Hansard: Index

HOUSE INDEX - 3rd Session - 42nd Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


E-commerce platforms

Budget 2021

Wharton, 2370

Early childhood education. See also Assiniboine Community College

Canada-Manitoba agreement

Isleifson, 3814

Squires, 3814

Early learning requirements

Gerrard, 1625

Squires, 1625

General comments

Moses, 2388

KPMG report

Lamoureux, 2359-2360

Pallister, 2360

Nursery grants and deregulation

Kinew, 1812-1813

Pallister, 1812-1813

Universal child-care services

Lamont, 1419

Squires, 1419-1420

Unspent monies

Goertzen, 3858

Lamont, 3858

Early childhood educators

Certification process

Gerrard, 1624

Squires, 1624

Recruitment and retention

Adams, 275

Gerrard, 3776

Squires, 3776

Reduction in

Sala, 1636

Risk recognition program

Morley-Lecomte, 1763

Training and upgrading

Adams, 275, 3538

Squires, 3538


Adams, 1628, 1764, 3271, 3538

Gerrard, 3649

Sala, 2374

Smith, B., 1767

Squires, 3538, 3649

Early Learning and Child Care Act (Bill 47)

1 R

Stefanson, 434-435

2 R


Adams, 1626-1629

Gerrard, 1631-1633

Lamoureux, 1633-1634

Sala, 1634-1637

Opening statement

Squires, 1622-1623


Adams, 1623-1626

Gerrard, 1624-1626

Squires, 1623-1626

Referred to Standing Committee on Legislative Affaris

R/S Amdt

Clause 1(1)

Adams, 2961-2962

Lamoureux, 2965

Squires, 2965-2966

Clause 18(2)(b)

Adams, 2963

Clause 23

Adams, 2963

Clause 32(1)

Adams, 2964

Clause 60(3)

Lamoureux, 2966

Squires, 2966

Clause 8

Adams, 2962

Lamoureux, 2966

Squires, 2966

C/3 R

Adams, 3270-3272

Fontaine, 3276-3277

Lamoureux, 3274

Sala, 3275-3276

Squires, 3270

Wiebe, 3272-3274


Filmon, 3406

Financial assistance for parents

Lamoureux, 1634

Financial assistance, definition of

Sala, 1635

For-profit centres, grant eligibility

Adams, 2964

Operating grants

Adams, 1617

Squires, 1617

Parent advisory council

Guenter, 1765-1766

Request to withdraw Bill

Adams, 2455

Squires, 2455

School age children, definition change

Adams, 2961-2962

Lamoureux, 2965

School age learning program

Lamoureux, 2966

Unregulated providers, funding of

Sala, 1635

Earth Day. See Ministerial statements

Earth Month

Fielding, 2303

East Side Road Authority

Aboriginal Engagement Strategy

Pallister, 3522-3524

Eating disorders

Treatment services

Friesen, 577

Gerrard, 1956, 2261


Commercial fishing

Eichler, 3841

Gerrard, 3210

Pedersen, 2384

Wowchuk, 3210

Largest lakes in Manitoba

Gerrard, 3216

Southern Indian Lake

Gerrard, 3216

École Varennes

Gordon, 1910

Economic Development and Jobs Department


Debate, 3996-4003, 4075-4081


Lamont, 4079-4080

Moses, 3998-4003, 4075-4079

Reyes, 3996-4003, 4076-4080

Main Estimates Supplement 2021-2022

Eichler, 2650

Spending inquiry

Lamont, 4079

Reyes, 4079

Economic Development and Training Department


Debate, 540-548, 602-606

Opening statements

Eichler, 540-542

Moses, 542


Eichler, 543-548, 602-606

Lamont, 548

Moses, 542-547, 602-606

Economic development--Indigenous communities

Fishing and forestry initiatives

Clarke, 1481

Michaleski, 1481

Economic Opportunities Advisory Board


Eichler, 547

Moses, 547

Economic recession

Public service layoffs

Kinew, 52

Economic Review of Bipole III and Keeyask

Report findings

Naylor, 2154

Sala, 1360-1361, 2150


Economic development agency

Eichler, 2337


Development in, local input

Wiebe, 1705

Eden, Ruth. See Infrastructure Department

EDGE Skills Centre

Adult literacy program

Moses, 2470-2471

Edibles. See Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment Act (Bill 6)

Education Department

Curriculum development

Altomare, 3079


Debate, 635-637, 698-703, 3078-3091, 3133-3144, 3466-3476

Opening statements

Altomare, 637, 3079-3080

Cullen, 3078-3079

Goertzen, 635-637


Altomare, 698-701, 3080-3091, 3133-3143, 3466-3475

Cullen, 3080-3091, 3133-3144, 3466-3476

Goertzen, 699-702

Lamoureux, 702-703, 3143-3144, 3475-3476

FTEs, reduction in

Altomare, 3081

Cullen, 3081-3082

Main Estimates Supplement 2021-2022

Cullen, 2650

Meyers Norris Penny review

Altomare, 3138

Cullen, 3138

Respectful workplace violations

Cullen, 3144

Lamoureux, 3144

Transition team, FTE's

Altomare, 3137

Cullen, 3137

Education Modernization Act (Bill 64)

