Hansard: Index

HOUSE INDEX - 1st Session - 43rd Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Earl Grey Community Centre

Members' statements

Wasyliw, 813

Early childhood education

New spaces, number of

Altomare, 1217

Lamoureux, 1217

Starting Strong program

Oxenham, 1405

Early childhood educators. See also Community Child Care Standards Amendment Act

Learning labs

Altomare, 1459-1460

Jackson, 1460

King, 1459

Salary increase, Budget 2024

Moyes, 1033

Training program--northern Manitoba

Altomare, 1459

Narth, 1459

Training programs, expansion of

Altomare, 1458-1459

Wage grid

Jackson, 1462

Wage increase

Stone, 437

Wages and benefits framework

Altomare, 1217

Lamoureux, 1217

Workforce strategy

Altomare, 1216

Lamoureux, 1216

Early learning and child care

Initiatives in Budget 2024

Altomare, 1011

Kennedy, 1010-1011

Earth Hour

Members' statements

Naylor, 914-915

East St. Paul Skating Club

Members' statements

Wharton, 1564

École River Heights Theatre Troupe

Members' statements

Moroz, 1978-1979

École Saint-Germain


Moyes, 738

Environmental projects

Moyes, 768

Economic Development Board

Nesbitt, 226

Economic Development Secretariat

Government decision to dissolve

Johnson, 220

Kinew, 103

Stefanson, 103

Economic Development, Investment and Trade Department

Annual Report March 31, 2023

Moses, 97

Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources Department

Supplement to the Estimates of Expenditure 2024-2025

Moses, 1109-1110


Budget 2024

Stone, 1053

Business investment concerns

Moses, 139-140

Wharton, 139-140

Credit rating--Manitoba

Stefanson, 47

Development and tax competitiveness

Piwniuk, 798

Development of

King, 261

Nesbitt, 225

Development projects

Stone, 780

Development strategy

Kinew, 294-295

Economic development and investment

Piwniuk, 724

Sala, 724

Wharton, 256

Economic development board

Ewasko, 1593-1594

Kinew, 1594-1595

Economic development--rural Manitoba

Kostyshyn, 907

Growth concerns, Budget 2024

Goertzen, 1035-1036

Khan, 1017

Growth-oriented policies

Stone, 780

Role of labour and immigration

Byram, 104-105

Marcelino, 105

Education and Early Childhood Learning Department

Corporate Services

Jackson, 1030


Debate, 2266-2278

Opening statements

Altomare, 2266-2268

Jackson, 2268-2269


Altomare, 2269-2278

Jackson, 2269-2276

Lamoureux, 2277-2278

Learning and Outcomes division

Jackson, 1029

Student Achievement & Inclusion Division

Jackson, 1029

Supplement to the Estimates of Expenditure 2024-2025

Altomare, 1110

System, Performance and Accountability Division

Jackson, 1029

Education Property Tax Credit

Affordability concerns

Altomare, 511-512

Ewasko, 509

Hiebert, 511

Jackson, 510

Kinew, 509-510, 511

Commercial properties, elimination of

Cook, 990

Ewasko, 978

Stone, 1053

Exemption for homes and farms

Bereza, 472

Kostyshyn, 472

Farmland increase

Kostyshyn, 1051

Stone, 1051, 1054

General comments

Nesbitt, 1275

Government intention

Bereza, 410-411

Cook, 412-413, 473

Guenter, 376-377

Kinew, 377, 410-411

Sala, 376-377, 412-413, 473

Increase concerns

Khan, 1117

Sala, 1117-1118

Increase concerns for farmers

Bereza, 1120-1121

Kostyshyn, 1120-1121

Increase concerns for homeowners

Balcaen, 1024

Khan, 1015, 1309-1310

Sala, 1309-1310

Increase concerns-Budget 2024

Khan, 970-971

King, 1122

Sala, 970-971

Property tax increase concerns

Khan, 1599

Sala, 1599-1600

Renters, impact on

Wowchuk, 1134

Tax relief for agriculture industry

Kostyshyn, 471-472

Stone, 471

Education system

Attendance rates, release of data collected

Altomare, 1119

Lamoureux, 1119

Budget 2024

Byram, 1127

Chen, 1396-1397

Cook, 989

Ewasko, 983

Jackson, 1029

Simard, 1064

Wowchuk, 1134

Children in care, barriers for

Blashko, 398

Class size initiative

Altomare, 1394

Class sizes, concern for

Simard, 1398

Wasyliw, 1397

Educator recruitment and retention (Throne speech)

