Section 3 Privacy
Sub-Section 3.2 Keys

no legislative reference




A landlord must give each tenant a key for every lock on the rental unit. The landlord must also give the tenant at least one key for the mailbox, recreation facility, laundry facility or any other secured area in the residential complex, that the tenant has the right to access.


A landlord can’t charge a tenant for a key or set of keys at the beginning of a tenancy.


If a tenant loses their key or asks for an extra key, the landlord may charge a reasonable amount for a new or extra key.

If a tenant locks themselves out, they should ask the landlord for help. The Branch encourages landlords and tenants to try to resolve this kind of issue.


A tenant should not lend other people their keys or give out copies of their keys. Tenants are responsible for any damage or disturbance caused by the people who use these keys to enter the complex.


The tenant must return all keys, including extra keys, to the landlord, at the end of the tenancy. This helps keep the rental unit and residential complex secure.



This policy is included as information for landlords, tenants and officers. If landlords and tenants aren’t able to solve a problem with keys on their own, they can ask the Branch for help.

Steps ▼

1.The officer encourages the landlord and tenant to share information, and to discuss the problem, to try to come to an agreement.

2.When a landlord or tenant asks the Branch for help with a problem concerning keys, the appropriate officer follows the procedures for:

    • mediation
    • hearing

Forms & Form Letters


For more information on mediation, see Section 1.
For details on hearings, see Section 11.

Policy Developed

September, 1992

Last Revision

March, 2004

Other Resources


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