Crown Corporations Index - 1st Session - 40th Legislature

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Crown Corporations Index



Dorsey Converter Station


Thomson, 39

Dr. Hook Towing

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation contract details

McLaren, 123-128

Schuler, 123-128

Driver and vehicle licensing

Amalgamation with Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Graydon, 92, 98-99

McLaren, 92

Swan, 98

Enhanced driver licenses

Consumer fees

Graydon, 113

McLaren, 113

Swan, 113-114

Project status and costs

Graydon, 96-98, 113-114

McLaren, 96-100, 113

Schuler, 99-100

Swan, 114

Graduated licensing program, registration concerns

Helwer, 107

McLaren, 107

Mobility vehicles, registration of

McLaren, 137

Schuler, 137

Motorcycle registration rate comparisons

Gerrard, 118-119

McLaren, 118-119

Rural services

Helwer, 131-132

McLaren, 131-132

Temporary permits, renewal concerns

Helwer, 129

McLaren, 129

Test simulators

Helwer, 111

McLaren, 111-112

Swan, 112

Unlicensed vehicles, tracking of

Graydon, 134

Helwer, 128

McLaren, 128, 134

Driving, cellphone use. See Cellphone use while driving


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