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Publication Downloads - Precambrian Bedrock Geology


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Publications below are grouped by genre and may be available in alternate formats upon request.





Geoscientific Report GR2019-1
Geology of the Southern Indian Lake area, north-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 64G1, 2, 7–10, 64H3–6)
By T. Martins, P.D. Kremer, D. Corrigan and N. Rayner

Geoscientific Report GR2016-1
Geology of the Paint and Phillips lakes area, Thompson nickel belt, central Manitoba (parts of NTS 63O1, 8, 9, 63P5, 12)
By C.G. Couëslan

Geoscientific Report GR2014-1
Geology of the Athapapuskow Lake area, western Flin Flon belt, Manitoba (part of NTS 63K12)
By E.C. Syme

Geoscientific Report GR2013-1
Geology of the Garner–Gem lakes area, Rice Lake greenstone belt, southeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 52L11, 14)
By S.D. Anderson

Geoscientific Report GR2012-2
Geology of the Flin Flon area, Manitoba and Saskatchewan (parts of NTS 63K12, 13)
By R.-L. Simard, K. MacLachlan, H.L. Gibson, Y.M. DeWolfe, C.A. Devine, P.D. Kremer, B. Lafrance, D. Ames, E.C. Syme, A.H. Bailes, K. Bailey, D. Price, S. Pehrsson, E.M. Lewis, D. Lewis and A.G. Galley

Geoscientific Report GR2012-1
Geology of the Elbow Lake area, central Flin Flon Belt, Manitoba (part of NTS 63K15W)
By E.C. Syme and J.B. Whalen

Geoscientific Report GR2011-1
Geology and geochemistry of arc and ocean-floor volcanic rocks in the northern Flin Flon Belt, Embury–Wabishkok–Naosap lakes area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63K13, 14)
By H.P. Gilbert

Geoscientific Report GR2010-1
Geology and geochemical evolution of the northern Flin Flon and southern Kisseynew domains, Kississing–File lakes area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63K, N)
By H.V. Zwanzig and A.H. Bailes

Geoscientific Report GR2008-1
Geology of the Rice Lake area, Rice Lake greenstone belt, southeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 52L13, 52M4)
By S.D. Anderson

Geoscientific Report GR2006-1
Geology of the Thompson Bay–Persian Lake area, North Arm, Athapapuskow Lake, Manitoba (NTS 63K12NE)
By D.E. Prouse

Geoscientific Report GR2005-2
Geology of the Black Island area, Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba (parts of NTS 62P1, 7 and 8)
By A.H. Bailes and J.A. Percival

Geoscientific Report GR2005-1
Structure and geometry of the Paleoproterozoic Ruttan VMS deposit, southwest Rusty Lake belt (NTS 64B5), Manitoba
By S.D. Anderson, C.J. Beaumont-Smith and C.O. Böhm

Geoscientific Report GR2004-2
Geology and geochemistry of Archean supracrustal and intrusive rocks in the southeast Max Lake–Aswapiswanan Lake area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 53L5N, 6NW and 12SW)
By H.P. Gilbert

Geoscientific Report GR87-3
Geology of the Barrington Lake-Melvin Lake-Fraser Lake area
By H.P. Gilbert
NOTE: This report supersedes Preliminary Maps 1979L-2, 1980L-1 and 1980L-2

Geoscientific Report GR87-1
Geology of the Flin Flon-White Lake area
By A.H. Bailes and E.C. Syme

Geoscientific Report GR86-1
Geology of the southern part of the Rusty Lake volcanic belt
By D.A. Baldwin
NOTE: This report supersedes Preliminary Maps 1980R-1; 1980R-2


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Geoscientific Report GR83-2
Geology of the Saw Lake area
By A.H. Bailes


Geoscientific Report GR83-1D
Geology of the Gods Lake, Munro Lake, Webber Lake Area, Manitoba
By B. Marten

Geoscientific Report GR83-1B
Geology of the Knee Lake-Gods Lake area
By H.P. Gilbert
NOTE: This report supersedes Preliminary Maps 1972H-1, 1972H-3 to 1972H-9, 1972H-11, 1972L-1, 1973H-5, 1973H-6, 1973H-8, and 1973H-15

Geoscientific Report GR83-1A
Geology of the Oxford Lake-Carrot River area
By J.J.M.W. Hubregtse
NOTE: This report supersedes Preliminary Maps 1973H-1 to 1973H-4; 1973H-7

Geoscientific Report GR82-3
The Fox River sill, northeastern Manitoba - a major stratiform intrusion
By R.F.J. Scoates
Supercedes Preliminary Maps 1969C-2; 1975G-1; 1975G-2

Geoscientific Report GR82-1
Geology of the lower Nelson River project area
By M.T. Corkery
Supercedes Preliminary Maps 1969C-1; 1969C-2; 1974N; 1975N-3; 1975N-4 and 1977N-5

Geoscientific Report GR81-1
Volcanic rocks of the Fox River Belt, northeastern Manitoba
By R.F.J. Scoates
Supercedes 1975G-1; 1975G-2

Geoscientific Report GR80-9
Geology of the Cochrane and Seal rivers area
By D.C.P. Schledewitz
NOTES: This report superseded OF77/3.
Map GR80-9-6 has been superseded by BGCMS 64P.
Map GR80-9-7 has been superseded by BGCMS 64O.
Map GR80-9-8 has been superseded by BGCMS 64N.

Geoscientific Report GR79-1
Geology of the McKnight-McCallum lakes area
By P.G. Lenton
NOTE: This report supersedes Preliminary Maps 1975R-2; 1975R-3; 1976R-1 and 1976R-2

Geoscientific Report GR78-3 (part II / part III)
History of exploration and geological work in the Nelson House-Pukatawagan region (Burntwood project)
By W.D. McRitchie, J. Peters and T.G. Frohlinger
NOTE: This report supersedes Preliminary Maps 1970G-1; 1971G-1 to 1971G-6; 1971G-8; 1971G-11 to 1971G-13; 1972G-1 to 1972G-11 and 1973G-1 to 1973G-7
Pt. III of this report contains 22 accompanying maps.

Geoscientific Report GR78-1
Geology of the File Lake area
By A.H. Bailes
NOTE: This report supersedes Maps 1971B-1 and 1971B-2

Geoscientific Report GR39-1 / PUB39-1
Assean-Split lakes area
By A.S. Dawson

Geoscientific Report GR38-1 / PUB38-1
Bigstone Lake area
By R.T. MacIntosh, J.G. Reahil, W.F. Baker and D.H. Halstead

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Geoscientific Paper GP2023-1
Metamorphic map of the Flin Flon domain, west-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 63J, K, N, O)
By M. Lazzarotto, D.R.M. Pattison, S. Gagné and C.G. Couëslan




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Geoscientific Paper GP2006-1
New uranium-lead geochronology results from the Lynn Lake greenstone belt, Manitoba (NTS 64C11–16)
By C.J. Beaumont-Smith, N. Machado and D.C. Peck




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Geoscientific Paper GP2004-1
Geochemical constraints on the tectonomagmatic evolution of the Fox River Belt, northeastern Manitoba (NTS 53M15 and 16)
By G. Desharnais, D.C. Peck, N.M. Halden, R.F.J. Scoates and L.J. Hulbert


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Geoscientific Paper GP2002-2
Augite phenocrysts in Paleoproterozoic metavolcanic rocks, Flin Flon, Manitoba
By A.C. Turnock and E.C. Syme




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Geological Paper GP80-1
Geology of the metavolcanic and volcaniclastic metasedimentary rocks in the Lynn Lake area
By H.P. Gilbert, E.C. Syme and H.V. Zwanzig
NOTE: This report supersedes Preliminary Maps 1976L-1 and 1977L-1 to 1977L-7


Geoscientific Paper GP5/71
Advances in the Geochronology of the Rice Lake - Beresford Lake Area, Southeastern Manitoba
By A. Turek and Z.E. Peterman


