Application Process

If you are suspended by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles (Manitoba Public Insurance) as a result of a show cause hearing, you are eligible to file an appeal with the Licence Suspension Appeal Board (LSAB).

If you are suspended or prohibited from driving as a result of a Criminal Code conviction, please refer to the specific section to determine your eligibility to file an appeal.

If you are denied a Manitoba’s driver’s licence by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles (Manitoba Public Insurance) as a result of not satisfying the proof of residency requirements, you are eligible to file an Appeal Application with the LSAB by following the required residency documentation guidelines.

The LSAB does not have the jurisdiction to grant a conditional driver's licence if you are suspended for any of the following reasons:

  • Indebtedness to Manitoba Public Insurance/Government
  • Maintenance Enforcement
  • Failure to pay subrogation fees
  • Cancellation or suspensions for failing to comply with an Assessment or Report Requirement
  • Unpaid fines
  • Medical Reports

Once you are sure you want to file an appeal with the LSAB, you will need to provide the following:

  1. A fully completed Application Form (PDF, 103 KB) - you must include your driver's licence number
    • If you do not have this information you may contact MPI to obtain it. It will also be located on your driver’s abstract. Your application will not be accepted without your driver’s licence number.
    • If you have a PO Box as a mailing address or work address, you will need to provide a physical address for these locations
  2. Non-refundable fee of $250.00
    • By mail: cheque or money order payable to the MINISTER OF FINANCE
    • In person: cash, cheque, money order, debit, MasterCard or Visa
    • Online: E-transfer, Mastercard or Visa. Please contact the office for instructions.
  3. A copy of your current driver’s abstract from MPI dated within 15 days of your application filing date
  4. Written documentation supporting your request for any driving privileges, in accordance with the Documentation Requirements (PDF, 222 KB)

If any changes happen between the time you file the appeal and your hearing date, you will need to submit a copy of these documents a minimum of two weeks prior to the hearing. For example, you change employers between when you file your application and your hearing date or the hours that you work change.

Once the application for appeal has been accepted, with full payment, you will be issued a receipt. You may take the receipt to an MPI Service Centre to obtain a 45-day permit (subject to eligibility). The LSAB does not issue the 45-day permit and the decision to grant a 45-day permit is up to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles only. If you are suspended as a result of a show cause hearing, it is recommended that you confirm with the Registrar of Motor Vehicles (Manitoba Public Insurance) whether you will be granted a temporary 45-day permit, prior to filing your appeal with the Licence Suspension Appeal Board (LSAB). You can determine your eligibility by contacting Manitoba Public Insurance - Driver Fitness by telephone at 204-985-1989 or toll free 1-800-665-2670.

  • If you mailed your application form, you may call the office and request that the receipt be sent to MPI so that you can obtain your first 45-day permit or you can wait for the receipt to be mailed to you
  • If you have not been scheduled for a hearing prior the expiry of your first 45-day permit, you may contact the Licence Suspension Appeal Board (LSAB) office to authorize one additional permit, no more than 45 days. This should be done three (3) to seven (7) business days before the first 45-day permit expires. A second permit will not be issued if:
    • a request for additional information has been sent and the additional information has not been received
    • the first permit has already expired
    • you received further tickets while operating on the first permit

You may choose to revoke a request (for example, decide to no longer ask for driving for school purposes) however, if you revoke a request, you will not be able to make a request to drive for that purpose during your hearing.

You will receive a “Notice of Hearing” and a copy of your driver’s abstract by mail approximately three to four (3-4) weeks prior to your hearing date. If you anticipate that you may be away when a hearing date is scheduled, please advise the Licence Suspension Appeal Board (LSAB) by contacting our office immediately.

Once you have been scheduled for a hearing, you are required to attend. You may request an adjournment of your hearing date however; they are only granted in exceptional circumstances (medical emergency - documentation is required) and your hearing will not be re-rescheduled on a priority basis. If you do not appear or contact our office, your appeal will be cancelled, and your file will be closed.