1 R

Goertzen, 435

Decision to withdraw Bill

Goertzen, 3855

Kinew, 3855

Education Minister's position

Altomare, 3809-3810

Cullen, 3810

Indigenous reconciliation

Gerrard, 1685

Pallister, 1685

Intent of Bill

Sandhu, 2411

Local input, loss of

Naylor, 2767

Request for referendum

Cullen, 2453-2454

Lamont, 2453-2454, 3585

Pallister, 3585

Request to withdraw Bill

Altomare, 2179-2180, 2357

Cullen, 2180, 2357

Kinew, 1677

Lamoureux, 3229

Pallister, 1677, 3229

Review committee, Indigenous representation

Lathlin, 2335

Student population and regional boundaries

Lathlin, 2771

Education property tax

Apartment buildings as commercial properties

Fielding, 2561

Wasyliw, 2561, 3241

Average rebate amount

Fielding, 2557

Lamont, 3248

Marcelino, 2713

Nesbitt, 2608

Smith, B., 2668

Wasyliw, 2563

Wiebe, 2809

Canadian jurisdictions

Lathlin, 2770

Wasyliw, 3236

Commercial properties

Moses, 2679-2680

Commercial property rebate

Johnson, 4157

Wiebe, 4157

Commercial spaces, small business renters

Naylor, 2727

Sala, 2711

Commercial vs. residential rebate amount

Fielding, 3937

Wasyliw, 3937

Education funding at consumer price index

Altomare, 3179

Gerrard, 3180

Lathlin, 3182

Wasyliw, 3176-3177

Elimination announcement

Fielding, 36, 168

Johnson, 36

Lamont, 84-85

Wasyliw, 167-168

Farm property rebate amount

Nesbitt, 2608

Wasyliw, 2564-2565

Higher housing costs

Gerrard, 2670-2671

Landlord rebate amount

Nesbitt, 2608

Local representation, loss of

Sala, 3252

Means tested

Fontaine, 2676

Moses, 2678

Mill rates

Wasyliw, 2565, 3237

Multiple properties, rebate on

Johnson, 4157

Wasyliw, 2563

Wiebe, 4157

Multiple property owners

Asagwara, 2613

Fielding, 3934

Lamont, 3248

Lathlin, 2769

Moses, 2680

Naylor, 2688

Sala, 2688

Wasyliw, 3934

Wiebe, 2812

Municipal property tax assessment, provincial tax information included, ban on

Altomare, 3193

Lamont, 3194

Marcelino, 3234

Wasyliw, 3191

Northern districts, concern for

Lathlin, 2771

Lindsey, 2867-2868

Property management companies, out-of-province rebates for

Adams, 2718-2719

Sala, 2685

Real estate investment trusts

Wasyliw, 2563


Altomare, 2268

Fielding, 3934

Guillemard, 2321

Johnston, 2266

Lagassé, 2298

Lagimodiere, 2332

Lamont, 2300, 2324

Marcelino, 2714

Morley-Lecomte, 2259-2260

Pallister, 2423

Pedersen, 2382

Sandhu, 2412

Wasyliw, 2256, 3934, 4228

Wharton, 2368

Rebate checks, cost of mailing

Altomare, 2572

Asagwara, 2610

Naylor, 2727

Sala, 2684

Sandhu, 2616

Smith, B., 2620

Rebate increased by regulation

Fielding, 2561

Lamont, 2561

Wiebe, 2808

Rebate, borrowing

Fielding, 2559-2560

Gerrard, 2559, 2669

Lamont, 2576, 2776

Wiebe, 2811

Rebate, interest on borrowed money

Gerrard, 2669

Rent control

Fielding, 2561

Lamont, 2561

Rent freeze

Fielding, 3935

Gerrard, 2723

Marcelino, 2712-2713, 2872

Nesbitt, 2835, 3024

Wasyliw, 3934-3935

Rental rebate

Marcelino, 2872, 3188

Sala, 3251

Smith, B., 2666

Wasyliw, 2563-2564, 3184-3185, 3188


Fontaine, 2676-2677

Marcelino, 2714

Renters and small-business owners

Asagwara, 2612

Naylor, 2765

Pallister, 2705-2706

Wasyliw, 2564, 2705-2706

Renters rebate

Adams, 2719

Wiebe, 2813

Request for support of Bill 229

Pallister, 2861-2862

Wasyliw, 2861-2862

Restriction on rebate, budget disclosure

Altomare, 3178-3179

Gerrard, 3180

Lathlin, 3182

Marcelino, 3180

Wasyliw, 3176-3177

Specialized education program funding

Naylor, 2726

Tax burden shift

Lamont, 85

Ten year phase out

Adams, 2719

Bushie, 2603

Lathlin, 2769

Education Property Tax Reduction Act (Property Tax and Insulation Assistance Act and Income Tax Act Amended) (Bill 71). See also Restriction on Material Accompanying Government Cheques Act

1 R

Fielding, 2483

2 R


Fontaine, 2677


Adams, 2717-2723

Altomare, 2569-2574

Asagwara, 2609-2615

Brar, 2782-2785

Bushie, 2602-2608

Fontaine, 2673-2677

Gerrard, 2669-2673, 2723-2725

Guenter, 2574-2576

Kinew, 2818-2824

Lagimodiere, 2600-2602

Lamont, 2576-2581, 2772-2777

Lamoureux, 2615-2616, 2712

Lathlin, 2768-2772, 2873-2874

Lindsey, 2777-2781, 2867-2869

Maloway, 2785-2786, 2803-2806

Marcelino, 2712-2717, 2870-2873

Moses, 2678-2682, 2869-2870

Naylor, 2725-2727, 2765-2768

Nesbitt, 2608-2609

Sala, 2682-2688, 2711

Sandhu, 2616-2619

Smith, B., 2619-2623, 2666-2669

Teitsma, 2567-2569

Wasyliw, 2561-2567

Wiebe, 2806-2818, 2874-2875

Opening statement

Fielding, 2557-2558


Fielding, 2558-2561

Gerrard, 2558-2559

Lamont, 2560-2561

Wasyliw, 2558-2561

Referred to Standing Committee on Social and Economic Development

R/S Amdt

Clause 15

Altomare, 3193-3194

Lamont, 3194-3195

Marcelino, 3195

Wasyliw, 3191-3193

Clause 2

Altomare, 3178-3179

Gerrard, 3180

Lathlin, 3182-3183

Marcelino, 3180-3182

Wasyliw, 3176-3178

Clause 9(1)(a)

