Public Accounts Index - 3rd Session - 39th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Public Accounts Index


Hardy, Sandra (Culture, Heritage, Tourism and Sport Department)

Not-For-Profit Organizations, Enhancing Board Governance–Auditor General's report (2005)

Common application forms update, 108

Opening remarks, 107

Volunteer boards, government support, 108

Health and Healthy Living Department

Annual business plans

Driedger, 95

Wilgosh, 95

Departmental responsibilities

Driedger, 96-97

Wilgosh, 96-97

Howard, Jennifer (Fort Rouge) N.D.P.

Contaminated sites and landfills–Auditor General's report (2007)

Government entities, site management, 77-78

Recommendations, departmental responsibility, 79

Employment and Income Assistance Program

Administrative payments, 147

Environmental Livestock Program–Auditor General's report (2007)

Manure management strategy, 68-69

Maintenance Enforcement Program

Information technology system updates, 84

Not-For-Profit Organizations, Enhancing Board Governance–Auditor General's report (2005)

Common application forms update, 108

Pharmacare program–Auditor General's report (2008)

Monthly deductible payments, 29

Points of order

P/O by Howard requesting clarification if question would be better suited to Estimates, 30

Public Accounts–Auditor General's report (2008)

Office risk management and independence, 7-8

Workplace Safety and Health–Auditor General's report (2007)

Recommendations implementation report, 120-121


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