Donating Municipal Records

The Archives of Manitoba acquires and preserves records of archival value from Manitoba municipalities.

Many municipalities have already donated records to the Archives of Manitoba. Search “municipality” in Keystone for more information on the municipal records held at the Archives.

If you are interested in discussing the donation of municipal records, contact the Archives of Manitoba.

Before contacting us, here are some things you should know:

  • The creation and management of municipal records is governed by The Municipal Act and Regulation 53/97, Retention and Disposition of Municipal Records Regulation (PDF). Check the Regulation for detailed information about the types of records commonly maintained by municipalities, as well as the retention period and disposition (archive or destroy) for each.
  • We may also be interested in acquiring records that are not listed in the Regulation. Contact us to discuss these further.
  • In order to donate municipal records to the Archives of Manitoba, the municipal council is required to approve the donation. The Archives of Manitoba needs to receive a copy of the order.
  • Municipalities are responsible for the cost of transporting records to the Archives, as well as for the boxes and bags used to pack the records. See MDA to order Manitoba Archives boxes.
  • Before sending records to the Archives, they must be properly packed and listed. Once we have reviewed the lists, we will let you know when we are ready to receive the records. Use the Municipal Records Transfer List form to prepare your list: