Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Operating Manual

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Section 133.4 - Vocational Training - Employment Services


The primary intent of Employment Services is to assist the participant to obtain paid employment.


This service is requested when the Vocational Counsellor and participant have determined that the services of an Employment and Training Centre are required to assist the participant to prepare for, and obtain competitive employment. Paid employment is the expected result for all Employment Service referrals.



In cases where the objective from the onset of making the referral to an Employment and Training Centre is obtaining employment, if an Assessment is required, it should be arranged as a part of Employment Services.


Employment Services may include the whole range of assessment, employability skills development, work experience, job development, and job placement services. These may be carried out in either an individual or group setting.


An Employment and Training Centre may utilize a wide range of strategies to address a variety of employment barriers. These strategies may include, but are not limited to: individual counselling, employment planning, group work, job-finding clubs, self-esteem building, skill development, volunteer work, and personal development such as health and wellness activities.


Unpaid work experiences may occur in any employment setting and are intended to assist the participant to develop specific job skills that are required by an employer and which can lead to employment. During unpaid work experiences the participant is deemed to be a "trainee" and is not engaged in an employee-employer relationship as defined in The Employment Standards Code. Actual training services are provided by a staff member of the Employment and Training Centre and the staff at the employment site.


Structure and Timeframe for Employment Services

  • Initial approvals may be for up to six months with two three-month extensions for a maximum of 12 consecutive months (regardless of whether this is part-time or full-time).
  • The expected outcome is employment. The Vocational Counsellor’s referral and the Employment and Training Centre’s acceptance of a referral are based on an expectation that the participant will obtain paid employment within the above noted time frames and that the Employment and Training Centre will be able to facilitate this process.
  • Unpaid work experiences shall generally be limited to 4 weeks (maximum 160 hours at any one job/work experience site). There is an overall maximum of 500 hours during the 12 month time frame.
  • In situations where the one-year limit on Employment Services has been reached, there needs to be a thorough review of the barriers to employment.
    • If these can be addressed by the Employment and Training Centre or like agency, then a detailed rationale shall be prepared by the Vocational Counsellor and documented in the Vocational Counsellor comments section of the EAPD–002 (if an ETC) or EAPD–001 (if not an ETC). All parties must agree that progress is being made toward employment. Unpaid work experiences shall remain limited to a maximum of 500 hours in the subsequent year.
    • In cases where the barriers to employment are outside the range of services provided by the Employment and Training Centre or like agency, then an interruption in Employment Services should occur while the identified barriers are being addressed.
  • To enhance employment retention, Employment Services shall continue to be provided as part of the Employment and Training Centre’s core services for 12 weeks after employment is obtained. In cases where this results in exceeding approved timeframes for Employment Services an extension approval will not be required.
  • Once Employment Services have ended, that is, 12 weeks following the start of employment, the participant becomes eligible for Employment Supports.

Expected Outcomes of Employment Services

To be considered a successful employment outcome:

  • a participant will have obtained paid work within 12 months of enrolment in Employment Services with employment meeting all of the following criteria:
    1. minimum wage or above
    2. 15 hours or more per week
    3. anticipated to extend beyond 12 weeks
  • a participant will have obtained paid work within 12 months of an approved extension of Employment Services with employment meeting all of the following criteria:
    1. minimum wage or above
    2. 15 hours or more per week
    3. anticipated to extend beyond 12 weeks
  • consideration may also be given to include attainment of employment that is less than 15 hours per week as a successful outcome, provided there is consensus that the participant has reached their maximum capacity to work; and, due to their disability and/or health conditions, are unable to work more.


The following standards apply to Employment Services offered by Employment and Training Centres or like agencies.

  1. Employment Services are structured to assist in achieving the employment goals identified in the Individual Vocational Training Plan and are expected to result in competitive employment.
  2. Employment Services may occur at any time during the vocational process.
  3. Funding requests forms are submitted on a timely basis and shall include training objectives, tasks, and services provided by the Employment and Training Centre or like agency, as well as a description from the Vocational Counsellor of the nature and frequency of monitoring and evaluation.
  4. While a participant is enrolled in Employment Services, the Vocational Counsellor should review progress every three months or more frequently if needed.
  5. An Employment Services progress report should be completed by the Employment and Training Centre three weeks prior to the scheduled end date; and, if required, service extensions should be recommended.
  6. Funding requests for an extension of Employment Services must be approved prior to initiating services.
  7. If the objective of competitive employment is not achieved upon completion of Employment Services, alternate, more appropriate services, such as a referral to Day Programs for those who are eligible, or volunteer work should be explored with the participant.

Where Employment Services are arranged directly with an employer and without the involvement of an Employment and Training Centre, documentation is required to provide evidence of a contractual arrangement with the employer. The documentation should outline expectations, objectives, reporting requirements, hours of work, job tasks, insurance coverage, and participant characteristics that may impact job performance.


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