Public Utilities and Natural Resources - 1st Session - 37th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Public Utilities and Natural Resources Index


Sasley, Jeannie (Private Citizen)

Wildlife Amendment Act (Bill 5), 205-206

Compensation, 205-206

Harvesting preserve, 205

Saydak, Dennis (Private Citizen)

Wildlife Amendment Act (Bill 5), 191-192

Intended purpose, 192

Penned hunting, 191

Pet industry, impact on, 191-192

Schellenberg, Harry (Rossmere) N.D.P.

Wildlife Amendment Act (Bill 5)

Withdrawal, 220

Schroeder, Vic (Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board)

Manitoba Hydro

Gull Rapids project, 113

Schuler, Ron (Springfield) P.C.

Manitoba Hydro

Dorsey-St. Vital line, 105-109

Selinger, Hon. Gregory (St. Boniface) N.D.P.

Manitoba Hydro

Dividends–transfer to general revenues, 112

Dorsey-St. Vital line, 105-109

Office locations, 114

Rural gasification, 111

Winnipeg Hydro, 112

Struthers, Stan (Dauphin-Roblin) N.D.P.

Water Rights Amendment Act (Bill 15)

Conservation districts, 83-84

Wildlife Amendment Act (Bill 5)

Special interest groups, 201-202

Withdrawal, 218-219

Sustainable Development Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 43)

Federal initiatives

Gerrard, 327

Miller, 327

Global warming

Gerrard, 327

Miller, 327

Independent watchdog

Gerrard, 327

Loewen, 324

Miller, 327

Turnock, 324

Manitoba Environmental Council


Lathlin, 367-370

Loewen, 367-370

Maguire, 370-371


Miller, 324


Miller, 325


Turnock, 320-321

Research–scientific evidence

Penner, Jim, 323

Turnock, 323

Opening remarks

Cummings, 342-343

Gerrard, 343-344

Lathlin, 339-341

Public presentations

Common-Singh, 315-318

Emberley, 331-333

Manitoba Environmental Council, 320-322

Miller, 324-326


Gerrard, 323

Penner, Jim, 323

Turnock, 323

Round Table on Sustainable Development


Lathlin, 371

Maguire, 323, 371

Turnock, 323


Gerrard, 345

Lathlin, 345


Lathlin, 361

Maguire, 361


Gerrard, 322, 367

Lathlin, 367

Turnock, 322


Cummings, 357

Derkach, 347-348

Filmon, 348-349

Gerrard, 345

Lathlin, 345

Loewen, 352-355

Maguire, 350-351

Penner, Jack, 355-357

Penner, Jim, 351-352

Public awareness role

Gerrard, 345


Cummings, 360

Lathlin, 360


Miller, 325

Written submissions

Association of Manitoba Municipalities, 334-336

Carter, 336

Howard, 338

Webster, 336-338


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