Altomare, 3186-3187

Lamont, 3187-3188

Lindsey, 3189-3190

Marcelino, 3188-3189

Wasyliw, 3184-3186


Marcelino, 3234-3235

C/3 R

Altomare, 3252-3254

Fielding, 3236

Lamont, 3245-3249

Moses, 3242-3245

Sala, 3249-3252

Wasyliw, 3236-3242


Filmon, 3407


Fontaine, 2677

Education system. See also Members' statements; Resolutions

Administration costs, Manitoba vs. Ontario

Altomare, 3141

Cullen, 3141

Adult crossing guards

Naylor, 2726

Budget 2021

Lagassé, 2298

Lagimodiere, 2331

Lamoureux, 2339

Sala, 2372

Wishart, 2252

Budget 2021--northern Manitoba

Lathlin, 2333-2334

Capital investments

Cullen, 3081

Child poverty and nutrition programs

Cullen, 1680-1681

Fontaine, 1680-1681

Kinew, 1678-1679

Pallister, 1679

Squires, 1681

Classroom debate on government policy

Education Minister's comments

Altomare, 3583-3584

Cullen, 3583-3585

Clinicians employed, number of

Altomare, 3091

Cullen, 3091

Collective agreements, back pay

Altomare, 3136

Cullen, 3136

Distance learning

Internet service, usage needs

Pallister, 596

Enrolment numbers

Altomare, 3091

Cullen, 3091

Federal funding

Provincial spending inquiry

Kinew, 395-396

Pallister, 395-396

FRAME report, release of

Altomare, 1714, 1783-1784, 3090

Cullen, 1714, 1783, 3090

Pallister, 1784


Altomare, 2239

Cullen, 2239-2240

Kinew, 2234-2235

Pallister, 2235

Funding after Bill 64

Altomare, 1714-1715

Bushie, 2328

Cullen, 1714-1715

Kinew, 1711-1714, 1775-1776

Pallister, 1711-1714, 1775-1776

Funding and property taxes

Fielding, 2557

Lamont, 1745

Inclusion support programs

Lamont, 302-303

Pallister, 302-303

Inclusive education curriculum

Asagwara, 1814-1815

Cullen, 1815

Indigenous Inclusion Directorate Advisory Council

Cullen, 3143-3144

Menstrual product availability

Asagwara, 1681-1682

Cullen, 3928-3929

Marcelino, 3928-3929

Stefanson, 1682

Mental health initiatives

Gordon, 2376

Milk subsidy

Naylor, 2726

New provincial authority

Funding for teaching positions

Altomare, 3470

Cullen, 3470

Nutrition programs

Altomare, 2357

Cullen, 2357-2358

Online learning

Gerrard, 125

Parental engagement

Johnston, 2528-2529

Lamoureux, 2537

Micklefield, 2533-3235

Privatization concerns

Sala, 2372

Program fees, future of

Altomare, 3474

Cullen, 3474

Provincial education authority

Appointee qualifications

Altomare, 3141

Cullen, 3141

Length of appointments

Altomare, 3142

Cullen, 3142

Unsettled collective agreements

Altomare, 3136

Cullen, 3136

Psychological assessments, demand for

Altomare, 3134

Cullen, 3135

Red tape reduction

Cullen, 3475-3476

Lamoureux, 3475

Remote learning

Goertzen, 656

Wiebe, 798

Roots of Empathy program

Fontaine, 299-300

Goertzen, 299-300

Rural challenges

Naylor, 2536

Sensitive content curriculum

Altomare, 3143

Cullen, 3143

Shared services agreements

Altomare, 3468-3469

Cullen, 3468-3469

Small class sizes

Altomare, 1679-1680, 1744

Cullen, 1679-1680

Marcelino, 3181

Wasyliw, 3177

Special needs funding

Kinew, 1677-1678

Pallister, 1678

Substitute teachers

Goertzen, 702

Lamoureux, 702

TRC recommendations

Altomare, 3079, 3757

Education system review. See also Better Education Starts Today

Consultations--northern Manitoba

Lathlin, 2335

Democracy in education

Altomare, 2269

Implementation of recommendations

Goertzen, 703

Kinew, 1676-1677

Lamoureux, 703

Pallister, 1677

Long-term strategy

Johnston, 2266

Political influence on report

Lamont, 1618-1619

Pallister, 1618-1619

Public feedback

Lathlin, 2769

Request to release report

Altomare, 1517

Cullen, 1517-1518


Naylor, 658

School community councils, representation on

Johnston, 2530

Naylor, 2535-2536

Sala, 2530

School division funding

Kinew, 1314-1315

Pallister, 1314-1315

Taxpayer funded trips

Pallister, 2425

Timeline for report

Naylor, 248-249

Transitional authority, qualifications for

Altomare, 3082

Cullen, 3082

Educator School Supply Tax Credit

Ministerial living allowance

Goertzen, 2286-2287

Lamont, 2286

Efficiency Manitoba

Energy efficient buildings

Guillemard, 2651

Natural gas reduction programs

Guillemard, 4082-4083

Efficient Trucking Program

Greenhouse gas emission reduction

Guillemard, 4083

Heavy-duty and fleet vehicle operator incentives

Guillemard, 2651

EIA. See Employment and Income Assistance

Eichler, Hon. Ralph (Lakeside) PC

#RestartMB advertising campaign

Economic recovery, COVID-19, 603

2 Billion Trees Program, 3830

Advanced Education Administration Amendment Act (Bill 33)

