Permits for Access, Signs, Structures and Development
A permit is required from the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure for development adjacent to provincial highways. Provincial highways include provincial trunk highways, provincial roads and provincial access roads.
As of March 1, 2019, the authority to issue permits for development including accesses, structures, signage and trails adjacent to provincial highways is delegated to the Highway Design Branch of Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure, as stipulated under The Transportation Infrastructure Act.
Before applying for a permit, Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure strongly encourages you to read the following:
- Process for Reviewing Development Applications (PDF, 134 KB)
Permit application fees are regulated under the Transportation Infrastructure (General) Regulation.
- Permit Fees (PDF)
Processing time for a Permit is approximately 4-8 weeks.
How to Apply for a Permit
Application forms for accesses to or structures and signs adjacent to a provincial highway can be submitted online, in person at any Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure regional office, or by mail or in person by appointment only to Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure’s Highway Design Branch in Winnipeg.
Unscheduled drop-in services at Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure’s Highway Design Branch in Winnipeg are not available at this time. Please contact us for assistance, or to schedule an appointment. We are pleased to support you by phone or email at 204-583-2433 or
Apply for an for Access and Development Permit
In person or by mail
Print and complete the application form:
Application for Permit Advertising Sign adjacent to a Provincial Highway in a Controlled Area (PDF, 60 KB)
- Application for Permit Access onto and/or Structures adjacent to a Provincial Highway in a Controlled Area (PDF, 20 KB)
For more information contact your local Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure regional office or:
Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure
Highway Design Branch
Roadside Development Section
1420 - 215 Garry Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3P3
Telephone: 204-583-2433