STEP Services - Frequently Asked Questions






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I am eligible and registered, why have I not received a call from STEP Services

Each year, thousands of students register with STEP Services looking for employment and the number of available positions is limited. Not all students will receive a referral.

There are many factors that may determine whether or not you are contacted by STEP Services for an interview:

  • How closely your skills and abilities match the requirements of the position.

    • For each position, departments provide STEP Services with very specific list of skills, abilities, and qualifications that the interview candidates should have.

    • The more your registration matches these requirements, the more likely you are to receive a referral.
  • How closely your educational background matches the position.

    • One of the objectives of the STEP Services program is to provide students with career-related employment opportunities.

    • In some cases, departments may ask STEP Services to refer students with a specific educational focus. For example, Families might ask STEP Services to refer students in related educational fields such as social work or counseling.
  • When you registered.

    • While departments hire students throughout the year, the peak hiring period is in early April in advance of the full-time/part-time summer program. The best time to register is January; this ensures you are eligible for the highest number of fall and summer employment opportunities.

  • Where you can work.

    • STEP Services will only contact you about positions that are available in the communities you list on your registration.

Will I be referred to career-related positions that match my education?

STEP Services does its best to find career or educationally-related positions for students however available positions vary each year depending on departmental hiring objectives, budgets, etc. As a result, not all students will be offered positions that fully match their career or education goals.

I am only interested in a specific position, can I apply directly to the department or agency?

Yes. You may approach a department directly about employment but, ultimately, all student hiring is conducted through STEP Services. This means that you will be required to register with STEP Services, meet our eligibility requirements, and will have to participate in a multi-candidate interview process.

Am I required to work all summer?

No. However, please be aware the majority of summer positions run full-time from May to August. If you do not anticipate being able to complete the full term of your employment, please make this known to STEP Services staff before the interview process.

Can I work during the school year?

Yes. STEP Services also coordinates the hiring of student employees from September to April. During the fall/winter program positions may be available from one to five days per week.

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I am an international student, am I eligible?

Yes. International students are eligible to register with STEP Services and work in government departments. International students must possess a valid work permit to be eligible to work in Canada, and the terms and conditions of any appointment will be subject to the conditions outlined in the work permit.

I currently have a job outside of government; do I have to quit to work for the government?

No. You are not restricted from working for other employers during your employment placement with the Province of Manitoba.

However, if your job will interfere with your government work schedule, be sure to discuss it with your supervisor before beginning work (preferably during the interview process).

I am not returning to school next year (fall), can I register?

Students who are in their final year of studies may apply to STEP Services but should be aware that upon graduation you will no longer qualify.

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How do I register?

You may register online at

If you are unable to complete an online registration, contact STEP Services at for assistance.

Is there a registration deadline?

You may register at any time throughout the year however registrations are only valid from January 1 to December 31 each year.

You must re-register every year beginning in January.

To ensure you are considered for the most jobs possible, register as early after January 1 as possible.

Criminal Record/Child Abuse Registry Check

Certain departments such as Justice and Family Services require a Criminal Record check and Child Abuse Registry check for positions related to juvenile and adult corrections and those which involve contact with vulnerable persons. For more information, please contact your local police service or visit the following link:

What is co-operative education?

Co-operative education is a method of combining classroom based education with practical work experience. It provides paid, full-time work experience in a student's field of study while fulfilling recruitment needs of employers.
Work terms can vary from four, six to eight months of employment.

I am taking courses that are not listed on the registration form.

If possible, select comparable courses that best describe your current studies.

The registration form does not allow me to list all of my courses and skills.

In this situation, prioritize the skills and courses that are the best match to the kind of employment you are seeking (e.g., selecting computer skills if you are looking for work in the field of information technology).

I attend more than one university/college (i.e., joint program). Which school should I include on my registration?

Select the academic institution where the majority of your courses/instruction is held.

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I have a concern about my work environment.

Always contact your immediate supervisor with any concerns about your comfort or safety in the workplace.

How long can I keep my student job?

Each position will have a different employment term. Your supervisor will provide you with a specific start and end date.

Can I go back to the same job next summer/fall?

Supervisors have the option of rehiring students for additional part-time (fall/spring) and full-time work (summer). Rehiring is subject to certain conditions and returning students must meet all eligibility requirements.

If you are interested in returning, discuss it with your supervisor as early as possible.

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What can I expect during the interview?

The interview is a relatively formal process so be sure to dress appropriately (avoid jeans and t-shirts). Casual/dress pants, dress shirts, polo shirts, and other "business-casual" dress are sufficient.

Of course, like all interviews, it is critical that you arrive on time and be sure to have at least three copies of your current resume. It is also helpful to the interviewers if you have your references ready at the time of the interview.

Most interviews are 25-45 minutes in length and may include questions about your educational background, work experience, skills, and abilities.

Increasingly, departments are using behavioral-based interview questions. These questions ask you to provide a specific example of a past behavior and provide the interviewer with insight about how you behave in certain work conditions.


  • Tell us about a time when you had to communicate with a client/customer who was angry or upset, what approach did you take and were you successful?

  • Give an example of a time when you had to quickly come to a decision.

  • Describe a situation when you had a positive influence on a team or employees or peers.

How should I prepare?

Anticipate questions related to the description of the job duties and responsibilities.

It may be helpful to read about the department you are applying to, especially its vision, mission, and goals. This information is available on the Province of Manitoba's website

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