Public Utilities and Natural Resources - 1st Session - 37th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Public Utilities and Natural Resources Index


Maguire, Larry (Arthur-Virden) P.C.

Planning Amendment Act (Bill 35)

Definitions, 308

Livestock Stewardship Initiative, 312

Preamble, 395

Technical Review Committees

Appointments, 392

Timeliness, 382-384

Rural Development Bonds Amendment Act (Bill 48)

Rural investment, 399

Sustainable Development Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 43)

Manitoba Environmental Council–continuation, 370-371

Round Table on Sustainable Development

Appointments, 323, 371

Duties, 361

Mandate, 350-351

Water Rights Amendment Act (Bill 15)

Conservation districts, 78

Emergency process, 78

Jurisdiction, 93-94

Justification, 77

Maloway, Jim (Elmwood) N.D.P.

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Bulk wines, 11

Wine stores, 24

Manitoba Hydro

Centra Gas

Brennan, 110-111, 112

Loewen, 110-111, 112

Consolidated billing systems

Brennan, 115

Loewen, 115

Construction projects–planning process

Brennan, 103-104

Cerilli, 103-104

Dividends–transfer to general revenues

Loewen, 112

Selinger, 112

Dorsey-St. Vital line

Brennan, 105-106

Schuler, 105-109

Selinger, 105-109

Export revenues

Brennan, 110

Loewen, 110

Gull Rapids project

Brennan, 113

Loewen, 112-113

Schroeder, 113

Hiring protocols

Aglugub, 116

Brennan, 116-117

Job training initiatives

Aglugub, 116

Brennan, 117

Net income

Brennan, 110

Loewen, 109-110

Office locations

Brennan, 114-115

Loewen, 114-115

Selinger, 114

Opening remarks

Brennan, 96-102

Loewen, 102-103


Brennan, 104-105

Cerilli, 104-105

Rural gasification

Brennan, 111

Loewen, 111

Selinger, 111

Winnipeg Hydro

Loewen, 112

Selinger, 112

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Board of commissioners

Faurschou, 8

Loewen, 19

McGifford, 8, 19

Bulk wines

Maloway, 11

Wright, 11

Comprehensive review

Faurschou, 12

McGifford, 12


Loewen, 22

McGifford, 22

Franchise protection zone

Faurschou, 13

McGifford, 10, 13

Rocan, 10

Wright, 10-11, 13

Legal age

Faurschou, 13

McGifford, 13

Net profit

Gilleshammer, 17

Wright, 17

Opening remarks

Faurschou, 7

McGifford, 4-7

Product pricing–interprovincial comparisons

Gilleshammer, 17

Wright, 17

Sales outlets

Customer incentives

Jennissen, 23

Wright, 23-24

Rural Manitoba

Loewen, 19-20

McGifford, 19-20

Wright, 20

Sales tracking

Loewen, 20

McGifford, 21

Wright, 22

Sports facilities–licensing

Faurschou, 15

McGifford, 15

Wright, 15

United Way contributions

Faurschou, 14

McGifford, 14

Wright, 14

Vendor outlets

Gilleshammer, 17-18

McGifford, 18

Wine stores

Gilleshammer, 18-19

Loewen, 23

Maloway, 24

McGifford, 18-19, 23

Wright, 18

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Administrative costs

Loewen, 47

Zacharias, 47



Barrett, 30-31

Faurschou, 30-31

Standing committee attendance

Barrett, 53

Faurschou, 53

Compensation for injuries –unemployed

Barrett, 39-40

Praznik, 38-40

Customer education–plain language documentation

Praznik, 40-41

Zacharias, 41

Dividends–transfer to general revenues

Barrett, 42-45, 61-63

Decter Hirst, 49

Loewen, 49, 61-63

Praznik, 41-44

Zacharias, 42, 62

Electronic commerce

Loewen, 59

Zacharias, 59

Fair Practices Office

Barrett, 66-67

Faurschou, 30, 31-34, 66

Zacharias, 30, 31-34, 66-67

Financial statements

Loewen, 46


Loewen, 57

Zacharias, 57-58


Barrett, 57

Loewen, 57, 59

Zacharias, 57, 59

Zacharias, 46

Income from premiums

Loewen, 46

Zacharias, 46

Investments–coupon rate

Loewen, 64-65

Zacharias, 64-65

Merit discounts/surcharge

Faurschou, 53-54

Zacharias, 53-54

Motorcycle premiums

Faurschou, 54-55

Zacharias, 54-55

Motor Vehicles branch–amalgamation

Barrett, 68

Faurschou, 68

Opening remarks

Barrett, 28-29, 51-52

Faurschou, 29

Operating costs

Loewen, 59

Zacharias, 59

Performance evaluation

Faurschou, 34-38

Zacharias, 35-38

Premium rates–age-related comparisons

Loewen, 58

Zacharias, 58

Rate Stabilization Reserve

Loewen, 47, 59-60

Zacharias, 47, 60

Retained earnings

Loewen, 47-48, 60-61

Zacharias, 47-48, 60-61

Safety inspections

Barrett, 69-70

Faurschou, 68-70

Zacharias, 68

Mauro, Arthur (Crown Corporations Council)

Crown Corporations Council

Casino expansions–cost overruns, 119-120

Mandate, 120

Opening remarks, 117

Mauws, Jerome (Association of Manitoba Municipalities)

City of Winnipeg Amendment Act (Bill 2)

Rural municipalities, 259

Water Rights Amendment Act (Bill 15)

Application process, 80-81

McGifford, Hon. Diane (Lord Roberts) N.D.P.

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Board of commissioners, 8, 19

Comprehensive review, 12

Direction, 22

Franchise protection zone, 10, 13

Legal age, 13

Opening remarks, 4-7

Sales outlets–Rural Manitoba, 19-20

Sales tracking, 21

Sports facilities–licensing, 15

United Way contributions, 14

Vendor outlets, 18

Wine stores, 18-19, 23

McRorie, Randy (Private Citizen)

Wildlife Amendment Act (Bill 5), 174-176

Compensation, 176-177

Hunt preserves, 177

Penned hunting–public perception, 174-175

Mihychuk, Hon. MaryAnn (Minto) N.D.P.

Electronic Commerce and Information, Consumer Protection Amendment and Manitoba Evidence Amendment Act (Bill 31)


Clause 18(1)

270; passed, 270

Opening remarks, 266-267

Miller, Peter (Private Citizen)

Sustainable Development Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 43), 324-326

Federal initiatives, 327

Global warming, 327

Independent watchdog, 327

Manitoba Environmental Council

Functions, 324

Investigations, 325

Round Table on Sustainable Development

Role, 325

Miscellaneous Health Statutes Repeal Act (Bill 37), 284

Motheral, Wayne (Association of Manitoba Municipalities)

City of Winnipeg Amendment Act (Bill 2), 258-259, 259

Building inspections, 259

Emergency situations, 259

Rural municipalities, 259

Water Rights Amendment Act (Bill 15), 74-76

Appeal process, 75

Application process, 80

Conservation districts, 76-77, 78, 84

Drainage licence applications, 75

Emergency process, 78

Enforcement, 75

Jurisdiction, 81-83

Justification, 77

Municipal Act–review, 74

Railway right-of-ways, 84

Watershed management boards, 75, 79-80, 85

Muir, Ted (Manitoba Pork Council)

Planning Amendment Act (Bill 35), 310-311

Livestock Stewardship Initiative, 310, 311, 312

Regulations, 313

Technical Review Committees, 312

Role, 310-311


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