Public Utilities and Natural Resources - 1st Session - 37th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Public Utilities and Natural Resources Index


Lathlin, Hon. Oscar (The Pas) N.D.P.

Sustainable Development Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 43)

Manitoba Environmental Council

Continuation, 367-370

Opening remarks, 339-341

Round Table on Sustainable Development

Appointments, 371

Consultations, 345

Duties, 361

Investigations, 367

Mandate, 345

Resources, 360

Water Resources Administration Amendment Act (Bill 21)

Opening remarks, 289-290

Water Resources Conservation and Protection and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 6)


Clause 6

289; passed, 289

Definitions, 286-287

Opening remarks, 284-285

Water Rights Amendment Act (Bill 15)

Legal opinion, 151-152

Licensing–backlog, 153

Opening remarks, 148-149

Wildlife Amendment Act (Bill 5)


Clause 1

231; passed, 234

Opening remarks, 228-229

Lawless, Dwain (Rural Municipality of Rossburn)

Wildlife Amendment Act (Bill 5), 199-200

Compensation, 200

Definitions, 201

Livestock diversification, 199, 201

Special interest groups, 199-200, 202

Lintott, Lloyd (Manitoba Wildlife Federation)

Wildlife Amendment Act (Bill 5), 178-179

Penned hunting, 178-179

Loewen, John (Fort Whyte) P.C.

City of Winnipeg Amendment Act (2) (Bill 16)

Appeals committee, 291

Issuing of orders, 291

Notice provisions, 293

Opening remarks, 290-291

Order to be published, 291

Crown Corporations Council

Mandate, 120

Manitoba Hydro

Centra Gas, 110-111, 112

Consolidated billing systems, 115

Dividends–transfer to general revenues, 112

Export revenues, 110

Gull Rapids project, 112-113

Net income, 109-110

Office locations, 114-115

Opening remarks, 102-103

Rural gasification, 111

Winnipeg Hydro, 112

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Board of commissioners, 19

Direction, 22

Sales outlets–Rural Manitoba, 19-20

Sales tracking, 20

Wine stores, 23

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Administrative costs, 47

Dividends–transfer to general revenues, 49, 61-63

Electronic commerce, 59

Financial statements, 46

Reinsurance, 57

Revenues, 57, 59

Income from premiums, 46

Investments–coupon rate, 64-65

Operating costs, 59

Premium rates–age-related comparisons, 58

Rate Stabilization Reserve, 47, 59-60

Retained earnings, 47-48, 60-61

Planning Amendment Act (Bill 35)

Consistency, 388-390

Opening remarks, 378-380

Technical Review Committees, 312, 388

Reporting timeframe, 391

Workload, 393-94

Provincial Railways Amendment Act (Bill 14)

Amendments, 252

Business expansion, 252-253

Rural Development Bonds Amendment Act (Bill 48)

Opening remarks, 395-397

Receiver manager, appointment of, 400

Securities, assignability of, 398-399

Winnipeg investment, 397

Sustainable Development Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 43)

Independent watchdog, 324

Manitoba Environmental Council–continuation, 367-370

Round Table on Sustainable Development–mandate, 352-355


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