
The Condominium Act & Information

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Keeping Records


NOTE: All references to Section numbers refer to sections in The Condominium Act (SM 2011, c. 30, Sch. A).

Records must be complete
Condominium corporations must keep complete and accurate records of all the business and affairs of the corporation. These records must be kept in a paper form (hard copy) or in a readable electronic format (on a computer).

Corporations must make sure the records are kept in a secure place. They must also have a recovery plan (a plan to recover any lost documents) for both the paper and electronic formats.

      Section 131(1)
      Condominium Regulation, Section 16

Does a condominium corporation have to provide copies of records?
Yes. When requested, copies of records must be given to:

  • unit owners
  • unit mortgagees
  • buyers or potential buyers
  • agents (legal representatives) of any of the above

This information must be provided within a reasonable period of time. Condominium corporations may charge reasonable fees for the labour and costs involved in copying the documents.

Exceptions to this requirement are listed in section 132(2) of the act.

      Sections 132(1) and (2)

What records must be kept by condominium corporations and for how long?
For a list of what documents need to be kept, go to:

      Section 131(1) of the act
      Section 15 of the regulation

To see how long each record must be kept, see Schedule C of the regulation.

Need more information?
For further information on record-keeping, see:

  • Sections 131, 132 of The Condominium Act
  • Part 5 of the Condominium Regulation
  • Schedule C of the Condominium Regulation


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