Public Health Guidance for When You Have Symptoms of a Respiratory Infection
On this page:
Follow public health guidance if you have symptoms of a respiratory infection
Monitor your symptoms and seek care as needed
Advice if you work in a high risk setting
What to do if you have be exposed to COVID-19
Follow public health guidance if you have symptoms of a respiratory infection:
If you have symptoms of a respiratory infection or test positive for any respiratory infection:
- For information on COVID-19 testing and treatment see: Province of Manitoba | COVID-19 Testing and Treatment Guidance
- Stay home and away from others until your symptoms have improved, you feel well enough to resume normal activities, you are free of fever for around 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication (e.g. acetaminophen or ibuprofen).
- Avoid close contact with others, especially people at higher risk of severe illness or complications from a respiratory infection.
- Avoid non-essential visits to high-risk settings (e.g. personal care homes, health care facilities).
- Clean your hands regularly – wash your hands with soap and water for at least 15 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Cover your coughs and sneezes.
- If appropriate, open windows to encourage airflow.
- If you cannot avoid close contact with others, take other prevention measures such as wearing a mask in indoor settings.
By staying home and staying away from others, you are helping to limit further spread of respiratory infections.
Monitor your symptoms and seek care as needed
Anyone who is experiencing symptoms of a respiratory infection or test positive for any respiratory infection should also be monitoring their health for any new or worsening symptoms, including fever, cough, headache or breathing difficulties. If you start to feel worse, call your health care provider or Health Links - Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or 1-888-315-9257.
Call 911 if your symptoms are severe (i.e. new or severe chest pain, trouble breathing, bluish lips or face, sudden confusion, symptoms of stroke such as leg or arm weakness, numbness, slurred speech or facial drooping). It is important to seek medical attention early to get the care you need.
Advice if you work in a high-risk setting
If you have symptoms of a respiratory infection or have tested positive for any respiratory infection and work in a high-risk setting (such as a hospital, a long-term care home, or another congregate setting), you should speak with your employer and follow your workplace guidance for return to work.
What to do if you have been exposed to COVID-19
COVID-19 continues to circulate year-round in our communities and many people will be exposed to COVID-19. Whether notified of a COVID-19 exposure or not, everyone should routinely monitor for symptoms of respiratory infections and stay home and away from others if you develop symptoms.
Close contacts do not need to self-isolate. Self-isolation (quarantine) after exposure to someone with COVID-19 in the community is no longer routinely recommended by public health. Individuals who are staying in a high-risk setting, such as a hospital, should follow facility guidance.
You should monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 even if you have been recently vaccinated or infected.
If you develop symptoms of a respiratory infection, follow public health guidance for people who have symptoms of a respiratory infection, and stay home and away from others.