Who We Are
- As of November 13, 2024, the Department of Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources became the Department of Business, Mining, Trade and Job Creation.
- As of October 18, 2023, the Department of Economic Development, Investment and Trade became the Department of Business, Mining, Trade and Job Creation .
- As of January 30, 2023, the Resource Development Division became a part of the Department of Economic Development, Investment and Trade (EDIT).
- As of January 18, 2022, the Resource Development Division became a part of the Department of Natural Resources and Northern Development (NRND).
- As of October 23, 2019, the Resource Development Division became a part of the Department of Agriculture and Resource Development (ARD).
- As of May 3, 2016, Manitoba Mineral Resources (MMR)
became a part of the Department of Growth, Enterprise and Trade (GET).
- MMR Reports and Expenses
Realizing Manitoba's mineral and petroleum potential, creating wealth for the benefit of all Manitobans
Facilitating sustainable development of the province's mineral and petroleum resources by:
- encouraging investment
- enhancing geoscience knowledge
- promoting wise land-management and access to resources
- ensuring rehabilitation of lands affected by resource development
- creating strategic partnerships
- working with local and Indigenous communities
- championing critical policy development
- advancing opportunities for Indigenous involvement in resource development
The Geological Survey conducts a wide range of investigations in Manitoba's Precambrian Shield, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, and Hudson Bay Basin. Investigations include examination of exposed bedrock, subsurface materials, and surficial sediments including sand, gravel and organic deposits. The Geological Survey provides data and products such as geological maps and reports, metallic and industrial mineral deposit reports and databases, mineral resource assessments, targeted geoscience research, development of exploration models, and maintenance of data inventories. By developing an understanding of Manitoba's geology and geological processes, the Geological Survey promotes mineral exploration opportunities and contributes to wise land-use management.
The branch administers The Mines and Minerals Act governing the disposition of mineral rights (permits, claims and leases), exploration, development, and production of the province's non-fuel mineral resources and the rehabilitation of mines and quarries.
The branch administers The Oil and Gas Act and related regulations governing the exploration, development, production, transportation and storage of crude oil and natural gas. It is also responsible for The Oil and Gas Production Tax Act.
The branch administers the Manitoba Drilling Incentive Program, maintains a comprehensive public database of technical well and reservoir information. It also prepares reports on the province's petroleum geology and hydrocarbon potential to encourage and assist in the exploration and development of Manitoba's oil and gas resources.