Inspection Types

Along with the annual engineer’s inspection, there are several other types of annual compliance inspections. All of them are scheduled and overseen by the railway safety officer.

Track and Infrastructure: With the shortline railway's maintenance-of-way supervisor, and using the shortline railway's high-rail, Transport Canada inspects all track and turnout components, as well as, records of routine inspections and maintenance.

Signalized Crossings: With the shortline railway's signal maintainer, Transport Canada inspects all aspects of signal functioning, as well as, records of required periodic inspections and maintenance.

Passive Crossings: The railway safety officer and the provincial railway crossing safety technologist inspect passive crossings.

Locomotives and Cars: At the shortline railway's yard, Transport Canada inspects air brakes, handbrakes and all other mechanical, electrical and electronic systems, as well as the physical components of cars. Transport Canada also checks records of required periodic inspections and maintenance.

Rules and Procedures: At the shortline railway's headquarters, Transport Canada reviews operating procedures and employee qualifications. On the train during an actual working trip, Transport Canada checks compliance with operational rules.

Passengers: If the shortline railway carries passengers, Transport Canada will look for compliance with passenger handling and other specific rules governing passenger safety.

Dangerous Goods: If the shortline railway handles dangerous goods, Transport Canada will look for compliance with the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations.

For more information, contact the Railway Safety Officer by email or by calling 204-945-3890.