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Open File OF2019-2
Field Trip Guidebook: Stratigraphy and ore deposits in the Thompson nickel belt, Manitoba
By C.G. Couëslan

Open File OF2018-4
Geology of the Tower Cu-Zn-Ag-Au deposit, sub-Phanerozoic Superior boundary zone, central Manitoba (part of NTS 63G14)
By C.G. Couëslan

Open File OF2018-2
Gravity gradiometer survey of the Creighton area, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, parts of NTS 63-L/8 and 63-K/5
By O. Boulanger, F. Kiss and M. Coyle
Also released as Geological Survey of Canada Open File 8440 and Saskatchewan Geological Survey Open File 2018-7

Open File OF2017-3
Preliminary geology of the diamond occurrence at southern Knee Lake, Oxford Lake–Knee Lake greenstone belt, Manitoba (NTS 53L15)
By S.D. Anderson

Open File OF2013-8
GAC MAC Field Trip Guidebook FT-C1: The Tanco mine: geological setting, internal zonation and mineralogy of a world-class rare element pegmatite deposit
By T. Martins, P. Kremer and P. Vanstone

Open File OF2013-7
GAC MAC Field Trip Guidebook FT-C2: Mafic and ultramafic intrusive rocks and associated Ni-Cu-(PGE) and Cr-(PGE) mineralization in the Bird River greenstone belt, southeast Manitoba
By H.P. Gilbert, M.G. Houlé, X.M. Yang, J.S. Scoates, R.F.J. Scoates, C.A. Mealin, V. Bécu, V.J. McNicoll and C.R. Galeschuk

Open File OF2013-6
GAC MAC Field Trip Guidebook FT-C3: The Volcanological and Structural Evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Flin Flon Mining District, Manitoba: The Anatomy of a Giant VMS System
By H. Gibson, B. Lafrance, S. Pehrsson, M. DeWolfe, K. Gilmore, R.-L. Simard and B. Pearson

Open File OF2013-4
GAC MAC Field Trip Guidebook FT-A1: The Rice Lake mine trend, Manitoba: regional setting, host rock stratigraphy and structural evolution of a classical Archean orogenic gold system
By S.D. Anderson

Open File OF2013-3
GAC MAC Field Trip Guidebook FT-A2: Volcanological and Structural Setting of Paleoproterozoic VMS and Gold deposits at Snow Lake, Manitoba
By A.H. Bailes, K. Rubingh, S. Gagné, C. Taylor, A. Galley, S. Bernauer and D. Simms

Open File OF2012-2
Digital compilation of sub-Phanerozoic Precambrian geology in Manitoba
By C.R. McGregor

Open File OF2012-1
GIS compilation of exploration drillcore from all Manitoba Geological Survey drillcore libraries
By C.R. McGregor

Open File OF2011-2
GIS compilation of drillcore logs from Manitoba Geological Survey drilling programs, 1968–2007
By C.R. McGregor

Open File OF2011-1
GIS compilation of relogged Sub-Phanerozoic Precambrian exploration drillcore from the Thompson Nickel Belt, eastern Flin Flon Belt and Winnipegosis Komatiite Belt (parts of NTS 63B, C, F, G, J, K)
By C.R. McGregor

Open File OF2010-2
GIS compilation of relogged sub-Phanerozoic Precambrian drillcore from the Cormorant and Shield Margin projects, Manitoba and Saskatchewan (parts of NTS 63J, 63K, 63L)
By C.R. McGregor

Open File OF2010-1
Measured sections in the Lower and Upper volcanic formations, Fox River Belt, Manitoba (parts of NTS 53M16, 53N13)
by E.C. Syme

Open File OF2008-12
Reinterpretation of Precambrian drillcore from the area between Cedar Lake and Hargrave River (parts of NTS 63F, G, J) and miscellaneous core from NTS areas 63O, P, 64A, Manitoba, with criteria for recognizing lithological units in the Ospwagan Group: accompanying notes
By J.J. Macek and C.R. McGregor

Open File OF2008-11
CAMIRO Project 97E-02, Thompson Nickel Belt: final report March 2002, revised and updated 2003
By O.M. Burnham, N. Halden, D. Layton-Matthews, C.M. Lesher, J. Liwanag, L. Heaman, L. Hulbert, N. Machado, D. Michalak, M. Pacey, D.C. Peck, A. Potrel, P. Theyer, K. Toope and H. Zwanzig

Open File OF2007-6
Geology of the Hidden and Louis formations, northern peninsula of Potter Bay, Phantom Lake area, Flin Flon region, Saskatchewan (part of NTS 63K12W)
By Y.M. DeWolfe

Open File OF2007-5
Geology of the Hidden and Louis formations in the Phantom Lake Golf Course area, Flin Flon region, Saskatchewan (parts of 63K12 and 13)
By Y.M. DeWolfe

Open File OF2007-4
Geology of the Hidden and Louis formations in the Louis Lake area, Flin Flon region, Manitoba and Saskatchewan (part of NTS 63K13)
By Y.M. DeWolfe

Open File OF2007-3
Geology of the Hidden and Louis formations in the Hidden Lake area, Flin Flon region, Manitoba and Saskatchewan (part of NTS 63K13)
By Y.M. DeWolfe

Open File OF2007-2
Geology of the Hidden and Louis formations north of the Canadian National railway, Flin Flon region, Manitoba and Saskatchewan (part of NTS 63K13)
By Y.M. DeWolfe

Open File OF2007-1
Geochemistry data for the Lynn Lake greenstone belt, Manitoba (NTS 64C11–16)
By C.J. Beaumont-Smith

Open File Report OF2006-33
Thompson Nickel Belt geological compilation map, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63G, J, O, P and 64A and B)
By J.J. Macek, H.V. Zwanzig and J.M. Pacey

Open File Report OF2006-32
Bedrock geology of the Gull Rapids area, Manitoba (part of NTS 54D6)
By C.O. Böhm, M.S. Bowerman and M.W. Downey

Open File Report OF2006-31
Reinterpretation of Falconbridge Limited drillcore from the southern part of the exposed Thompson Nickel Belt, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63J, O, P and 64A), and criteria for recognizing lithologic units in the Ospwagan Group
By C.R. McGregor, J.J. Macek and H.V. Zwanzig

Open File Report OF2006-30
GIS compilation of geology and tectonostratigraphic assemblages, western Uchi Subprovince, western Superior Province, Ontario and Manitoba
Also released as Geological Survey of Canada Open File 5269 and Ontario Geological Survey Miscellaneous Release Data 2003

Open File Report OF2005-1
Geology of the Hidden Formation on the West Limb of the Hidden Syncline North of the Railway Fault, Flin Flon region, Manitoba and Saskatchewan (part of NTS 63K13SW)
By Y.M. DeWolfe

Open File Report OF2003-1
Geology and Tectonostratigraphic Assemblages of the West Uchi map area, Manitoba/Ontario
By A.H. Bailes, J.A. Percival, M.T. Corkery, V.J. McNicoll, K.Y. Tomlinson, N. Rodgers, J.B. Whalen and D. Stone
Also released as Geological Survey of Canada Open File 1522; Ontario Geological Survey, Preliminary Map P.3461

Open File Report OF2001-6
Geochemistry and Tectonic Setting of Volcanic and Intrusive Rocks in the VMS-hosting Snow Lake Area Assemblage, Flin Flon Belt, Manitoba: a Preliminary Release of the Geochemical Data Set
By A.H. Bailes and A.G. Galley

Open File Report OF99-13
Updated Trace Element Geochemistry of ca. 1.9 Ga Metavolcanic Rocks in the Paleoproterozoic Lynn Lake Belt
By H.V. Zwanzig, E.C. Syme and H.P. Gilbert

Open File Report OF99-11
Re-examining the Northwest Superior Province Margin
By L.M. Heaman (University of Alberta), C.O. Böhm, M.T. Corkery and R.A. Creaser (University of Alberta)

