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Ouvrages à consulter

Lambrecht, Kirk N, The Administration of Dominion Lands, 1870-1930, Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre, University of Regina, 1991.

Norrie, Kenneth H, « The National Policy and the Rate of Prairie Settlement: A Review », The Prairie West, R. Douglas Francis and Howard Palmer (dir. de publication), p. 243-263, Regina: Pica Pica Press, 1995.

Spry, Irene M. et Bennett McCardle, The Records of the Department of the Interior and Research Concerning Canada's Western Frontier of Settlement, Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre, University of Regina, 1993.

Tyman, John Langton, By Section, Township, and Range: Studies in Prairie Settlement, Brandon: Assiniboine Historical Society, 1972.

Pour en savoir davantage, consultez « Emma Averill » dans la base de données descriptive des archives Keystone à l'adresse suivante : (en anglais seulement).