1 R, 147

Agricultural Crown land leasing

Leases within the last year, 3839

Young farmers, impact on, 3839-3840

Agriculture and Resource Development Department

Budget for department, 3829


Opening statements, 3829-3830

Speakers, 3831-3844

Extension services director, 3833

Extension services specialist, 3831-3832

Staff retirements, 3834-3835

Summer drought, AgriStability program, 3838-3839

Vacancy rate, 3831, 3843

Agriculture industry

Drought, financial impact, 4248

AgriInvest, 3838, 3843

AgriStability program

General comments, 3843

Apprenticeship and Certification Amendment Act (Bill 61)

1 R, 437

2 R

Opening statement, 1528

Questions, 1528-1531

C/3 R, 3390

Apprenticeship and Certification Board, size and composition changes, 1528

Consultations, 1528-1529

Five-year reporting period, 1528, 1531

Non-regulated professions, standards for, 1528

Sector-based committees, establishment of, 1528

Survey, responses to, 1528-1529

Back To Work This Summer

Wage subsidy program, 603

Brandon University

Annual report March 31, 2020, 181

Budget 2021

Debate, 2336-2338

Canada-Manitoba Job Grant

Training and skills support, 2958

Climate change

Agriculture mitigation initiatives, 3830

Committee of Supply

Concurrence Motion, 4248

Communities Economic Development Fund

Business Loans Program--northern Manitoba, 2453

Quarterly financial statements, 223

Quarterly report, nine months, April 1-December 31, 2020, 1607

Second quarter financial statement 2020-2021, 519

Conservation officers

Number employed, 3834

Staff retention, 3835

Construction industry

Safety standards and apprenticeship training, 1479-1480

COVID-19 by sector

Commercial fishing industry support, 3840-3841

Commercial fishing, supports for, 3840-3841

Hospitality, hotel costs, 2338

Hospitality, supports for, 1783

Hotel costs due to pandemic, 2338

COVID-19 pandemic

Volunteers, request for, 542-543

COVID-19, economy

Economic recovery, public health recommendations, 159

Recovery plan, 2337

COVID-19, employment

Job support programs, 540-541

Wage subsidy programs

Applications received, monies spent, 603

Employer uptake, 603

COVID-19, financial assistance

Grants and wage subsidies, 2337

Small business, 545-546, 1285

COVID-19, post-secondary education

Interest free loan period, 605

Transition support funding, 541, 604-605

COVID-19, small business

Closure of, 545

Federal/provincial programs, 546

Financial assistance, 545-546, 1285

New initiatives for, 547-548


Commercial fishing, 3841

Economic Development and Jobs Department

Main Estimates Supplement 2021-2022, 2650

Economic Development and Training Department


Opening statements, 540-542

Speakers, 543-548, 602-606

Economic Opportunities Advisory Board

Members, 547


Economic development agency, 2337

Fair Registration Practices in Regulated Professions Amendment Act (Bill 41)

1 R, 436-437

2 R

Opening statement, 1093-1095

Questions, 1095-1098

C/3 R, 3366-3367

Assessment requirement, 1094-1095

Compliance orders, 1094, 1095, 1097

Consultations, 1097

Government notification of changes, 1096

Program development collaboration, 1096

Special development licence, 1094


Commercial industry, pandemic support, 3840-3841

Eco-certification, 3841

Freight assistance program--northern Manitoba, 340

Quota buyback levels, 3844

Gap Protection Program

Businesses receiving, 545

Home is Where the Heart Is

Travel Manitoba campaign, 541

Innovation Growth Program

Grants to small business, 2337

Recipients for 2021, 2314-2315

Inter-provincial trade

New policy, 2338

Lazy Bear Expeditions

Permits, 3841

Livestock operations

Animal welfare practices, 3830

Drought and cattle sold off, 3841-3842

Drought assistance, 3829

Herd re-building program, 3842

Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC)

