Commercial Operator Appeals

If your Safety Fitness certificate has been revoked by the Director of Motor Carrier Enforcement Branch, you can apply to the Licence Suspension Appeal Board (LSAB).

Processing for an Application for Appeal can take approximately two to four (2-4) months for a complete application.

Each application must be accompanied by:

    1. A copy of the Notice of Decision letter from the Director of Motor Carrier Enforcement with your appeal.
    2. Documentation in compliance with the Documentation Requirements for Permits or Commercial Operators
      1. By fax: Must include cover page with the Appellant’s name
      2. By email: Must contain the Appellant’s name in the subject line
      3. By mail  
    3. Non-refundable fee of $250.00:
      1. By mail: Cheque or money order payable to the MINISTER OF FINANCE
      2. In person: Cash, cheque, money order, debit, MasterCard or Visa
      3. Online: E-transfer, MasterCard or Visa. Contact the office for instructions  

When a complete application and documentation is received by the office, the application will be processed at that time. Please note it may take up to 8 weeks to receive a Notice of Hearing. Hearing notices are mailed out approximately 4 weeks prior to the scheduled Hearing date. If you anticipate that you may be away when a Hearing date is scheduled, please advise the office immediately.