Statement on Language and Content in Records and Archival Descriptions

The Archives of Manitoba, including the Hudson’s Bay Company Archives, houses records that were created over several hundred years. These records reflect the time period in which they were created and the views of their creators. This means that they can contain outdated, offensive and/or harmful language and content. We do not change the content or language in original records because these records serve as evidence of past actions and attitudes. This allows contemporary users of the archives to assess and question the original records and the context of their creation. However, we acknowledge the harmful impact that this language and content continue to have and we strive to address this harm by revising outdated descriptions, amending listings to include contemporary language, and seeking feedback from archives users to identify problematic language in the Keystone database and online resources.

If you encounter offensive or outdated language in any of our online descriptions, research tools or exhibits, please bring it to our attention. You can email us at