Open File Report OF99-7
Summary of Geophysical Data from Open Assessment Files of the Northern Portion of the Gods Lake Area, Manitoba: Volume 2
By I.T. Hosain

Open File Report OF99-1
Geochemistry of Paleoproterozoic Volcanic Rocks in the Lac Aimée-Naosap Lake Area, Flin Flon Belt (Parts of NTS 63K/13SE and 63K/14SW)
By H.P. Gilbert
NOTE: Preliminary Map PMAP2002-1 supersedes OF99-1's accompanying map, which superseded Preliminary Map 1997F-1

Open File Report OF98-9
Ore-Associated and Barren Rhyolites in the Central Flin Flon Belt: Case Study of the Flin Flon Mine Sequence
By E.C. Syme

Open File OF97-5
Geological Setting of the Photo Lake Volcanic-hosted Massive Sulphide Deposit, Snow Lake, Manitoba
Geology by A.H. Bailes, D. Simms, A.G. Galley and J. Young


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Open File OF94-4
Geology of the Snow Lake-File Lake area, Manitoba
Geology by A.H. Bailes, A.G. Galley and K.A. Connors
Also released as GSC Open File 2976


Open File OF92-2
Geology of the Kississing-Batty Lakes Area: Interim Report
By H.V. Zwanzig and D.C.P. Schledewitz
NOTE: Accompanying map OF92-2-1 supersedes Preliminary Map 1988K-1; accompanying map OF92-2-2 supersedes Preliminary Map 1988K-2

Open File OF92-1
Pipestone Lake Anorthosite Complex: Geology and Studies of Titanium-Vanadium Mineralization
By H.D.M. Cameron

Open File Report OF81-3
The Lower Churchill River Project (Interim Report)
By P.G. Lenton and M.T. Corkery

Open File Report 77/3
The Seal River Area (Major Parts of 54-L, M; 64-I, P)
By D.C.P. Schledewitz
NOTE: This report was superseded by GR80-9.

Open File Report 76/1
Cordierite-Anthophyllite rocks at Rat Lake, Manitoba; a metamorphosed alteration zone
By D.A. Baldwin

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Geoscientific Map MAP2021-1
Bedrock topography of southern Manitoba
By G.R. Keller and G.L.D. Matile


Geoscientific Map MAP2019-6
Notigi–Tullibee lakes aeromagnetic map: residual total field with shaded relief
By L.A. Murphy and H.V. Zwanzig

Geoscientific Map MAP2019-5
Geology of the Wuskwatim–Threepoint lakes area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63O10, 11)
By H.V. Zwanzig, L.A. Percival, L.A. Murphy and M.L. Growdon

Geoscientific Map MAP2019-4
Geology of the Kawaweyak Lake area, Manitoba (part of NTS 63O15)
By L.A. Murphy and H.V. Zwanzig

Geoscientific Map MAP2019-3
Geology and structure of the Notigi Lake area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63O14, 64B3)
By L.A. Murphy and H.V. Zwanzig

Geoscientific Map MAP2019-2
Geology of the Notigi–Footprint lakes area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63O10, 11, 14, 15)
By L.A. Murphy and H.V. Zwanzig

Geoscientific Map MAP2019-1
Geology of the southern Granville Lake area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 64C1, 2, 7)
By H.V. Zwanzig

Geoscientific Map MAP2010-1
Geology of the Flin Flon area, Manitoba and Saskatchewan (part of NTS 63K12, 13)
Also released as Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources, Geoscience Map 2010-2
Note: Supersedes MAP2009-1/Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources, Geoscience Map 2009-1

Geoscientific Map MAP2008-1
Geology of the Bird River Belt, southeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 52L5, 6)
By H.P. Gilbert, D.W. Davusm M. Duguet, P. Kremer, C.A. Mealin and J. MacDonald

Geoscientific Map MAP2007-1
Geology of the Chisel–Anderson lakes area, Snow Lake, Manitoba (NTS areas 63K16SW and west half of 63J13SE)
By A.H. Bailes and A.G. Galley

Geoscientific Map MAP2005-2
Geology of the southern Wekusko Lake area, Manitoba (NTS 63J12NW)
By H.P. Gilbert and A.H. Bailes
See also DRI2005003: Lithogeochemical and lithological data and field photographs for the southern Wekusko Lake area, Manitoba (NTS 63J12NW)

Geoscientific Map MAP2005-1
Geology of the South pit (northwest shoulder), Thompson mine, Thompson, Manitoba (part of NTS 63P12)
By J.J. Macek, C.R. McGregor and H.V. Zwanzig

Geoscientific Map MAP2004-1
Geology and tectonostratigraphic assemblages, eastern Sachigo Subprovince, Ontario and Manitoba
By D. Stone, M.T. Corkery, J. Halle, J. Ketchum, M. Lange, T. Shulski and J. Whalen

Geoscientific Map MAP2002-1
Geology of the Baker Patton Complex, Flin Flon, Manitoba (parts of NTS areas 63K12, 13)
By G.H. Gale and L.B. Dabek

AFP98-2 ("A" series map)
Geology, NATMAP Shield Margin Project Area (Flin Flon Belt), Manitoba / Saskatchewan
Also released as Geological Survey of Canada Map 1968A and Saskatchewan Energy and Mines Map 258A-1

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Lynn Lake Bedrock Compilation Map Database (2021)
Zip file includes maps and data files. Compilation includes:
Barrington Lake, Manitoba (NTS 64C16)
Cockeram Lake, Manitoba (NTS 64C15)
Fraser Lake, Manitoba (NTS 64B13)
Laurie Lake, Manitoba (NTS 64C12)
Lynn Lake, Manitoba (NTS 64C14)
McGavock Lake, Manitoba (NTS 64C11)
McMillan Lake, Manitoba (NTS 64C13)
Sickle Lake, Manitoba (NTS 64C10)

NOTE: The following 31 maps which were released as part of the Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series have all been superseded by GeoFile 3. Some superseded versions were released as part of a separate Geological Report as noted.

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM52E
Kenora, NTS 52E

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM52L
Pointe du Bois, NTS 52L

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM53L
Oxford House, NTS 53L

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM53M
Knee Lake, NTS 53M

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM54D
Kettle Rapids, NTS 54D

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM54E
Herchmer ‐ NTS 54E

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM54L (MAP GR80-9-4)
Churchill, NTS 54L

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM54M
Caribou River, NTS 54M

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM54M (MAP GR80-9-5)
Caribou River, NTS 54M

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM62H
Winnipeg, NTS 62H

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM62I
Selkirk, NTS 62I

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM63G
Grand Rapids, NTS 63G

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM63H
Norway House NTS 63H

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM63I
Cross Lake, NTS 63I

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM63J
Wekusko Lake, NTS 63J

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM63K
Cormorant Lake (63K)
Also released as Geological Survey of Canada Open File 2581

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM63N
Kississing, NTS 63N

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM63O
Nelson House, NTS 63O

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM63P
Sipiwesk, NTS 63P

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM64A
Split Lake area, NTS 64A

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM64B
Uhlman Lake, NTS 64B
Supercedes 1984C-1

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM64C
Granville Lake, NTS 64C
Supercedes 1984C-2

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM64F
Brochet, NTS 64F
Supercedes 1983M-1

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM64G
Big Sand Lake area, NTS 64G
Supercedes 1977M-2

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM64H
Northern Indian Lake, NTS 64H

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM64I (MAP GR80-9-3)
Shethanei Lake, NTS 64I

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM64J (MAP GR80-9-2)
Tadoule Lake, NTS 64J

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM64K (MAP GR80-9-1)
Whiskey Jack Lake, NTS 64K

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM64N
Kasmere Lake, NTS 64N
Supercedes MAP GR80-9-8

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM64O
Munroe Lake, NTS 64O
Supercedes MAP GR80-9-7

Bedrock Geology Compilation Map Series BGCM64P
Nejanilini Lake, NTS 64P
Supercedes MAP GR80-9-6

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Preliminary Map PMAP2020-1
Bedrock geology of Russell Lake, northern arm, northwestern Manitoba (parts of NTS 64C5, 6)
By T. Martins and C.G. Couëslan


Preliminary Map PMAP2019-4
Preliminary geology of the Puella Bay area, Wekusko Lake, north-central Manitoba (NTS 63J12)
By K.D. Reid

Preliminary Map PMAP2019-3
Bedrock geology of Russell Lake, southern half (NTS 64C3–6)
By T. Martins and C.G. Couëslan

Preliminary Map PMAP2019-2
Bedrock geology of the Gemmell Lake area, Lynn Lake greenstone belt, northwestern Manitoba (parts of NTS 64C11, 14)
By X.M. Yang

Preliminary Map PMAP2019-1
Bedrock geology of the Knight Lake area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 53E11, 12, 13, 14)
By M.L. Rinne

Preliminary Map PMAP2018-2
Bedrock geology of the Wekusko Lake pegmatite field (northeastern block), central Manitoba (part of NTS 63J13)
By D. Benn, T. Martins, R.L. Linnen, J. Ziehlke and J. Singh

Preliminary Map PMAP2018-1
Sub-Phanerozoic geology of the south Wekusko Lake–Mitishto River area, eastern Flin Flon belt, west-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 63J5, 12 and 63K8, 9)
By K.D. Reid

Preliminary Map PMAP2017-3
Bedrock geology of the Wasekwan Lake area, Lynn Lake greenstone belt, northwestern Manitoba (parts of NTS 64C10, 15)
By X.M. Yang and C.J. Beaumont-Smith

Preliminary Map PMAP2017-2
Sub-Phanerozoic geology of the Reed Lake area, Flin Flon belt, west-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 63K7, 8, 9, 10)
By S. Gagné

Preliminary Map PMAP2017-1
Geology of the exposed basement in the Reed Lake area, Flin Flon belt, west-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 63K9, 10, 15, 16)
By S. Gagné, E.C. Syme, S.D. Anderson and A.H. Bailes

Preliminary Map PMAP2016-6
Bedrock geology of central Southern Indian Lake, Manitoba (parts of NTS 64G1, 2, 7, 8)
By T. Martins

Preliminary Map PMAP2016-5
Bedrock geology of the Farley Lake area, Lynn Lake greenstone belt, northwestern Manitoba (part of NTS 64C16)
By X.M. Yang and C.J. Beaumont-Smith

Preliminary Map PMAP2016-4
Bedrock geology of Bigstone Lake, Manitoba (parts of NTS 53E12, 13)
By M.L. Rinne, S.D. Anderson and K.D. Reid

Preliminary Map PMAP2016-3
Bedrock geology of the southeastern Duck Lake–Sesep Rapids area, central Manitoba (part of NTS 63J16)
By C.G. Couëslan

Preliminary Map PMAP2016-2
Bedrock geology of the Natawahunan Lake area, central Manitoba (parts of NTS 63P11, 14)
By C.G. Couëslan

Preliminary Map PMAP2016-1
Bedrock geology of south-central Knee Lake, Manitoba (parts of NTS 53L15, 53M2)
By S.D. Anderson, E.C. Syme and M.T. Corkery

Preliminary Map PMAP2015-4
Bedrock geology of the northern basin of Southern Indian Lake, north-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 64G7, 8, 9, 10)
By T. Martins

Preliminary Map PMAP2015-3
Bedrock geology of the Keewatin River area, Lynn Lake greenstone belt, northwestern Manitoba (parts of NTS 64C14, 15)
By X.M. Yang and C.J. Beaumont-Smith

Preliminary Map PMAP2015-2
Bedrock geology of the southern and central Cauchon Lake area, central Manitoba (parts of NTS 63P7, 8)
By C.G. Couëslan and V. Guevara

Preliminary Map PMAP2015-1
Bedrock geology of the southern Knee Lake area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 53L14, 15)
By S.D. Anderson, E.C. Syme, M.T. Corkery, A.H. Bailes and S. Lin

Preliminary Map PMAP2014-6
Geology of the Northern Indian Lake area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 64H3, 5, 6)
By P.D. Kremer and T. Martins

Preliminary Map PMAP2014-5
Bedrock geology west of Reed Lake, Flin Flon greenstone belt, Manitoba (part of 63K10)
By S. Gagné and S.D. Anderson

Preliminary Map PMAP2014-4
Geology of the Bidou assemblage in the vicinity of the southeastern margin of the Ross River pluton, Rice Lake belt, southeastern Manitoba (part of NTS 52L14)
By X. Zhou

Preliminary Map PMAP2014-3
Bedrock geology of the Cat Creek area, Bird River greenstone belt, southeastern Manitoba (part of NTS 52L12)
By X.M. Yang

Preliminary Map PMAP2014-2
Bedrock geology of the Partridge Crop Lake area, central Manitoba (parts of NTS 63P11, 12)
By C.G. Couëslan

Preliminary Map PMAP2014-1
Bedrock geology of the Armstrong Lake area, central Manitoba (parts of NTS 63P10, 11)
By C.G. Couëslan

Preliminary Map PMAP2013-8
Geology of the Rail Lake–Sewell Lake area, Flin Flon–Snow Lake greenstone belt, west-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 63K10, 15)
By S. Gagné

Preliminary Map PMAP2013-7
Bedrock geology of the Cat Lake–Euclid Lake area, Bird River greenstone belt, southeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 52L11, 12)
By X.M. Yang

Preliminary Map PMAP2013-6
Geology and structure of the eastern extension of the Rice Lake mine trend, Rice Lake greenstone belt, southeastern Manitoba (part of NTS 52M3, 4)
By S.D. Anderson

Preliminary Map PMAP2013-5
Bedrock geology of northern and western Partridge Crop Lake, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63P11, 12)
By C.G. Couëslan

Preliminary Map PMAP2013-4
Bedrock geology of northeastern Cauchon Lake, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63P9, 10)
By C.G. Couëslan

Preliminary Map PMAP2013-3
Geology and structure of northeastern Oxford Lake (parts of NTS 53L13,14): sheet 3
By S.D. Anderson, P.D. Kremer and T. Martins

Preliminary Map PMAP2013-2
Geology and structure of northeastern Oxford Lake (parts of NTS 53L13,14): sheet 2
By S.D. Anderson, P.D. Kremer and T. Martins

Preliminary Map PMAP2013-1
Geology and structure of northeastern Oxford Lake, Manitoba (part of NTS 53L13, 14): sheet 1
By S.D. Anderson, P.D. Kremer and T. Martins

Preliminary Map PMAP2012-7
Preliminary lithostratigraphic map of the McLeod Road–Birch Lake thrust panel, Snow Lake, west-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 63K16, 63J13)
By K.E. Rubingh, B. Lafrance, H.L. Gibson and S. Gagné

Preliminary Map PMAP2012-6
Geology of the Brunne Lake area, Flin Flon Belt, west-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 63K11, 14)
By S. Gagné

Preliminary Map PMAP2012-5
Bedrock geology of central Sipiwesk Lake, Pikwitonei Granulite Domain, central Manitoba (part of NTS 63P4)
By C.G. Couëslan, C.O. Böhm and T. Martins

Preliminary Map PMAP2012-4
Geology of the southeastern margin of the Ross River pluton, Rice Lake greenstone belt, southeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 52L14)
By X. Zhou, S. Lin and S.D. Anderson

Preliminary Map PMAP2012-3
Bedrock geology of the Cat Creek area, Bird River greenstone belt, southeastern Manitoba (part of NTS 52L12)
By X.M. Yang

Preliminary Map PMAP2012-2
Geology and structure of southwest Oxford Lake (east part), Manitoba (part of NTS 53L12,13)
By S.D. Anderson, P.D. Kremer and T. Martins

Preliminary Map PMAP2012-1
Geology and structure of southwest Oxford Lake (west part), Manitoba (part of NTS 53L12,13, 63I9, 16)
By S.D. Anderson, P.D. Kremer and T. Martins

Preliminary Map PMAP2011-3
Geology and structure of the Rice Lake mine trend, Rice Lake greenstone belt, southeastern Manitoba (part of NTS 52M4)
By S.D. Anderson

Preliminary Map PMAP2011-2
Updated geology of the Squall–Varnson lakes area, west-central Manitoba (part of NTS 63K16)
By A.H. Bailes, D.C.P. Schledewitz and S. Gagné

Preliminary Map PMAP2011-1
Bedrock geology of the Snyder Lake area, northwestern Manitoba (part of NTS 64N5)
By P.D. Kremer and C.O. Böhm

Preliminary Map PMAP2010-3
Geology of the Snow Lake–Squall Lake–Herblet Lake area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63K16, 63J13)
By S. Gagné and C.J. Beaumont-Smith

Preliminary Map PMAP2010-2
Geology of the Misty Lake area, northwestern Manitoba (parts of NTS 64K12, 13, 64N4)
By P.D. Kremer, A.R. Carlson and C.G. Couëslan

Preliminary Map PMAP2010-1
Precambrian geology of the Seal River region, Manitoba (parts of NTS 54L, M, 64I, P)
By S.D. Anderson, C.O. Böhm and E.C. Syme

Preliminary Map PMAP2009-5
Geology of the Notigi–Wapisu lakes area, Northeast Kisseynew subdomain, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63O14 and 64B3)
By L.A. Murphy and H.V. Zwanzig

Preliminary Map PMAP2009-4
Bedrock geology of the Great Island area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 54L13, 54M4, 64I15, 16, 64P1, 2)
By S.D. Anderson, C.O. Böhm, E.C. Syme, A. Carlson and L.A. Murphy

Preliminary Map PMAP2009-3
Bedrock geology of the Paint Lake area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63O8, 9, 63P5, 12)
By C.G. Couëslan

Preliminary Map PMAP2009-2
Bedrock geology of the Partridge Breast Lake belt, Manitoba (parts of NTS 64G1, 8, 64H4, 5)
By P.D. Kremer, M.T. Corkery and P.G. Lenton

Preliminary Map PMAP2009-1
Geology of the McLeod Road–Birch Lake allochthon, Herblet Lake (Southeast Bay), Snow Lake area, Manitoba (part of NTS 63J13)
By S. Gagné

Preliminary Map PMAP2008-6
Geology of the west part of the Bird River area, southeastern Manitoba (NTS 52L5)
By H.P. Gilbert

Preliminary Map PMAP2008-5
Geology of the east part of the Bird River area, southeastern Manitoba (NTS 52L6)
By H.P. Gilbert

Preliminary Map PMAP2008-4
Geology of the west-central Paint Lake area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63O8, 9, 63P5, 12)
By C.G. Couëslan

Preliminary Map PMAP2008-3
Bedrock geology of the Pukatawakan Bay area, Southern Indian Lake, Manitoba (part of NTS 64G2)
By P.D. Kremer

Preliminary Map PMAP2008-2
Revised geology of the Notigi Lake area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63O14, 64B3)
By L.A. Murphy and H.V. Zwanzig

Preliminary Map PMAP2008-1
Structural geology of the Snow Lake–Squall Lake area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63K16, 63J13)
By C.J. Beaumont- Smith and S. Gagné

Preliminary Map PMAP2007-6
Geology of the west part of the Bird River area, southeastern Manitoba (part of NTS 52L5)
By H.P. Gilbert

Preliminary Map PMAP2007-5
Geology of the east part of the Bird River area, southeastern Manitoba (part of NTS 52L6)
By H.P. Gilbert

Preliminary Map PMAP2007-4
Bedrock geology of the Utik Lake greenstone belt, Manitoba (parts of NTS 53M4, 5 and 63P1, 8)
By C.O. Böhm and P. Kremer

Preliminary Map PMAP2007-3
Revised geology of the Kawaweyak Lake area, Manitoba (part of NTS 63O15)
By L.A. Murphy and H.V. Zwanzig

Preliminary Map PMAP2007-2
Revised geology of Notigi Lake, Manitoba (NTS 63O14 and parts of 64B3)
By L.A. Murphy and H.V. Zwanzig

Preliminary Map PMAP2007-1
Geology of the Flin Flon area, Manitoba (part of NTS 63K12)
By R.-L. Simard, P.D. Kremer, K. MacLachlan, Y.M. DeWolfe, H. Gibson, C. Devine, B. Lafrance, D. Ames, A.H. Bailes, D. Price and S. Pehrsson

Preliminary Map PMAP2006-10
Geology of the Bird River Sill, southeastern Manitoba (part of NTS 52L5)
By C.O. Mealin

Preliminary Map PMAP2006-9
Geology of the Bernic Lake area around the Tanco mine, Bird River greenstone belt, southeastern Manitoba (NTS 52L6)
By P.D. Kremer and S. Lin

Preliminary Map PMAP2006-8
Geology of the east-central part of the Bird River area, Manitoba (NTS 52L6N)
By H.P. Gilbert

Preliminary Map PMAP2006-7
Geology and structure of the Garner Lake–Gem Lake area, Rice Lake greenstone belt, Manitoba (NTS 52L11 and 14)
By S.D. Anderson

Preliminary Map PMAP2006-5
Bedrock geology of the Putahow Lake area, Manitoba (NTS 64N15)
By C.O. Böhm and S.D. Anderson

Preliminary Map PMAP2006-4
Bedrock geology of the Kasmere Lake area, Manitoba (NTS 64N11 and parts of NTS 64N6)
By C.O. Böhm and S.D. Anderson

Preliminary Map PMAP2006-3
Revised geology of the Wuskwatim–Threepoint lakes area, Manitoba (NTS 63O10 and parts of 63O11)
By H.V. Zwanzig, J.A. Percival and L. Murphy

Preliminary Map PMAP2006-2
Bedrock geology of the Bear Lake area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 53M4 and 63P1)
By C.O. Böhm and R.P. Hartlaub

Preliminary Map PMAP2006-1
Geology of the Schist Lake–Mandy mines area, Flin Flon, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63K12)
By R.-L. Simard

Preliminary Map PMAP2005-8
Geology of the Chrome Property, Bird River Sill, southeastern Manitoba (part of NTS 52L5)
By C. Mealin

Preliminary Map PMAP2005-7
Geology of the Bird River area, southeastern Manitoba (part of NTS 52L5 and 6)
By M. Duguet

Preliminary Map PMAP2005-6
Geology of the Bernic Lake Formation, Tanco mine area, southeastern Manitoba (part of NTS 52L6)
By P.D. Kremer

Preliminary Map PMAP2005-5
Structural geology of the Mystery–Apussigamasi lakes area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63P13 and 14)
By Y.D. Kuiper

Preliminary Map PMAP2005-4
Surficial geology of Nejanilini Lake, Manitoba (parts of NTS 64P5, 12 and 13)
By G.L.D. Matile

Preliminary Map PMAP2005-3
Bedrock geology of Nejanilini Lake, Manitoba (parts of NTS 64P5, 12 and 13)
By S.D. Anderson and C.O. Böhm

Preliminary Map PMAP2005-2
Bedrock geology of north and central Wintering Lake, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63P5 and 12)
By C.O. Böhm

Preliminary Map PMAP2005-1
Geology and structure of the Rice Lake area, Rice Lake greenstone belt, Manitoba (part of NTS 52M04 and 52L13)
By S.D. Anderson

Preliminary Map PMAP2004-4
Structural geology of the Aiken River deformation zone, York Landing area, Manitoba (part of NTS 64A1)
By Y.D. Kuiper and S. Lin

