Manitoba Municipal Heritage Site No. 98

Tummel United Church
SW 7-25-28 WPM
Tummel area

Tummel United Church
Designation Date: September 14, 1993
Designation Authority: Shell River (R.M.)
Present Owner: Tummel United Church

Tummel United Church, built as Tummel Presbyterian to replace an earlier (1887) log structure located four kilometres to the south, is a fine example of a rural community church that emphasizes functionality. The tidy wooden facility, erected largely by volunteer labour and fully completed only as sufficient funds became available, also is the oldest operating church in the Shell River municipality. Its straightforward design and materials, and modest Gothic Revival appointments, made it a suitable home for a union church formed by local Presbyterians and Methodists in 1916, nearly a decade before their parent bodies created the United Church of Canada. Situated on sheltered level grounds, this enduring house of worship offers services on a limited summer schedule.