Residential Charge Calculator – 2022/2023

This calculator is provided for estimating a residential charge. Choose one of the following options, based on your circumstances. The information you enter is strictly for your personal use and will not be recorded.

OPTION 1:  You are Single, Widowed, Divorced or Separated
Please enter your information in both boxes below to calculate your Residential Charge.
Your Net Income $ Line 236 of your 2021 CRA Notice of Assessment
Taxes Payable: $ Line 435 of your 2021 CRA Notice of Assessment
Please do not enter commas or spaces.
Your Net Income (line 236) =
subtract Taxes Payable (line 435) -
Total (your charge is based on this amount) =
Daily Charge =


OPTION 2: Married and your spouse/partner lives in the community
Please enter your information in both boxes below to calculate your Residential Charge if you are married and your spouse/partner lives in the community.
  Enter your information here Your spouse / partner's information
(Amount from line 236) of your 2021 CRA Notice of Assessment
$ $
(Amount from line 435) of your 2021 CRA Notice of Assessment
$ $
Please do not enter commas or spaces.  
Your Net Income (line 236) =
subtract Taxes Payable (line 435) -
Total (your charge is based on this amount) =
Daily Charge =


OPTION 3: Married and your spouse/partner also resides in a health care facility
Please enter your information in all of the boxes below to calculate your Residential Charge if you are married and your spouse/partner also resides in a health care facility.


Enter your information here: Your spouse / partner's information:
(Amount from line 236) of your 2021 CRA Notice of Assessment



(Amount from line 435) of your 2021 CRA Notice of Assessment



Please do not enter commas or spaces.
Your Net Income (line 236) =
subtract Taxes Payable (line 435) -
Total (your charge is based on this amount) =
Daily Charge per Person =