CWD Results for Manitoba

Enter sample number in the search function.

Results KEY:

  • Negative for CWD’ – CWD prions not detected in submitted sample.
  • 'Secondary Tissue – Negative for CWD’ - Tissue tested but with less confidence. CWD prions not detected in submitted sample.
  • ‘Untestable’ – The sample was missing, decomposed, damaged, or mandatory information was not provided.
  • ‘Pending’ – Sample received and undergoing testing at an accredited laboratory. Check back at a later date for results.’
  • ‘Contact Wildlife Health Program’ – Sample not tested, more information required. Contact the Wildlife Health Program at citing the Sample Number in the subject line.
  • Sample Results are current as of October 11, 2024.

Results not showing?

  • Refresh this webpage and clear your browser cache before entering a sample query.
  • Be sure you are entering the correct Sample Number, located to the upper left on your Wildlife Sample Receipt Form.
  • Tags with unique Sample Numbers were assigned when dropped off. 
    • Red tag with a barcode (pictured below): “WHP” prefix must be included in your query e.g. WHP009508 (upper case, all 6 digits including zeros, no spaces).

      Red tag with a barcode
    • Yellow or orange tag: try removing the zero from the start of this Sample Number.  For example, Sample Number 012345 should be entered as Sample Number 12345.
  • Your sample information may not have been updated as yet.  Data entry can be affected by travel delays, weekends, and holidays.  Try searching again later.
  • Some internet browsers may not be compatible with the database.  Try using an up-to-date version of Microsoft Edge.
  • Results still not found? – contact the CWD Team at, please cite your sample number in the subject line.