Johnson, 219

FRAME report, 2016 funding

Altomare, 1394


Guenter, 734

Grade 12 English exams, cancellation of

Cost to taxpayers

Altomare, 2124

Lamoureux, 2124

Directive to divisions-minister's comments

Altomare, 2189

Jackson, 2189

Impact on graduating students

Altomare, 2188-2189

Jackson, 2188


Altomare, 2120-2121

Jackson, 2120-2121

Problem with exam, timeframe to address

Jackson, 2189

Kinew, 2189

Redeveloping exam, costs associated with

Altomare, 2123

Lamoureux, 2123

Support for educators

Altomare, 2123-2124

Lamoureux, 2123

Holocaust education, curriculum development

Altomare, 1652

Moroz, 1652

Impaired driving education program (MADD)

Balcaen, 1470-1471

Islamophobia and anti-Semitism

Education combating in curriculum

Kennedy, 638

Khan, 638, 641

Louis Riel history curriculum

Ewasko, 143

Kinew, 142-143

Lamoureux, 142

Loiselle, 649

Wowchuk, 649

Michif language in curriculum

Altomare, 657

Johnson, 143, 650, 654

Kinew, 143-144

Loiselle, 650

New funding model, status of review

Altomare, 1119

Lamoureux, 1119

Numeracy and literacy ranking

Ewasko, 980-981

PC record on

Ewasko, 1344-1345

Provincial exams

Ewasko, 981

Provincial standardized testing

Altomare, 666-667

Jackson, 666-667

Throne speech

Altomare, 184

Blashko, 223

Devgan, 258

Kennedy, 253

Moyes, 217

Water system studies curriculum

Cross, 761

Edwards, Tim

Wharton, 101

Efficiency Manitoba. See also Efficiency Manitoba in Crown Corporations committee

Annual Report March 31, 2023

Schmidt, 97

Expanded mandate

Schmidt, 1058

Geothermal pump installations, number of

Khan, 2095

Schmidt, 2095

EI. See Employment insurance

EIA. See Employment and Income Assistance

Electric vehicle rebate

Budget 2024

Chen, 1104

Cross, 1026

Moyes, 1033

Schmidt, 1057

Demand on Hydro power

Khan, 1841-1842

Sala, 1841-1842

Government intention

Nesbitt, 1690

Schmidt, 1690

Program cap

Khan, 1841

Sala, 1841

Electric vehicles

Charging infrastructure

Ewasko, 984

Uptake in Manitoba

Schmidt, 1057

Elmwood constituency

Garden seed distribution

Maloway, 1505

Emblems - Manitoba

Moyes, 543

Emergency Management Organization (EMO)

Funding to combat wildfires in Budget 2024

Ewasko, 1778-1780

Kinew, 1778-1780

Wildfire season, resources to combat

Marcelino, 1349-1350

Narth, 1349

Emergency Medical Response and Stretcher Transportation Amendment Act (Bill 13)

1 R

Asagwara, 595

2 R


Cook, 1452-1453

Opening statement

Asagwara, 1450


Asagwara, 1450-1452

Bereza, 1452

Cook, 1450-1452

Referred to Standing Committee on Legislative Affairs

C/3 R

Asagwara, 2410


Neville, 2413

Emergency medical services

New station--Teulon

Asagwara, 2124

Devgan, 2124

Emergency room services

Expansion of patient discharge days

Asagwara, 164

Oxenham, 164

Hours of operation--Carberry

Asagwara, 1840-1841

Cook, 1840-1841

Operating hours--Eriksdale

Asagwara, 139

Lamoureux, 138-139

Staff recruitment inquiry

Asagwara, 138

Lamoureux, 138

Violent incidents at children's hospital

Use of institutional safety officers

Asagwara, 1530

Lamoureux, 1529

Wait times, request for plan to address

Kinew, 71

Lamoureux, 71

Emerson-Pembina highway

Condition of

Guenter, 237

Employee Pensions and Other Costs

Annual Report March 31, 2023

Sala, 60


Health care and applied sciences

Employment specific draws

Lamoureux, 709

Marcelino, 709-710

On the job training, lack of

Bereza, 523

Workforce, changes to

Byram, 1457

Employment and Income Assistance (EIA). See also Manitoba Assistance Amendment Act