Claim processing times, 3837

Client service representative, 3836

Forage insurance, low uptake, 607

Forage insurance, review of, 607

Rural office closures, 3836

Manitoba Development Corporation

2020 Annual Report, 1407

Manitoba Honour 150 award

Baldwin, Monica, 3676

Kleinsasser, Danny, 3676

Lindsay, Jim, 3676

Proctor, Paige, 3676

Stock, Cheryl, 3676

Van Heyst, Dave, 3676

Watson, Ron, 3676

Manitoba Job Restart Program

COVID-19, financial assistance, 544

Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative, 541

Members' statements

Enns, Harry, J., 2790-2791

Manitoba Honour 150 award recipients, 3676

Mining and minerals

Single-window permitting, 3830

Northern economic development

Communities Economic Development Fund-Business Loans Program, 2453

Northern Manitoba

Fishery freight assistance program, 340

Tourism Manitoba ad, 191

Oil and gas resources

Investment initiatives, 3830

Oral Questions

Canada-Manitoba Job Grant

Training and skills support, 2958

Changes to construction industry legislation

Safety standards and apprenticeship training, 1479-1480

Economic recovery

Public health recommendations, 159

Innovation Growth Program

Recipients for 2021, 2314-2315

Northern economic development

Government plan for CEDF program, 2453

Northern Manitoba fishery

Future of freight assistance program, 340

Post-secondary education

Funding level concerns, 74-75

Provincial economic update

Hospitality sector support, 1783

Small-business support

Government initiatives, 1285

Travel Manitoba

Northern tourism ad, 191

Post-secondary education

Facility self-regulation, 1098

Funding, 74-75, 1097

Protein industry

Protein advantage strategy, 3829

Sustainable protein challenge, 3829

Ready, Safe, Grow campaign, 544

Red River College

Annual report June 30, 2020, 181

Research Manitoba

Annual report March 31, 2020, 181

Restaurant Association

Food delivery costs, 2338

Small business

Innovation Growth Program, 2337

Small Business Venture Capital Tax Credit, 2337

Summer Student Recovery Jobs Program

Student wage subsidy, COVID-19, 541, 544

Trade agreements, domestic

Fair registration requirements, compliance with, 1094

Travel Manitoba

Home is Where the Heart Is campaign, 541

Northern tourism ad, 191

Université de Saint-Boniface

Annual report March 31, 2020, 181

University College of the North

Annual report, March 31, 2020, 181

University College of the North Amendment Act (Bill 34)

1 R, 147

University of Manitoba

Annual report March 31, 2020, 181

University of Winnipeg

Annual report March 31, 2020, 181


Private sector job recovery, 541

Youth employment

Program applications, number of, 606

Eid al-Fitr. See Ministerial statements

Election financing

Advertising and publication restriction period reduction

Goertzen, 1899, 1900

Marcelino, 1900, 1902

Advertising bans, by-elections

Goertzen, 1899

Advertising restriction exemption, throne speech and budget

Goertzen, 1900

Lamont, 1900

Marcelino, 1903

Advertising restriction, fixed/non-fixed date elections

Goertzen, 1899

Advertising restriction, responsibility for monitoring

Goertzen, 1900

Marcelino, 1900

Election Financing Amendment and Elections Amendment Act (Government Advertising) (Bill 32)

1 R

Goertzen, 141

2 R


Lamont, 2136-2137

Marcelino, 1902-1906

Opening statement

Goertzen, 1899-1900


Goertzen, 1900-1902

Lamont, 1900-1902

Marcelino, 1900-1902

Referred to Standing Committee Legislative Affairs

C/3 R

Goertzen, 3401


Filmon, 3406

Cabinet ministers, permission to speak publicly

Goertzen, 1899

Marcelino, 1902

The Green Report

Marcelino, 1903-1904

Referendum Act, changed to reflect ban

Goertzen, 1899

Marcelino, 1902

Tenders, RFP's, publication of

Goertzen, 1899

Election laws

Corporate/union donations

Smith, A., 1853

Voter ID laws

Marcelino, 1904


By-elections, decision to call

Goertzen, 4071

Marcelino, 4071

COVID-19 protocols

Goertzen, 4071

Marcelino, 4071

Fixed election date laws

Goertzen, 1901

Lamont, 2136

Marcelino, 1901, 1902-1903

Government advertising during Throne Speech or Budget

Fontaine, 4174

Friesen, 4175

Monnin Inquiry

Marcelino, 1904

Ongoing programs, advertising permitted

Goertzen, 1899

Publication restriction, department compliance framework

Goertzen, 1899

Publication restriction, public health and safety matters

Goertzen, 1899

Voter lists, annual updates

Johnson, 2127

Elections Amendment Act (Bill 237)

1 R

Isleifson, 3669

2 R


Marcelino, 3721-3722

Martin, 3723-3725

Naylor, 3725-3727

Opening statement

Isleifson, 3717-3719


Isleifson, 3719-3721

Lamont, 3719

Marcelino, 3719-3720

Martin, 3719-3720

Smith, A., 3720

Disclosure filings for all registered parties

Isleifson, 3720

Martin, 3720

Exemption period (prior to age 18)

Isleifson, 3720-3721

Naylor, 3726

Smith, A., 3720

Income exemptions

Naylor, 3726

Party leaders, income tax statement disclosure

Isleifson, 3717

Marcelino, 3721

Twenty year disclosure period

Isleifson, 3718, 3719

Marcelino, 3721

Martin, 3719

Naylor, 3726

Yearly filing requirement

Isleifson, 3720

Smith, A., 3720

Elections Manitoba. See also Elections Manitoba in Legislative Affairs Committee

Annual report December 31, 2019 including the conduct of the 42nd Provincial General Election dated September 10, 2019

Driedger, 149

Electronic signatures and document filing

Goertzen, 1924

Elections Manitoba Proposal to Modify the Voting Process: Vote by Mail-byelection

Driedger, 3891

Electrical codes. See Building and Electrical Permitting Improvement Act (Various Acts Amended and Permit Dispute Resolution Act Enacted); Construction industry

Electrification of transportation

Sala, 3714

Wharton, 3714

Electronics recycling

Martin, 2698

Electronics repair. See Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Right to Repair)

