So much to see. So much to experience. So much to enjoy. Manitoba is a world-class destination for outdoor adventure. We are home to incredible fisheries and diverse aquatic ecosystems. More than 90 species of fish await residents and visitors, from the delicious Goldeye and Walleye, to the ferocious Northern Pike and the massive Lake Sturgeon which can grow to over 1.5 metres and live for more than 150 years.
Manitoba has the finest freshwater fisheries in the Western Hemisphere, supporting Indigenous subsistence harvest, recreational angling, and commercial fishing. Fisheries management programs are developed to protect, enhance and manage Manitoba’s fisheries for the benefit of the fish and all resource users. These programs are expertly delivered by biologists, planners, technicians, support staff and partners to conserve these precious resources for future generations.

Lake Winnipeg Pre-Certification Assessment and Fisheries Improvement Projects
The Manitoba government is responding to the growing demand for sustainably sourced fish in local and international markets by working with commercial fisheries to achieve sustainable fisheries with a view toward eco-certification for Manitoba’s largest commercial fisheries.
Eco-certification, also known as Sustainable Fisheries Certification, is a process in which a fishery is assessed against specific standards by a third-party assessment body. Although Manitoba currently has two certified fisheries, Waterhen Lake and Cedar Lake, certifying Manitoba’s three largest commercial fisheries (Lake Winnipeg, Lake Manitoba and Lake Winnipegosis) are key to maintaining markets for Manitoba fish products.
To respond to recent market risks brought forward by Manitoba’s largest fish buyers, the Manitoba government is working with Lake Winnipeg fishers on two Prospective Fisheries Improvement Projects – one for the Lake Winnipeg’s North Basin Walleye and Lake Whitefish stocks, and one for Lake Winnipeg’s South Basin/Channel Walleye and Lake Whitefish stocks. A prospective FIP is a public commitment for government and fishers to openly engage in information sharing and work together over the next year.
A pre-assessment report for the Lake Winnipeg fishery was completed in November 2024. Prior to undertaking a full certification assessment, a pre-assessment is conducted on the fishery to determine the likelihood of achieving full certification. This includes a review of the fish stock assessments, management regime and enforcement and compliance activities. The pre-assessment identifies strengths and weaknesses in the fishery and may identify deficiencies which would make the fishery ineligible for full certification.
For more information, please review the frequently asked questions document that provides more details on sustainable fishing certification, the results of the recently completed Lake Winnipeg pre-certification assessment report, and market risks.