Get Started – Pathway to Employment

Creating a training and employment plan will help you to organize your goals and access the resources you may require each step of the way.  Below is a framework to help you to get started on your pathway.

Schedule an Appointment with an EIA Counsellor:

Set up a meeting with your EIA counsellor to see if you are ready to start down your pathway towards employment. 
To schedule an appointment:
Contact your EIA counsellor directly or call 204- 948-4000 or 1-877-812-0014 (toll free)
For a list of Winnipeg and rural Manitoba EIA offices, visit Manitoba Family Services.
At this appointment, you will talk about your employment goals and decide what steps will help you prepare for training and/or employment. This may include referrals to Essentials Skills Manitoba and/ or other agencies that will help you identify the skills you already have and strengthen those skills that are necessary to be successful in your occupation or workplace.
The outcome of your planning discussion and assistance (if required) from referral agencies will help you to create a training and employment plan that is right for you. Depending on your pathway, your next steps might include additional supports such as training for a specific career, employment services to help you locate a job, etc.
The important thing to remember is that we will work with you to help you learn and move forward. At any point, if you hit a barrier or are not ready to go any further, that's okay. Supports and programs will still be available to you.
To support your transition into training or employment, your EIA counsellor will also work with you to address and assist you with the following:
Identification (ID) and Personal Documents
You need certain documents to open a bank account,  move into training and/or work, register your children in school or child care, etc.. These various forms of ID include a birth certificate, social insurance number (SIN) card and Manitoba Health card.
Your Money
Knowing how to manage your money allows you to succeed in meeting your family’s needs every month. Three important steps  include opening a bank account, making a monthly budget and finding out your credit history to help you better manage your debt and/or access financial counselling if required.
Your Home
As you move from EIA benefits to independence, you will begin to manage bills yourself for costs such as rent and utilities. You EIA counsellor can help you to set up a plan to manage these new responsibilities.
Your Children
Ensuring that your children are well cared for, safe and in an educational setting while you are training or working is very important! Knowing what questions to ask and how to locate child care that meets your needs and expectations will help you decide what child care option works best for you and your family.
Your Health
Looking after you physical and mental health is key to your success. Ensure that you obtain regular check-ups with your doctor, dentist and eye doctor. You are eligible for these health benefits.
Your Transportation
It is important to consider all of your options for getting to work, school and child care (ex: bus, car pool) and plan for these costs in your budget.
How to Stay on Track
Unexpected circumstances will occur as you progress through your employment plan. Learning how to manage your money, anticipate expenses and find other benefits outside of EIA and training supports can help you to deal with new challenges.
Most importantly, never be afraid to ask for help! There are many supports available to help you get through.