Manitoba Municipal Heritage Site No. 12

Goulet House
432 Joubert Street

Goulet House
Designation Date: June 6, 1988
Designation Authority: Saint-Pierre-Jolys (Village)
Present Owner: Musée de Saint-Pierre-Jolys

The vernacular Goulet House is a fine example of early French domestic architecture in Manitoba. Its Red River frame construction is masterfully exhibited in its hand-cut log walls, while its vertical board-and-batten siding and gambrel roof are typical of early Francophone structures. The family home, built by Moise Goulet, a freighter who transported goods by Red River ox cart from the United States to Canada, was originally situated alongside trading routes near the Rat River and doubled as a resting place for fellow freighters. In 1985 it was moved to its current location, where it is now part of the St-Pierre-Jolys Museum, and restored.