Reportable Accidents and Incidents

Reportable accidents include situations in which:

  • a person is killed or seriously injured as a result of being on board or getting on or off rolling stock, or coming into contact with any part of the rolling stock or its contents
  • rolling stock is involved in a grade crossing collision
  • rolling stock is involved in a collision or derailment while carrying passengers or dangerous goods
  • rolling stock sustains damage that affects its safe operation, causes or sustains a fire or explosion, causes damage to the railway, or poses a threat to the safety of any person, property or the environment

Reportable incidents include situations in which:

  • a risk of collision occurs (a near miss)
  • an unprotected main track switch is left in an abnormal position
  • a railway signal displays a less restrictive indication than that required
  • an unprotected overlap of operating authority occurs, or a movement exceeds the limits of its authority
  • there is runaway rolling stock
  • a crew member whose duties are directly related to safe operation of the rolling stock is unable to perform his or her duties, due to a physical incapacitation that poses a threat to any person, property or the environment
  • dangerous goods are released on board or from the rolling stock

Report all accidents and incidents to the railway safety officer as soon as possible, within 24 hours of the accident or incident. You must also submit a written report to the rail safety officer within 30 days containing details of the accident or incident, location, movement, crew, etc. and stating the cause(s).

For general inquiries or more information, contact the Rail Safety Office by email or by calling 204-945-3890.

Shortline Railways may send Accident or Incident Reports to When sending these reports ensure the subject line clearly identifies the railway and reason for the contact.