Elizabeth Fry Society

Asagwara, 1494

Fontaine, 1490, 2189-2190

Elmwood Community Resource Centre. See Members' statements

Elmwood High School

Elmwood Legacy Fund

Wiebe, 1374

Emancipation Day


Gerrard, 3555

Moses, 3555

Celebrations in Manitoba

Michaleski, 3556

Moses, 3556

Celebrations in Ontario

Naylor, 3559

Emancipation Day Act (Bill 232)

1 R

Moses, 3433

2 R


Asagwara, 3875-3877

Brar, 3872-3873

Gerrard, 3562-3563

Gordon, 3557-3559

Lagassé, 3873-3874

Lagimodiere, 3871-3872

Lamont, 3874

Michaleski, 3874-3875

Naylor, 3559-3560

Reyes, 3560-3562

Wiebe, 3877

Opening statement

Moses, 3553-3555


Gerrard, 3555

Lagimodiere, 3555

Michaleski, 3556

Moses, 3555-3557

Naylor, 3555-3557

Reyes, 3555-3557

Wiebe, 3556

Referred to Standing Committee on Social and Economic Development

C/3 R

Guenter, 4188-4189

Moses, 4187-4188


Chartier, 4254


Moses, 3554, 3556

Wiebe, 3556

Emergency and Other Appropriations

Estimates, 689

Emergency Expenditures Department

Estimates, 4139

Emergency management program

Goertzen, 2076

Lamont, 2076

Emergency Measures Organization

Registry of emergency management

Goertzen, 2077

Lamont, 2077

Role in pandemic response

Lamont, 677, 2080-2081

Pallister, 677

Emergency room services

Acute-care funding

Fontaine, 2741-2742

Backlogs in

Asagwara, 3489

Goertzen, 3489-3490

ER nurse staffing levels--Altona

Asagwara, 2044


Morley-Lecomte, 855-856

Nesbitt, 848

Health-care consolidation and wait times

Asagwara, 4044

Gordon, 4044

Mental health patients, staffing supports

Gordon, 4056

Methamphetamine cases, increase in

Smith, B., 2382

Physician recruitment--Swan Lake

Asagwara, 1579-1580

Stefanson, 1580

Request to retain--Altona

Asagwara, 2043-2044

Stefanson, 2044

Wait times

Asagwara, 1952-1953, 2796-2797, 3885

Goertzen, 2797

Stefanson, 1953

Employee Pensions and Other Costs

Estimates, 690

Employee Pensions and Other Costs Department

Estimates, 4179


Unemployment rate decrease

Cox, 2845

Employment and Income Assistance (EIA). See also Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB); Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB); Disability Economic Support Program; Members' statements; Resolutions

Budget 2021

Adams, 2415

Squires, 3706

Canada Child Benefit, clawback exemption

Squires, 3706

Caseworkers, number of

Adams, 3708

Squires, 3708

Current rate

Naylor, 2946-2947

Emergency assistance available

Squires, 3708

Homeless population

Benefit wait time barriers

Gerrard, 977-978, 3776

Squires, 3776

Homelessness risk

Adams, 1258, 1260

Smith, B., 1260

Individuals receiving, increase in

Lamont, 2776

Individuals receiving, number of

Adams, 3708

Squires, 3708

Intake appointments, wait times

Gerrard, 3649-3650

Squires, 3709, 3770

Job readiness programs

Morley-Lecomte, 1262

Literacy rate

Lamont, 2474

Office openings during pandemic

Adams, 3708, 3776-3777

Squires, 3708

Public transit costs during pandemic

Adams, 1258

Smith, B., 1264

Rapid access to housing and benefits

Gerrard, 1027, 1266

Stefanson, 1027

Rate freeze

Lamont, 784, 2060-2061

Residential school settlements

Gerrard, 2707

Squires, 2707

Support programs for

Johnston, 1266

Transformation funding

Adams, 3706

Squires, 3706

Employment and labour standards

Legislative history

Naylor, 1203

Employment Insurance (EI) program

Federal changes to program

Moses, 2638-2639

Wishart, 2638, 2644

Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Bill 44)

1 R

Pallister, 253

2 R


Gerrard, 362-363

Lamont, 363-364

Lindsey, 359-362

Opening statement

Fielding, 355


Fielding, 355-358

Gerrard, 355-358

Lindsey, 355-358

C/3 R

Fielding, 366

Gerrard, 366


Filmon, 366

Amendments to

Wasyliw, 1206

Committee of the Whole

Fielding, 365

Gerrard, 365

Multiple quarantine episodes

Fielding, 357-358

Gerrard, 357-358

Lindsey, 357-358, 359

Paid sick leave legislation

Fielding, 303-304

Guenter, 303

Presumption of truth for claimants

Fielding, 356

Gerrard, 356

Lindsey, 356

Prohibition from firing claimants

Fielding, 358

Gerrard, 358

Lindsey, 358, 361

Promotion/advertising benefit

Fielding, 357

Lindsey, 357, 359

Regulatory barriers for claimants

Lindsey, 361

Sick note

Fielding, 356, 365

Gerrard, 356, 363, 365

Lamont, 356, 363-364

Underlying health conditions, job-protection

Fielding, 355

Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (COVID-19 Vaccination Leave) (Bill 73)

1 R

Fielding, 2943

2 R


Lamoureux, 3014-3015

Lindsey, 3012-3014

Wasyliw, 3006-3012

Opening statement

Fielding, 3003-3004


Fielding, 3004-3007

Gerrard, 3005-3006

Lamoureux, 3004

Lindsey, 3004-3007

Wasyliw, 3004-3006

R/S Amdt

Clause 3 subsection 59.13(5)

