A Special Day for Multiculturalism

June 27 is Canadian Multiculturalism Day.

The date was designated in 2002 by the Government of Canada as the annual opportunity for all Canadians to:

  • celebrate the diversity of our country, our society and our communities
  • affirm our commitment to democracy, equality and mutual respect
  • appreciate the contributions made by the ethnocultural groups that make up Canadian society

What is multiculturalism?

Multiculturalism means that for each of us, individually and as groups, treasured traditions and present practices are an active element of daily life.

Multiculturalism means we celebrate not only the heritage of our family and community but the backgrounds and beliefs of our neighbours as well.

Multiculturalism recognizes that our shared national identity is enriched by Canada's diversity; we are of various races, ethnicities and religions, we speak many languages, we have myriad customs - many cultures.

Different but equal, we promote harmony and mutual respect - in accord with the multicultural policies and laws of the Province of Manitoba and of the Government of Canada.

Multiculturalism in Manitoba

Manitoba is made up of Indigenous peoples who welcomed the settlers of old, and together we continue to embrace the many thousands of immigrants who arrive each year to make Manitoba their new home. In our province we speak more than 100 languages; there are more than 300 organizations that actively represent unique ethnocultural communities.

The rich mosaic that is Manitoba is protected and promoted by the Manitoba Multiculturalism Act, whose tenets are put into practice by the Multiculturalism Secretariat and guided by community support.