Activities that fulfill work expectations

Fontaine, 581

Adult learning programs

Tuition waiver

Balcaen, 584-585

Disability Support Act, changes to

Perchotte, 590-591

Employment insurance (EI)

Sickness benefit extension

Marcelino, 877

Employment Standards Code Amendment Act

Abuse of program, concern for

Bereza, 933

Brar, 885

Byram, 884

Khan, 931

Piwniuk, 940


Khan, 879

Marcelino, 879-880

Benefit of legislation

Brar, 885

Canadian Federation of Independent Business consultations

Bereza, 880

Khan, 878, 886-887, 928

Marcelino, 878, 880

Nesbitt, 944


Byram, 884

Khan, 878, 928-929

Marcelino, 878

Nesbitt, 944

Schmidt, 938

Consultations, western provinces

Nesbitt, 943

Costs for employers

Khan, 930

Cross-jurisdictional comparison

Bereza, 932

Khan, 879, 887, 929

Marcelino, 879

Cross-jurisdictional competition

Piwniuk, 940

Different sectors, impact on

Bereza, 933-936

Legislative timeline for

Dela Cruz, 1412

Marcelino, 1412-1413

Long-term leave extension (from 17 to 27 weeks)

Bereza, 932

Khan, 887, 929

Marcelino, 559

Persons who have finished leave, extension options

Byram, 878

Marcelino, 878

Public engagement

Byram, 877

Marcelino, 877-878

Qualifying criteria

Khan, 930

Rural recruitment, impact on

Piwniuk, 940

Serious illness, definition of

Bereza, 933-936

Small business, impact on

Nesbitt, 944

Staff retention, impact on

Bereza, 933

Byram, 879, 882

Marcelino, 879

Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Bill 9)

1 R

Marcelino, 559

2 R


Bereza, 932-937

Brar, 884-886

Byram, 880-884

Khan, 886-888, 928-932

Nesbitt, 943-945

Piwniuk, 939-943

Schmidt, 937-939

Opening statement

Marcelino, 877


Bereza, 878-880

Byram, 877-879

Khan, 878-880

Marcelino, 877-880

Employment Standards Code Amendment and Interpretation Amendment Act (Orange Shirt Day) (Bill 4)

1 R

Kinew, 126

2 R


Ewasko, 315-316

Goertzen, 316-317

Lamoureux, 316

Opening statement

Kinew, 312-314


Ewasko, 314-315

Goertzen, 315

Kinew, 314-315

Lamoureux, 314

Referred to Standing Committee on Social and Economic Development

C/3 R

Bushie, 422-428

Cross, 428-430

Fontaine, 419-422

Kinew, 418-419

Stefanson, 419


Neville, 495

Enabling Appropriations, Tax Credits and Public Debt

Annual Report March 31, 2023

Sala, 60

Energy capacity

Concern for

Khan, 726

Energy grid

Net zero target

Lamoureux, 1512

Schmidt, 1512

Renewable energy partnerships

Lamoureux, 1512

Schmidt, 1512

Eng, Shirley and Peter

Mitzi's Restaurant

Asagwara, 1403


Project labour agreements

Johnson, 579

Enns, Lori

Members' statements

Byram, 1002

Enterprise Machine Intelligence and Learning Initiative (EMILI)