Lamoureux, 3015-3016

C/3 R

Fielding, 3017

Lamoureux, 3017


Chartier, 3018

Committee of the Whole, 3015

Committee Report, 3016-3017

Health-care workers

Fielding, 3005

Gerrard, 3005

Proof of vaccination for employers

Fielding, 3006

Lamoureux, 3014

Lindsey, 3006, 3013

Retroactive pay

Fielding, 3005

Lamoureux, 3014

Lindsey, 3005

Timeliness of legislation

Fielding, 3004, 3005

Lamoureux, 3013

Lindsey, 3004, 3013

Wasyliw, 3004, 3005, 3009

Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Leave for Miscarriage or Stillbirth) (Bill 231)

1 R

Lathlin, 3161

Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Unpaid Leave for Reservists) (Bill 211)

1 R

Reyes, 663

2 R


Gerrard, 750-752

Johnston, 748-749

Lindsey, 747-748

Moses, 749-750

Opening statement

Reyes, 743-745


Gerrard, 745

Johnston, 745-746

Lindsey, 745-747

Reyes, 745-747

Referred to Standing Committee on Social and Economic Development

C 3/R

Adams, 1192-1194

Brar, 1204-1205

Bushie, 1207-1209

Gerrard, 1194-1195

Lindsey, 1190-1192

Marcelino, 1201-1202

Moses, 1195-1197

Naylor, 1202-1204

Reyes, 1189-1190

Sala, 1197-1199

Smith, B., 1199-1201

Wasyliw, 1205-1207


Filmon, 1305

Education leave

Moses, 750

Full-time vs. part-time employment

Adams, 1193

Gerrard, 751, 1194

Lindsey, 746-748, 1191

Moses, 750, 1196

Naylor, 1203

Reyes, 745

Smith, B., 1200

Guaranteed wages

Lindsey, 746-747

Reyes, 746-747

Mental/physical health leave

Adams, 1193

Gerrard, 745, 1194

Johnston, 745

Lindsey, 1191

Reyes, 745-747

Smith, B., 1199

Minimum length of employment

Brar, 1205

Marcelino, 1201

Naylor, 1202

Reyes, 744, 1190

Sala, 1197

Smith, B., 1199

Unpaid leave

Brar, 1205

Lindsey, 1191

Reyes, 1190

Employment, COVID-19. See COVID-19, employment

Empower Awards

Cox, 3920

Enabling Appropriations

Contingency for Youth Corrections Reform

Fielding, 3634

Wasyliw, 3634

Contingency fund, employee pensions

Fielding, 3634

Wasyliw, 3634

Contingency fund, flex fund

Fielding, 3634-3635

Wasyliw, 3634

Contingency fund, retirement or severance

Fielding, 3634

Wasyliw, 3634

Emergency Expenditures

Fielding, 3622, 3760

Wasyliw, 3622, 3760

Enabling Vote

Fielding, 3616

Wasyliw, 3616

Estimates, 689

Debate, 3615-3636, 3760

Opening statements

Fielding, 3615


Fielding, 3616-3636, 3760

Wasyliw, 3616-3636, 3760

Government Fund Remediation

Fielding, 3633

Wasyliw, 3633

Immigration Projects, Grant Assistance

Fielding, 3617

Wasyliw, 3617

Internal Service Adjustments

Fielding, 3617

Wasyliw, 3617

Internal Service Adjustments, capital investment

Fielding, 3636

Wasyliw, 3636

Internal Service Adjustments, contingency fund

Fielding, 3623-3624

Wasyliw, 3623

International Development Program, Grant Assistance

Fielding, 3616

Wasyliw, 3616

Post-secondary job market alignment office

Fielding, 3633-3634

Wasyliw, 3633-3634

Endangered species

Damages to landowners

Gerrard, 1926, 1929-1930

Goertzen, 1926

Energy efficiency programs

Green energy incentives

Lamoureux, 3788

Wharton, 3788

Hydro rate increases

Guillemard, 2451

Sala, 2450-2451

Engage Manitoba

Park improvements

Guillemard, 4086

Naylor, 4086

Parks Reservation System survey

Guillemard, 4086

Naylor, 4086

Public consultation initiative

Nesbitt, 48

Pallister, 3127

Rural property crime

Cullen, 957

Scrap metal theft

Nesbitt, 960

Enhanced driver's licences

Phasing out of

Gerrard, 1929

Goertzen, 1924, 2465


Government record on

Naylor, 292

Environment Officer Recognition Day. See Ministerial statements

Environmental justice

Indigenous sovereignty

Naylor, 2365-2366

Epilepsy, childhood

New pediatric program

Naylor, 3497

Program fund donation

Asagwara, 4051

Gordon, 4053

Essential services

Privatization inquiry

Schuler, 193

Wiebe, 192-193

Essential workers, COVID-19. See COVID-19 pandemic

Estimates. See specific departments

Estimates books

Spending and staffing information, removal of

Goertzen, 4068

Marcelino, 4067-4068

Ethan Boyer Way

Schuler, 322

Ethnocultural Community Support Program

Gordon, 3558

Ewasko, Hon. Wayne (Lac du Bonnet) PC

Adult learning centres

Funding, 2759-2760

Adult Learning Centres

Annual report, June 30, 2020, 1870

Adult literacy

Funding for programs, 2890-2891

Adult Literacy Strategy

Annual report, June 30, 2020, 1870

Advanced Education Administration Amendment Act (Bill 33)

