Water Routes Tool for Canoeists - Nopiming Provincial Park
To use the tool, click on a route marker to find out information about that water route. Select a water route from the drop down list to zoom in directly to that route and get more detailed information on campsites, portages and staging areas, including GPS co-ordinates and descriptions. Note: All co-ordinates are approximate. Information is current as of March 2015.
Adjust the map feature below to view satellite or terrain imagery.
The following zipped files contain the co-ordinates for the Nopiming
backcountry campsites, portages and water route staging areas.
Click on the link below to download the files to your computer for
uploading to your GPS or to Google Earth. The GPX file works with multiple co-ordinate formats (e.g. latitude/longitude and UTM). Please refer to the map tool
above for full details on the water routes.
Nopiming water route co-ordinates
Download a pdf showing Nopiming water routes here. Note that the pdf is for illustration purposes only and it is recommended that canoeists travel with topographical maps and a compass and/or a GPS. Topographical maps are available for purchase from canadamapsales.com or by phone at 1-877-627-7226. Please note that there is no cell service along these water routes. This tool is intended for use before you leave on your trip, not during your trip.
Help us improve the information provided by sharing data and feedback with us after your trip.
We will continually try to improve the tool and update the data when we can. We welcome your comments and input.
To report your experience canoeing on the Nopiming water routes, email
TrailsMBParksEast@gov.mb.ca or contact the Lac du Bonnet District Office at:
Box 850
Lac du Bonnet, MB R0E 1A0
Phone : 204-345-1400
If you have recently paddled one of the Nopiming water routes, please visit our Canoeing web page to complete a survey on your trip.
The Manitoba Eco-Network developed a similar interactive mapping tool for visitors to the Manigotagan River. You can find that map at http://mbeconetwork.org/canoemap/manigomap/index.htm.