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Retournez à Journaux du poste faisant état des activités d'Alexander Kennedy

Journal du poste de York Factory.
HBCA, B.239/a/104, fos. 52-53d.

1800 August

17 Sunday A.M. very Hazy weather P.M. Clear & a fresh Breeze N.E. Two Large Canoes from Mr Cook’s House arrived with Furs. Mr Cook informs me be Letter that he is well and will visit the Factory soon – waits only to arrange some affairs absolutely necessary before the Fall commences. Mr Kennedy and Mr Colen came up from the Marsh with some small Birds & a few fish – returned.

18 Monday Calm pleasant clear weather all Day. Men employed cutting firewood for the Ship, collecting stones along Shore for Ballast, packing the Furs that came yesterday and putting everything in the greatest readiness for the Ship. Caught some fish at Ten Shilling Creek. Severn Brig went down to Five Fathom Hole to wait the arrival of the Ship…

20 Wednesday Close Rainy weather most part of the Day. Employed cutting Hay[,] carrying up the remainder of our firewood, repairing Inland Canoes, Factory Boats & doing many other Jobs. Messrs Kennedy & Colen came up from the Marsh where they had been since Monday hunting & fishing - brought a fine Quantity of Birds. Mr Taylor went a board his Brig…

28 Thursday Drizzling Rain all Day. Wind N.N.E. Blowing fresh. employment as follows –
Two men casting Shot
Four making Deers snares for Mr Cook
Two making Rundlets for sending Inland
Two making Canoe Sails
Two making Nets for Inland Services
Four making & railing in a place for stacking the Hay
Three Tayloring for Officers & men
One making Window sashes for Inland Houses
One repairing Trading Guns
One making necessary Ironwork for Mr Cooks House Inland

The others assisted in bringing down the Rafts with those that were employed on that Service all arrived in the evening with 12 Rafts. To do justice to the Men this Year never in my life did I see them behave better. Every person ready and willing to go about what they are ordered to without that Grumbling that I have seen too much prevailing at this place.