Preliminary Map PMAP2004-3
Structural geology of the Aiken River deformation zone, Manitoba (parts of NTS 64A1 and 2)
By Y.D. Kuiper and S. Lin

Preliminary Map PMAP2004-2
Structural geology of Assean Lake, Manitoba (parts of NTS 64A1, 2 and 8)
By Y.D. Kuiper, S. Lin, C.O. Böhm and M.T. Corkery

Preliminary Map PMAP2004-1
Geology of central and north Split Lake, Manitoba (parts of NTS 54D4, 5, 6 and 64A1, 8)
By R.P. Hartlaub and Y.D. Kuiper

Preliminary Map PMAP2003-7
Geology of the South Main shaft area, Flin Flon, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63K12NW and 63K13SW)
By A.H. Bailes, D. Bray and E.C. Syme
Supercedes Preliminary Map 2001F-2

Preliminary Map PMAP2003-6
Geology of the Millrock Hill area, Flin Flon, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63K12NW and 63K13NSW)
By H. L. Gibson, A.H. Bailes, G. Tourigny and E.C. Syme
Supercedes Preliminary Map 2001F-1

Preliminary Map PMAP2003-5
Geology of the eastern Sharpe Lake area, Manitoba (NTS 53K6)
By M.T. Corkery, C.J. Beaumont-Smith, S.D. Anderson and A.H. Bailes

Preliminary Map PMAP2003-4
Geology of the western Sharpe Lake area, Manitoba (NTS 53K5)
By M.T. Corkery, C.J. Beaumont-Smith, S.D. Anderson and A.H. Bailes

Preliminary Map PMAP2003-3
Geology of the Gull Rapids area, Manitoba (part of NTS 54D6)
By C.O. Böhm, M.S. Bowerman and M.W. Downey

Preliminary Map PMAP2003-2
Geology of the Blueberry Lake area, Manitoba (part of NTS 63K14NW)
By H.P. Gilbert

Preliminary Map PMAP2003-1
Geology and structure of the Garner Lake area, southeast Rice Lake greenstone belt, Manitoba (part of NTS 52L14)
By S.D. Anderson

Preliminary Map PMAP2002-3
Geology of southern Granville Lake (parts of NTS 64C1, 2 and 7)
By H.V. Zwanzig and H.D.M. Cameron

Preliminary Map PMAP2002-2
Geology of the western portion of Island Lake (NTS 53E15)
By J. Parks

Preliminary Map PMAP2002-1
Geology of the Lac Aimée-Naosap Lake-Alberts Lake area (parts of NTS 63K13SE and 14SW)
By H.P. Gilbert
NOTE: Preliminary Map PMAP2002-1 superseded OF99-1's accompanying map, which superseded preliminary map 1997F-1

Preliminary Map PMAP2000S-5
Aswapiswanan Lake west area (parts of NTS 53L/5NE, 6NW)
By H.P. Gilbert

Preliminary Map PMAP2000S-4
Aswapiswanan Lake east area (part of NTS 53L/6NW)
By H.P. Gilbert

Preliminary Map PMAP2000S-3
Southeast Max Lake area (parts of NTS 53L/5NW, 12SW)
By H.P. Gilbert
Supercedes 1999S-1

Preliminary Map PMAP1999F-1
Geology of the Squall-Varnson lakes area (part of NTS 63K/16)
By A.H. Bailes and D.C.P. Schledewitz

Preliminary Map PMAP1998S-2
Geology of the Little Stull Lake area (part of NTS 53K/10SE & 7NE)
By M.T. Corkery, T. Skulski and J.B. Whalen

Preliminary Map PMAP1998S-1
Geology of the Edmund Lake area (N.T.S. part of 53K/11NW)
By M.T. Corkery

Preliminary Map PMAP1997S-1
Geology of the Little Stull Lake area (NTS 53K/10)
By M.T. Corkery, T. Skulski, and J.B. Whalen

Preliminary Map PMAP1994K-1
Geology and mineral occurences in the western part of the Pipestone Lake anorthosite complex (parts of NTS 63I/4 and 63I/5)
By D.C. Peck, H.D.M. Cameron and M.T. Corkery

Preliminary Map PMAP1993L-1
Partridge Breast Lake Area, Parts of 64H/4, 5 and 64G/1, 8
By M.T. Corkery and P.G. Lenton

Preliminary Map PMAP1992S-2
Wekusko Lake (north); NTS 63J/13SW
By A.H. Bailes and A.G. Galley
Supercedes 1991S-6

Preliminary Map PMAP1989K-1
Little Stull Lake area (Part of 53K/10)
By M.T. Corkery

Preliminary Map PMAP1987N-2
Cross Lake Southwest (63I/12 SW)
By M.T. Corkery and H.D.M. Cameron
Supercedes 1984N-2

Preliminary Map PMAP1985N-3
Detailed map of part of the south shore of Pipestone Lake
By H.D.M. Cameron

Preliminary Map PMAP1985N-2
Pipestone Lake
By M.T. Corkery and H.D.M. Cameron

Preliminary Map PMAP1981L-1
Watt Lake northeast; NTS 64C/7
By H.V. Zwanzig

Preliminary Map PMAP1981B-1
McNeill Lake; NTS 63O/3
By P.G. Lenton

Preliminary Map 1977KH-14
Muhigan Lake; NTS 63J/10
By S. Ringrose

Preliminary Map 1976B-1
Saw Lake; NTS 63J/11, 14
By A.H. Bailes and J. Malyon

back to top

Publication Series PUB71-2F
Geology of the Issett-Opachuanau-Pemichigamau-Earp Lakes Area
By M.A. Steeves and C.F. Lamb

Publication Series PUB71-2B
Geology of the Rat Lake area
By D.C.P. Schledewitz
NOTE: Accompanying maps 71-2-2, 71-2-3, 71-2-6 and 71-2-7 supersede Preliminary Maps 1970E-4&5, 1970E-6&7, 1970E-8 and 1970E-21


Click to view cover

Publication 61-5
Geology of the Watt Lake Area (East Half)
By D.A. Cranstone


Click to view cover

Publication 57-1
Geology of the Lynn Lake district
By G.C. Milligan


Publication Series PUB56-1
Geology of the Winnipeg River area: Shatford Lake-Ryerson Lake
By J.F. Davies

Publication Series PUB55-3
Structural studies of the Snow Lake-Herb Lake area
By G.A. Russell

Publication Series PUB55-2
Geology of the Macbride Lake Area Granville Lake Mining Division Manitoba
By L.C. Kilburn

Publication Series PUB53-4
Geology of the West Hawk Lake-Falcon Lake area
By J.F. Davies

Publication Series PUB53-3
Geology of the California Lake area
By M.D. Moorhouse and J.H. Shepherd

Publication Series PUB52-2
A geological reconnaissance of the Wolverine and Caribou Rivers
By G.A. Russell

Publication Series PUB52-1
Geology and gold deposits of southern Rice Lake area
By J.F. Davies

Publication Series PUB51-3
Geology of the Oiseau (Bird) River area
By J.F. Davies

Publication Series PUB50-9
Geology of the Cousell Lake and Wilmot Lake area
By T.A. Oliver

Publication Series PUB50-6
Geology of the Rennie-West Hawk Lake area
By G.D. Springer

Publication Series PUB50-5
Geology of the Waskaiowaka Lake area
By J.C. Gill

Publication Series PUB50-4
Geology of the Mystery Lake area
By J.C. Gill

Publication Series PUB50-3
Geology of the Lily Lake-Kickley Lake area
By G.A. Russell

Publication Series PUB50-2
Geology of the Manigotagan-Rice River area
By J.F. Davies

Publication Series PUB49-6
Structural studies of the Long Lake-Halfway Lake area
By G.A. Russell

Publication Series PUB49-3
Geology of the Wanipigow River area
By J.F. Davies

Publication Series PUB48-4
Geology of the Dunphy Lakes area
By M.S. Stanton

Publication Series PUB48-3
Geology of the English Brook area
By G.A. Russell

Publication Series PUB48-2
Geology of the Wanipigow Lake Area
By J.F. Davies

Publication Series PUB47-6
Geology of the Barrington Lake area
By G.P. Crombie

Publication Series PUB47-3
Geology of the Hughes Lake area, Granville Lake division
By J.D. Allan

Publication Series PUB47-2
Preliminary report on the geology of the Cat Lake-Maskwa Lake area
By G.D. Springer
Note: This publication was superseded by PUB54-1.