King, 660

Entrepreneurship Manitoba

Annual Report March 31, 2023

Naylor, 60

Enviroclub. See École Saint-Germain


Initiatives, Budget 2024

Schmidt, 1058

Previous governments' record

Moyes, 755

Throne speech

Altomare, 185

Nesbitt, 224

Environment Act

Law Reform Commission recommendations

Nesbitt, 753

Schmidt, 752-753

Environment and Climate Change Department

Supplement to the Estimates of Expenditure 2024-2025

Schmidt, 1110

Environment and Climate Department

Annual Report March 31, 2023

Schmidt, 97

Environment officer recognition day

Lamoureux, 2375-2376

Nesbitt, 2375

Schmidt, 2374-2375

Environmental Stewardship Award. See Association of Manitoba Community Pastures

Epic/Smile of St. Malo

Members' statements

Narth, 1680


Adult monitoring unit

Cross, 1303-1304

Equal Opportunities West

Members' statements

Kennedy, 64

Eriksdale Curling Club

Johnson, 1082

Ewasko, Wayne (Lac du Bonnet) PC

Abgrall, Denise

Members' statements, 1738

Adult literacy

Consultations re: Bill 5, 328

Adult Literacy Act (Bill 5)

2 R

Debate, 328-329

Questions, 328

Bail monitoring unit

Timeline for launch, 662-663

Bail reform

Government intention, 564-565

Timeline for, 982

Budget 2024

Amendment, 986

Community safety, 985

Debate, 977-985

Education funding, 983

Income and property taxes, 949-950

Infrastructure, 984

NDP election platform, 968-969

Property tax increase, 977

Wildfire fighting, 1778-1780

Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act

Request to call Bill 37 to committee, 1644-1645

Carbon tax

Government position, 1004

Provincial plan, 1072-1073, 1210-1211, 1245-1246

Provincial price on carbon, 1043-1044, 1113-1114

Upcoming increase

Call for government to oppose, 769-770

Child care

Day of Action for Early Learning and Child Care, 236

Child-care spaces

Government intention, 30-31, 70, 159-160, 286, 292

City of Brandon

Operating funding, 1148

Committee of the Whole

Interim Appropriation Act, 2024 (Bill 25), 788-790

Community safety

Budget 2024, 985

Justice funding, 1306-1307

Crown corporations

Interference concerns, 985

Cyber security

Cyber attacks, request for government to address, 1980-1981

D-Day anniversary, 2372


Economic development board, 1593-1594

Education Property Tax Credit

Affordability concerns, 509

Commercial properties, elimination of, 978

Education system

Budget 2024, 983

Louis Riel history curriculum, 143

Numeracy and literacy ranking, 980-981

PC record on, 1344-1345

Provincial exams, 981

Electric vehicles

Charging infrastructure, 984

Emergency Management Organization (EMO)

Funding to combat wildfires in Budget 2024, 1778-1780

Employment Standards Code Amendment and Interpretation Amendment Act (Orange Shirt Day) (Bill 4)

2 R

Debate, 315-316

Questions, 314-315

Executive Council


Opening statements, 2049-2050

Speakers, 2051-2064, 2219-2232, 2358-2362

Fort Rouge constituency

Crime rate in Premier's riding, 1681-1682

Fuel tax rate reduction

Request for extension, 861

Gaza war

Israeli hostages, 617

Gillis Quarries Limited

Tyndall stone mining, 442

Government Motion

Amendment, 615

That the Legislative Assembly affirm its commitment to immediately call for a ceasefire in the Israel and Gaza war to address the famine crisis, 614-615

Amendment, 615

Green Team Program

Community organization funding, 1933-1934

Tuxedo community organization funding, 1934-1935

Grocery prices

Pledge to lower, 1345-1346

Health-care system

Recruitment reporting, 1074-1075

Health-care workers

New positions, number of, 1073-1074

Holy Trinity Church

Preservation request, 2182-2183

Imperial Oil pipeline shutdown

Carbon tax, impact on fuel prices, 862

Fuel supply concerns, 861

Infrastructure spending

Budget 2024, 984

Interim Appropriation Act, 2024 (Bill 25)

Committee of the Whole, 787-790

International Union of Geological Sciences

Heritage Stone designation (Tyndall stone), 442

Lac du Bonnet constituency

General comments, 289-292

Members' statements, 2378

Personal-care home, 292, 789-790, 983

Lac du Bonnet Lions Club, 101

Legislative Assembly of Manitoba

Tyndall stone used in construction, 442, 443

Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Amendment and Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries Corporation Amendment Act (Expanding Liquor Retail) (Bill 213)

