Public Accounts Index - 3rd Session - 39th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Public Accounts Index


Schnoor, Jeff (Justice Department)

Auditor General's report, Follow-Up of Report Recommendation–A Review (2005)

Opening remarks, 83-84

Maintenance Enforcement Program

Information technology system updates, 84-85

School divisions. See also Seven Oaks School Division, property Transactions in–Auditor General's report (2007)

Financed activities, acceptability

Farthing, 191

Lamoureux, 191

Land acquisitions, policy statements

Borotsik, 193

Selby, 193

Surplus lands

Borotsik, 190

Farthing, 190

Selby, Erin (Southdale) N.D.P.

Auditor General's report, Follow-Up of Report Recommendation–A Review (2005)

Child-care audit recommendations, 86

Regional health authorities

Relationship with Health department, 99

School divisions

Land acquisitions, policy statements, 193

Selinger, Hon. Gregory (St. Boniface) N.D.P.

La Broquerie, Rural Municipality of–Auditor General's report (2008)

Conflict of interest declarations, 49-50

Municipal Act

Legislative changes (1997), 48

Municipal governments

Conflicts of interest policies, 59-60

Public Accounts–Auditor General's report (2008)

Financial reports, tabling timelines, 12

Seven Oaks School Division, property transactions–Auditor General's report (2007), 183

Investigation of individuals

Farthing, 192-193

Lamoureux, 192-193

Land acquisitions, board notifications

Bellringer, 192

Farthing, 192

Lamoureux, 192

Land development, cash surpluses

Bellringer, 193-194

Borotsik, 193-194

Farthing, 193

Land development, purchase price

Bellringer, 193-196

Borotsik, 193-194

Farthing, 189, 193-197

Maguire, 194-196

Stefanson, 189

Land valuation

Borotsik, 190

Farthing, 190

Opening remarks

Bellringer, 186-187

Farthing, 187-189

Recommendations implementation

Farthing, 189

Stefanson, 189

Report anomaly investigations

Borotsik, 191

Farthing, 189, 191

Stefanson, 189

Report passed, 197

Spirited Energy campaign. See also Province of Manitoba, Image Campaign for–Auditor General's report (2007)


Borotsik, 135

Eliasson, 132-133, 135

Rowat, 132

Invoice discrepancies

Eliasson, 134

Rowat, 134

Logo redesign costs

Eliasson, 135-136

Lamoureux, 135-136

Media-buy budget

Bellringer, 136-137

Eliasson, 136

Lamoureux, 136-137

Promotional item inventory

Borotsik, 134-135

Eliasson, 134-135

Stefanson, Heather (Tuxedo) P.C.

Conservation Department

Staff vacancies, 74, 76

Contaminated sites and landfills–Auditor General's report (2007)

Brady Road landfill permit update, 75

Contaminated site monitoring, 75-76

Recommendations, departmental responsibility, 79

Employment and Income Assistance Program

Client eligibility reviews and documentation, 148-149

Environmental Livestock Program–Auditor General's report (2007)

Manure management strategy, 66-67

Manure winter-spreading ban, 65

La Broquerie, Rural Municipality of–Auditor General's report (2008)

Operating deficits, department notification timeline, 50-51

Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corporation

Capital projects prioritization, 180

Five-year capital unit inspections, 165-166

Manitoba Housing Authority, Investigation of the Maintenance Branch, Auditor General's report (2004)

Internal communication policies, 179

Tenant complaint investigations, 179-180

Manitoba Hydro

Auditor General, conflict of interest, 185

Pharmacare program–Auditor General's report (2006)

Recommendations implementation, 38-39

Public Accounts–Auditor General's report (2008)

Overview decision responsibility, 9

Private sector accounting, use of, 8-9

Seven Oaks School Division, property transactions–Auditor General's report (2007)

Land development, purchase price, 189

Recommendations implementation, 189

Report anomaly investigations, 189

Workplace Safety and Health–Auditor General's report (2007)

Motion that department submit an update in writing to committee on the implementation of the recommendations, 123

Struthers, Hon. Stan (Dauphin-Roblin) N.D.P.

Contaminated sites and landfills–Auditor General's report (2007)

Risk and liabilities, legislation need, 78

Environmental Livestock Program–Auditor General's report (2007)

Environmental management information systems utilization, 70


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