

Rating system, 194

Elections Manitoba

Online voting, 102-103

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act (Bill 46)

Public presentations

Ardern, 277-280

Berry, 272-273

Bowslaugh, 260-264

Clifford, 273-276

Fontaine, 235-238

Leskiw, 257-260

Manitoba Teachers' Society, 277-280

Paterson, 266-270

Sitter, 264-266

Spence, 276-277

Westman Retired Teachers' Association, 272-273

Written submissions

Clifford, 288-289

Henderson, 287-288

McIntrye, 288


Clause 2


282; defeated, 284

Clause 3(1)


286; passed, 286

Administrative costs

Sitter, 265

Board membership

Ardern, 278, 279-280

Berry, 272

Bjornson, 283, 284-286

Bowslaugh, 263

Clifford, 274-275, 276

Derkach, 270

Eichler, 283

Fontaine, 236

Goertzen, 284, 285

Lamoureux, 283-284, 265-266, 280, 284-285

Leskiw, 258-259, 260

Murray, 270, 280

Paterson, 267, 268, 270

Penner, Jack, 283, 285

Sitter, 264, 266

Spence, 277

Stefanson, 282-283, 260, 263, 276, 279

Consultation process

Bjornson, 266

Bowslaugh, 262-2633

Derkach, 269

Leskiw, 259

Paterson, 269

Sitter, 266

Stefanson, 259, 262

Contributions on salary above maximum for accrual

Ardern, 278

Cost of living adjustment

Ardern, 279

Berry, 272

Clifford, 275

Fontaine, 237

Leskiw, 259

Paterson, 267, 268

Cost of living allowance

Sitter, 265

Insufficient contributions

Ardern, 279

Berry, 273

Clifford, 275

Fontaine, 237

Paterson, 269

Sitter, 265


Paterson, 270

Long-term disability

Ardern, 279

Berry, 272-273

Bjornson, 263

Bowslaugh, 260-262, 263-264

Clifford, 275

Lamoureux, 263

Leskiw, 258

Paterson, 269

Sitter, 264

Maternity leave and adoptive leave

Clifford, 274

Sitter, 264

Spence, 276-277

Opening statements

Bjornson, 282

Stefanson, 282

Purchase of service for past leave

Berry, 273

Reimbursement of the cost of buyback

Berry, 273

Short-term paid leave

Clifford, 274

Thompson (City). See Comaskey, Bill

Travel Manitoba Act (Bill 24)

Public presentations

Baker, 154-159

Business Council of Manitoba, 159-162

Carr, 159-162

Johnson, 158-159

Manitoba Hotel Association, 154-159

Ministerial Advisory Council on Tourism, 158-159

Board appointments

Baker, 155, 156-157

Carr, 160, 162

Cummings, 155

Lamoureux, 156-157

Maguire, 161-162

Robinson, 162-163

Business plan

Johnson, 158

Capital assets, ownership of

Baker, 155

Cummings, 155


Baker, 157-158

Cummings, 157

Hecla Resort

Baker, 157

Penner, Jack, 157

Hotel room tax

Baker, 156

Maguire, 156

Industry expectations

Johnson, 158


Johnson, 158


Carr, 161

Multiyear funding

Carr, 161

Robinson, 163

Opening statements

Penner, Jack, 180

Robinson, 180

Private funding

Baker, 156

Maguire, 156

Report stage amendment

Penner, Jack, 180

Robinson, 180

Staffing process

Carr, 160

Cummings, 161

Trucking Productivity Improvement Fund. See Highways and Transportation Amendment and Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Trucking Productivity Improvement Fund) (Bill 12)


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