2 R

Debate, 1721-1722

Louis Riel Act (Bill 2)

2 R

Questions, 143

Lymphedema Awareness Day

Members' statements, 506

Manitoba Emblems Amendment Act (Provincial Stone) (Bill 201)

1 R, 403-404

2 R

Opening statement, 441-443

Questions, 443-445

C/3 R, 2292

Matters of Privilege

Raised by the Leader of the Opposition alleging that the Premier made comments to the media that damaged his reputation as an educator by manipulating his quotes to make him look transphobic, 802-804

Member for Tuxedo

Resignation, 1567

Members' acknowledgements, 290

Members' statements

Abgrall, Denise, 1738

Lac du Bonnet constituency, 2378

Lac du Bonnet Lions Club, 101

Lymphedema Awareness Day, 506

PC record on education, 1344-1345

Milk prices

Increase concerns, 1645-1646

Minister of Labour

Resignation request, 1507

Ministerial statements

Call for ceasefire in Gaza, 598

D-Day anniversary, 2372

Day of Action for Early Learning and Child Care, 236

Indigenous Languages Day, 965

Sikh Heritage Month, 1402

Misinformation, spreading of, 329

Mulroney, Right Honourable Brian

Acknowledgements to family and colleagues on his death, 508

Municipal and Northern Relations Minister

Untendered contract-conflict of interest concerns, 2380-2381


Government funding plan, 1149

Oral Questions

Bail monitoring unit

Timeline for launch, 662-663

Bail reform

Government intention, 564-565

Budget 2024

NDP election platform, 968-969

Budget implementation legislation

Request to call Bill 37 to committee, 1644-1645

Call for the Tuxedo By-election

Inquiry into use of government resources, 2091-2092

Child-care spaces

Government intention, 30-31, 70, 159-160, 286

City of Brandon

Operating funding, 1148

Community safety

Justice funding concerns, 1306-1307

Cyberattacks on Manitoba institutions

Request for government to address, 1980-1981

Death of former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney

Acknowledgements to family and colleagues, 508

Economic development board

Concern for provincial economy, 1593-1594

Education property taxes

Affordability concerns, 509

Emergency Management Organization

Funding to combat wildfires in Budget 2024, 1778-1779, 1780

Federal carbon tax requirements

Request for provincial carbon tax price, 1113-1114

Fort Rouge constituency

Crime rate in Premier's riding, 1681-1682

Gas pipeline shutdown

Fuel supply concerns, 861

Green Team Program

Community organization funding, 1933-1934

Tuxedo community organizations, 1934-1935

Health-care staffing

Number of new workers, 1073-1074

Recruitment reporting, 1074-1075

Holy Trinity Church

Preservation request, 2182-2183

Income and property taxes

Budget 2024 plans, 949-950

Increase in property crime and retail theft

Request for government to address, 2239-2240

Increase in violent crime at retail stores

Request for government plan to address, 2183-2184

Milk prices

Increase concerns, 1645-1646

Minister of Labour

Resignation request, 1507

Minister of Labour and PNP program

Call for independent investigation, 1506, 1524

Premier's knowledge of minister's actions, 1523-1524

Premier's knowledge of minister's comments, 1505-1506

Minister of Municipal and Northern Relations

Untendered contract-conflict of interest concerns, 2380-2381

Municipal funding

Government plan, 1149

Out-of-province surgeries

Request to re-establish, 2326-2327

Pause to the gas tax

Request for extension, 861

Pipeline shutdown and carbon tax

Impact on fuel prices, 862

Pledge to lower food prices

Request for government accountability, 1345-1346

Political parties and candidates

Election spending rebate increase, 1740-1741, 1779-1780

Political parties election rebate

Government priorities, 1981-1982

Political party rebate

Government priorities, 1839-1840, 1873-1874

Premier of Manitoba

Activities prior to being elected, 1507

Premier's office staff

Conflict concerns, 771

Price of provincial carbon tax