Publication Series PUB47-1
Geology of the Wallace Lake area
By G.A. Russell

Publication Series PUB46-2
Lynn Lake area
By J.D. Allan

Publication Series PUB46-1
Knee Lake area
By G.D. Springer

Publication Series PUB39-1 / GR39-1
Assean-Split lakes area
By A.S. Dawson

Publication Series PUB38-1 / GR38-1
Bigstone Lake area
By R.T. MacIntosh, J.G. Reahil, W.F. Baker and D.H. Halstead

Publication Series PUB37-4
Boundary area, southeastern Manitoba
By J.S. DeLury

Publication Series PUB37-3
West Hawk Lake and Falcon Lake areas, southeastern Manitoba
By J.S. DeLury

Publication Series PUB37-2
Approximate outline of basic rock complex (andesite, basalt and gabbro sills) at Euclid & Cat lakes area
By F.D. Shepherd

Publication Series PUB37-1
Principal rock types in greenstone pendant, north of Maskwa Lake
By F.D. Shepherd

back to top

GeoFile 4
Compilation of lithogeochemistry from Precambrian rocks in Manitoba
By Manitoba Geological Survey

back to top

Data Repository Item DRI2024013
Whole-rock geochemistry and interactive GIS map file from the Cross Lake pegmatite field (parts of NTS 63I3–6, 11–14, 63J1–3, 6–11, 14–16)
by T. Martins, J. Janssens, P. Lenton, T. Corkery and A. Anderson

Data Repository Item DRI2024011
Geochemical data of bulk-rock samples collected in the 2022 and 2023 field seasons from the Lynn Lake greenstone belt, northwestern Manitoba (parts of NTS 64C10–12, 14–16)
by X.M. Yang

Data Repository Item DRI2024009
Salvaged diamond-drillcore at the Thompson Facility and Compound, east-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 54C, 63P, 64A): updated
by C.G. Couëslan

Data Repository Item DRI2023016
Compilation of Sm-Nd isotope results for archived samples from the Manitoba Geological Survey's Far North projects (parts of NTS 64I, K, M, N, P)
by Manitoba Geological Survey

Data Repository Item DRI2023013
Geochemical data of gabbroic rocks from the Lynn Lake greenstone belt, northwestern Manitoba (parts of NTS 64C10–12, 14–16)
by X.M. Yang

Data Repository Item DRI2023006
Salvaged diamond-drillcore at the Thompson Facility and Compound, from east-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 54C, 63P, 64A)
by C.G. Couëslan

Data Repository Item DRI2022008
Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry analyses of detrital zircon grains from metasedimentary rocks of the Ospwagan group, Thompson nickel belt, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63O8, 9; 63P12)
By C.G. Couëslan

Data Repository Item DRI2022007
Whole-rock geochemistry results of pegmatites from the Superior province (parts of NTS 53L10, 11, 14, 15)
By T. Martins

Data Repository Item DRI2022003
Compilation of Sm-Nd isotope results from the Manitoba Geological Survey 2021/2022 field season
By Manitoba Geological Survey

Data Repository Item DRI2022002
Bedrock geochemistry from the Stuart Bay–Chickadee Lake area (east of Wekusko Lake), north-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 63J12, 13)
By K.D. Reid

Data Repository Item DRI2021021
Bedrock geochemical data of the Ralph Lake area, Lynn Lake greenstone belt, northwestern Manitoba (parts of NTS 64C14)
By X.M. Yang

Data Repository Item DRI2021017
Lithogeochemistry of metasedimentary rocks of uncertain affinity from the Joey Lake area, and Ospwagan group and related rocks, Thompson nickel belt, central Manitoba (NTS 63O8, 9, 63P12)
By C.G. Couëslan

Data Repository Item DRI2021016
Lithogeochemistry of iron formation, calcsilicate, marble, and mafic dikes from the Thompson nickel belt, central Manitoba (NTS 63O8, 9, 63P5, 12, 15)
By C.G. Couëslan

Data Repository Item DRI2021015
Lithogeochemistry of drillcore from the Phillips Lake area, and samples from the Paint Lake area, Thompson nickel belt, central Manitoba (NTS 63O1, 8, 63P5)
By C.G. Couëslan

Data Repository Item DRI2021013
Laser-ablation, multicollector, inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry U-Pb isotopic analyses of detrital zircon grains from the Ospwagan group, Setting formation metagreywacke sample 12-04-4462, Setting Lake, central Manitoba (part of NTS 63O2)
By H.V. Zwanzig, C.O. Böhm and C.G. Couëslan

Data Repository Item DRI2021012
Whole-rock geochemistry results of bedrock samples from the Misty Lake area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 64K12, 13, 64N4)
By P.D. Kremer, A.R. Carlson, C.G. Couëslan and T. Martins

Data Repository Item DRI2021011
Whole-rock geochemistry of bedrock samples from the Snyder Lake area, northwestern Manitoba (part of NTS 64N5)
By P.D. Kremer, C.O. Böhm and T. Martins

Data Repository Item DRI2021009
Whole-rock geochemistry results for Sharpe Lake, Superior province, east-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 53K5, 6)
By Manitoba Geological Survey

Data Repository Item DRI2021008
Compilation of Sm-Nd isotope results and accompanying whole-rock geochemistry (to 2017) for the Trans-Hudson orogen, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63F, J, K, 63N–P, 64A–C, 64F–H)
By Manitoba Geological Survey

Data Repository Item DRI2021005
Compilation of Sm-Nd isotope results from the Manitoba Geological Survey 2020/2021 season
By Manitoba Geological Survey

Data Repository Item DRI2021004
Whole-rock geochemistry of bedrock samples along East Side Road, southeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 62P1, 7, 8, 10, 15, 63A2, 7)
By M.L. Rinne

Data Repository Item DRI2021003
Compilation of Sm-Nd isotope results from Utik Lake, Superior province, east-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 53M4, 5, 63P1, 8)
by C.O. Böhm, P.D. Kremer, E.C. Syme and T. Martins

Data Repository Item DRI2021002
Whole-rock geochemistry results for Utik Lake, Superior province, east-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 53M4, 5, 63P1, 8)
by C.O. Böhm, P.D. Kremer, E.C. Syme and T. Martins

Data Repository Item DRI2021001
Whole-rock geochemistry results of Bear Lake, Superior province, east-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 53M4, 63P1)
by C.O. Böhm, R.P. Hartlaub and T. Martins

Data Repository Item DRI2020030
Whole-rock geochemistry compilation of the Seal River–Great Island area, southeast Hearne craton margin, northern Manitoba (parts of NTS 54L, M, 64I, P)
By C.O. Böhm, S.D. Anderson, E.C. Syme, A.R. Carlson and L.A. Murphy

Data Repository Item DRI2020029
Compilation of Sm-Nd isotopic results from the Seal River–Great Island area, southeast Hearne craton margin, northern Manitoba (parts of NTS 54L, M, 64I, P)
By C.O. Böhm, S.D. Anderson and E.C. Syme

Data Repository Item DRI2020028
Lithogeochemistry of drillcore from the Huzyk Creek property, central Manitoba (NTS 63J6)
By C.G. Couëslan

Data Repository Item DRI2020027
Whole-rock geochemistry of the Russell Lake mapping project (2020 field season), northwestern Manitoba (parts of NTS 64C5, 6)
By T. Martins and C.G. Couëslan

