GIS Map Gallery: Petroleum Technical Well Files

Manitoba’s Petroleum Technical Well files can also be accessed online without going through the map gallery if you know the licence number of the well of interest. These can be obtained by entering the licence number below.

Last updated: January 8, 2025

Files may be accessed manually by entering the licence number into the correct URL, as described below:

Go to this link: and replace the last four digits in the web address (in this case, this is the well file for Licence number 8001) with the licence number of the well of interest.

Please ensure you have 6 digits after the / and before the .pdf for this to work.


For questions regarding use of the Map Gallery or the implementation of images please contact:

Christine Steele
GIS Technician
Geoscience Data Management
Tel:  204-748-4264

Technical Well & Reservoir Information - Ordering Information

The Regulatory Services Branch has technical records of all non-confidential wells drilled in the Province. Files may include the original well licence, survey plan, drilling prognosis, core analyses, drill stem test reports, reservoir pressure measurements, logs, drilling and service rig tour reports, and well completion reports.

These records can be examined at the Winnipeg or Virden District office and may be reproduced for the stated charge.
Requests for digital information are handled on an individual basis.

The Branch also maintains reservoir and pool information files. These files include PVT analyses, special core studies, copies of unitization orders and agreements and progress reports on pressure maintenance projects.

Reservoir and pool information is available for viewing at Branch offices in Winnipeg and Virden.

Information from these files may be reproduced at a charge of $0.25 per copy. Due to staff restrictions, we are unable to fill large reproduction orders on a timely basis.