Request for government plan, 1043-1044

Provincial carbon tax

Government plan, 1210-1211, 1245-1246

Government position, 1004

Request for government plan, 1072-1073

Provincial finances

Borrowing inquiry, 703-704

Provincial Nominee Program

Labour Minister-interference concerns, 1441-1442

Premier's knowledge of labour minister's conduct, 1440-1441

Request for draw schedule, 1567-1568

Request for labour minister to resign, 1442

Timeline for next draw, 1405-1406

Provincial taxes

Government intention, 603-604

River East Transcona School Division

Changes to catchment areas, 2241-2242

School construction projects

Government priority inquiry, 371-372

Update inquiry, 308-309

Survivor's Hope Crisis Centre

Long-term funding concerns, 1253-1254

Tobacco company litigation

Premier's public comments, 1741-1743

Upcoming increase to carbon tax

Call for government to oppose, 769-770

Wildfires in western Manitoba

Support for evacuees, 1778

Personal-care homes

Construction--Lac du Bonnet, 292, 789-790, 983


Removal of federal carbon tax, 778-779, 870, 958, 1219, 1254-1255, 1356, 1536, 1653-1654, 1691-1692, 1751, 1787, 1848, 1882-1883, 1945-1946, 2191-2192

Removal of the federal carbon tax, 1081-1082


Education and training, 982

Pointe du Bois Dam

Generator replacement, 291

Political parties

Election spending rebate, 2010-2011

Election spending rebate increase, 1740-1741, 1779-1780, 1839-1840, 1981-1982

Rebate, government priorities, 1873-1874

Premier of Manitoba

Activities prior to being elected, 1507

Fort Rouge constituency, crime rate, 1681-1682

Premier's office staff

Conflict concerns, 771

Property taxes

Increase concerns, 977

Provincial finances

Borrowing and spending, 979

Borrowing inquiry, 703-704

Debt servicing costs, 978

Provincial Nominee Program

Call for independent investigation into Labour Minister, 1506, 1524

Call for labour minister to resign, 1442

Labour Minister's conduct, knowledge of, 1440-1441, 1505-1506, 1523-1524

Ministerial interference concerns, 1441-1442

Request for draw schedule, 1567-1568

Timeline for next draw, 1405-1406


Ministerial statements, 598

Retail crime

Request for plan to address, 2183-2184, 2239-2240

Riel, Louis

School curriculum, 143

River East Transcona School Division

Changes to catchment areas, 2241-2242

School construction

Update, 308-309, 371-372

Sikh community

Population in Manitoba, 1402

Sikh Heritage Month

Ministerial statements, 1402

Special Olympics Awareness Week, 2373-2374

Surgical and diagnostic services

Out-of-province surgeries

Request to re-establish, 2326-2327

Survivor's Hope Crisis Centre

Long-term funding, 1253-1254

Taxes - provincial

Government intention, 603-604

Income and property taxes

Budget 2024 plans, 949-950

Throne speech debate, 273, 289-292

Tobacco company litigation

Premier's public comments, 1741-1743

Tuxedo by-election

Government resources, use of inquiry, 2091-2092

Tuxedo constituency

Green Team funding, 1934-1935

Tyndall stone

Fossils in, 443

Heritage stone designation, 442

Legislative Assembly building, 442, 443

Mining history, 441-442

Ukraine war

Supports for Ukraine, 614

Unexplained Wealth Act (Criminal Property Forfeiture Act and Corporations Act Amended) (Bill 30)

2 R

Debate, 1947-1950

Wallace Sandstone Company

Tyndall stone mining, 442


Support for evacuees--western Manitoba, 1778

Women in politics

First woman premier (Heather Stefanson), 1567

Exams. See Education system

Excellence in Education Awards

Ministerial statements

Altomare, 1502-1503

Jackson, 1503

Executive Council


Debate, 2047-2064, 2219-2232, 2358-2366

Opening statements

Ewasko, 2049-2050

Kinew, 2047-2049


Ewasko, 2051-2064, 2219-2232, 2358-2362

Kinew, 2050-2064, 2219-2232, 2358-2366

Lamoureux, 2363-2365

Expanding Community Cancer Care

Members' statements

Wowchuk, 1504-1505


Hiebert, 1338


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