2 R

Opening statement, 1691-1692

Questions, 1692-1695

Classes of tuition, definition of, 3988

Court challenge to Bill, 1693

Development of regulations, 3868-3870

Request to withdraw, 2045, 2358-2359, 2451-2452, 2798

Student fees, amendment, 1692-1693, 2552

Advanced Education, Skills and Immigration Department


Opening statements, 3861-3870

Speakers, 3862-3870, 3983-3995

Main Estimates Supplement 2021-2022, 2649

Assiniboine Community College

Annual report 2019-2020, 1673

Immigrant Integration Program

Funding plan, 1820


Skills, Talent and Knowledge Strategy, 1420

Immigration Pathways

Vacancy rate, 3991

International students

Health-care coverage, elimination, 3990

Manitoba Adult Literacy Strategy

Annual report, June 30, 2020, 1870

Members' statements

Activities in Lac du Bonnet, 3434

Lymphedema Awareness Day, 1374

School Bus Driver Day, 2585-2586

Ministerial statements

Eid al-Fitr, 2987

Nurses--internationally educated

Licencing fast-track program, 3988-3989

Oral Questions

Advanced Education Administration Amendment Act

Amendment regarding student fees, 2552

Request to withdraw Bill 33, 2045, 2358-2359, 2451-2452, 2798

Education modernization act

Adult learning centre funding, 2759-2760

Immigrant Integration Program

Future funding plan, 1820

Post-secondary education

Funding, 1380-1381, 1817

Funding and tuition increases, 2045

Operating funding, 2997-2998

Post-secondary education funding

Request for government investment, 2238-2239

Setting of student union fees

Government interference concerns, 1819

Skills, Talent and Knowledge Strategy

Education and immigration initiative, 1420

U of M Faculty Association labour dispute

Bargaining interference concerns, 3932

Collective bargaining negotiations, 3905

Point of Order

P/O by Ewasko alleging that the Opposition Leader had taken a picture of Members in the Chamber with his phone, 1921

Post-secondary education

Funding, 1380-1381, 1817, 2045, 2997-2998

Funding tied to labour market needs, 3985-3986

Government investment, 2238-2239

Transitional Support Fund, 3868

Provincial Nominee Program

Applications accepted, number of, 3995

Fee increase, 3994-3995


Calling on federal government to revise and improve the federal government's journalism subsidies

Debate, 3733-3735

Questions, 3731

Skills, Talent and Knowledge Strategy

Education and immigration initiative, 1420

Student Aid program

Review of, 3865-3866

Student financial assistance

Loans given, 3864

Student union fees

General comments, 1691, 1693-1694

Government interference concerns, 1819


Fees, ministerial oversight, 1615, 1691-1692, 1693-1694

Tuition increase

Future increases, 3863

General comments, 2045

University College of the North Amendment Act (Bill 34)

2 R

Opening statement, 1722

Questions, 1722

C/3 R, 3404

Consultations, 1722

University of Manitoba Faculty Association

Bargaining interference concerns, 3932

Collective bargaining negotiations, 3905

Minister mandate letter, 3866-3868, 3983-3985

Welcome Place

Annual funding, 3991-3992, 3993


Skilled, attraction and retention, 3992-3993

Ewasko, Wayne (Lac du Bonnet) PC

Child poverty

Reduction rate, 1261

Childhood cancer

Madox's Warriors, 333

Team Brody Foundation, 333

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, 333-334

COVID-19, public-health orders

General comments, 1058

Madox's Warriors, 333

Members' statements

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, 333-334

Manitoba Curling Week, 1018-1019

Oral Questions

Provincial park investments

Government initiatives, 341


Government initiatives, 341

Public Health Amendment Act (2) (Bill 216)

2 R

Debate, 1058-1060

Questions, 1053


Better support for schools, teachers, students and families

Debate, 658-660

Questions, 652

Call on the provincial government to support Manitobans on Employment Income Assistance

Debate, 1268

Questions, 1260-1261

Team Brody Foundation, 333

Excel Energy Minnesota

Hydro contract

Sala, 3663

Wharton, 3663-3664

Executive Council


Debate, 454-470, 530-540, 594-602, 3056-3078, 3107-3133, 3447-3466, 3510-3526, 3699-3705, 3849-3861

Opening statements

Kinew, 455-457, 3056-3057

Pallister, 454-455


Bushie, 3521-3526, 3702-3705

Goertzen, 3849-3860

Kinew, 454-469, 530-540, 594-602, 3056-3078, 3107-3132, 3447-3466, 3511-3521, 3699-3701, 3849-3857

Lamont, 3857-3860

Pallister, 457-470, 530-539, 594-602, 3056-3078, 3107-3133, 3447-3465, 3511-3526, 3699-3705

Staff introductions

Pallister, 530-531

Experimental Lakes Area. See Members' statements under Schindler, David

Eye health

Investments needed

Gerrard, 3889

Eye jewellery ban

Johnston, 1848

Eye Physicians of Manitoba. See Public Health Amendment Act (Banning Cosmetic Eye Tattooing and Eye Jewellery)

Eye surgery

Cap removal

Gerrard, 3888

Eye tattooing. See also Public Health Amendment Act (Banning Cosmetic Eye Tattooing and Eye Jewellery)

Ban on

Johnston, 1848


Johnston, 1848, 1850

Reyes, 1850

Individual choice to

Fontaine, 1850


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