Data Repository Item DRI2020026
Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry analyses of detrital zircon grains from metasedimentary rocks in drillcores KUS378 and HAR070 in the Watts, Mitishto and Hargrave river areas, central Manitoba (parts of NTS 63J5, 6, 11–14)
By K.D. Reid

Data Repository Item DRI2020023
Drillcore geochemistry from the eastern sub-Phanerozoic Flin Flon domain, north-central Manitoba (NTS 63J5, 6, 11, 12, 14, 63K8, 9)
By K.D. Reid

Data Repository Item DRI2020012
Compilation of Sm-Nd isotope results from the Manitoba Geological Survey 2018/2019 season
By Manitoba Geological Survey

Data Repository Item DRI2020011
Compilation of Sm-Nd isotope results from the Manitoba Geological Survey 2019/2020 season
By Manitoba Geological Survey

Data Repository Item DRI2020009
Bedrock geochemical data of the Gemmell Lake area, Lynn Lake greenstone belt, northwestern Manitoba (parts of NTS 64C11, 14)
By X.M. Yang

Data Repository Item DRI2020008
Whole-rock geochemistry compilation of the Bigstone Lake greenstone belt, east-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 53E11–14)
By M. Rinne

Data Repository Item DRI2020007
Bedrock geochemistry from the Puella Bay area (Wekusko Lake), north-central Manitoba (part of NTS 63J12)
By K.D. Reid
Note: This DRI file was re-released on April 2, 2020 with updated metadata information and adjusted sample IDs.

Data Repository Item DRI2020002
Lithogeochemistry of drillcore from the Huzyk Creek property, central Manitoba, and the Flin Flon paleosol, west-central Manitoba (NTS 63J6, 63K13)
By C.G. Couëslan

Data Repository Item DRI2020001
Whole-rock geochemistry of the Russell Lake mapping project, northwestern Manitoba (parts of NTS 64C3–6)
By T. Martins and C.G. Couëslan

Data Repository Item DRI2019008
Compilation of Sm-Nd isotopes from the Oxford Lake–Knee Lake greenstone belt, northwestern Superior Province, Manitoba (parts of NTS 53L6, 12–15, 53M2, 63I9, 16)
By S. Anderson and T. Martins

Data Repository Item DRI2019007
Whole rock geochemistry compilation of the Oxford Lake–Knee Lake greenstone belt, northwestern Superior Province, Manitoba (parts of NTS 53L6, 12–15, 53M2, 63I9, 16)
By S. Anderson and T. Martins

Data Repository Item DRI2019004
Compilation of assays, major- and trace-element whole-rock geochemical analyses of outcrop and drillcore rock samples from the Snow Lake–Squall Lake–Herblet Lake area, west-central Manitoba (part of NTS 63K16, 63J13)
By S. Gagné and C.J. Beaumont-Smith
Supplements Preliminary Maps PMAP2010-3 and PMAP2011-2

Data Repository Item DRI2019003
Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) analyses of columbite grains from Li-bearing pegmatites, Wekusko Lake pegmatite field (northeastern block), central Manitoba (part of NTS 63J13)
By T. Martins, D. Benn and C.R.M. McFarlane

Data Repository Item DRI2019001
Lithogeochemical, assay and U-Pb geochronological data for the Southern Indian domain, north-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 64G1, 2, 7–10, 64H3–6)
By T. Martins, D. Corrigan and N. Rayner
Accompanies Geoscientific Report GR2019-1

Data Repository Item DRI2018004
Whole-rock lithogeochemistry, Sm-Nd isotope geochemistry, NORMAT alteration indices and normative mineral estimates, and thin section point count results for samples from the Tower Cu-Zn-Ag-Au deposit (part of NTS 63G14)
By C.G. Couëslan
Note: This DRI file was re-released on February 6, 2020 with Table 2 added and minor updates to Tables 4, 9 and 10.
Accompanies Open File OF2018-4

Data Repository Item DRI2018003
Geochemistry data of selected samples of volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of the North Star assemblage, the West Reed–North Star shear zone and the Fourmile Island assemblage, Flin Flon belt, west-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 63K10, 15)
By S. Gagné, S.D. Anderson, M. Hamilton, R.-L. Simard and M. Lazzarotto
Accompanies GS2018-5, Report of Activities 2018

Data Repository Item DRI2017005
Stable C and O isotope and major- and trace-element data, with calcite-dolomite equilibration geothermometry, for genetically diverse carbonate rocks in the Pikwitonei granulite domain and Split Lake block (parts of NTS 63P11, 12, 64A1)
By J.A. Macdonald, A.R. Chakhmouradian, C.G.Couëslan and E.P. Reguir
Accompanies GS2017-4, Report of Activities 2017

Data Repository Item DRI2017004
Whole-rock and mineral geochemistry as exploration tools for rare-element pegmatite in Manitoba: examples from the Cat Lake–Winnipeg River and Wekusko Lake pegmatite fields (parts of NTS 52L6, 63J13)
By T. Martins and R.L. Linnen
Accompanies GS2017-5, Report of Activities 2017

Data Repository Item DRI2016006
U-Pb data for the Northern Indian Lake pluton, north-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 64H3, 5, 6)
By T. Martins and C.R.M. MacFarlane
Accompanies GS-12, Report of Activities 2016

Data Repository Item DRI2016001
Whole-rock lithogeochemistry, Sm-Nd isotope geochemistry, and U-Pb zircon geochronology for samples from the Paint and Phillips lakes area, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63O1, 8, 9, 63P5, 12)
By C.G. Couëslan
Accompanies Geoscientific Report GR2016-1

Data Repository Item DRI2014001
Whole-rock geochemical data from pegmatites at South Bay, Southern Indian Lake and Partridge Breast Lake, and fluorine granite at Thorsteinson Lake, Manitoba (parts of NTS 64G3–6, 8, 9, 64B11)
By T. Martins
Accompanies GS-10, Report of Activities 2013

Data Repository Item DRI2013002
Lithogeochemical database, Sm-Nd isotopic data and U-Pb geochronological data for the eastern Rice Lake greenstone belt, southeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 52L11, 14)
By S.D. Anderson
Accompanies Geoscientific Report GR2013-1

Data Repository Item DRI2013001
Geochronological data for sample 107-09-207a, Southern Indian Lake, Manitoba (part of NTS 64G8)
By N. Rayner
Accompanies GS-9, Report of Activities 2009

Data Repository Item DRI2012006
Rare metals scoping study of the Brezden Lake intrusive complex, western Manitoba (part of NTS 64C04)
By T. Martins, C.G. Couëslan and C.O. Böhm
Accompanies GS-10, Report of Activities 2012

Data Repository Item DRI2012005
Geological investigations in the Brunne Lake area of the Flin Flon Belt, Manitoba (part of NTS 63K11 and 63K14)
By S. Gagné
Accompanies GS-8, Report of Activities 2012

Data Repository Item DRI2012001
Whole-rock geochemistry of the Burntwood Lake alkali-feldspar syenite, west-central Manitoba (part of NTS 63N8)
By T. Martins
Accompanies GS-8, Report of Activities 2011

Data Repository Item DRI2011008
Far North Geomapping Initiative: new U-Pb geochronological results from the Misty Lake area, northwestern Manitoba (part of NTS 64K12, 13)
By N. Rayner
Accompanies GS-1, Report of Activities 2011

Data Repository Item DRI2011007
Whole-rock geochemistry of volcanic, volcaniclastic and intrusive rocks in the Squall–Varnson lakes area, west-central Manitoba (part of NTS 63K16)
By S. Gagné
Accompanies GS-6, Report of Activities 2011

Data Repository Item DRI2010006
Geochemistry, Sm-Nd isotopic and U-Pb age data for the eastern sub-Phanerozoic Flin Flon Belt, west-central Manitoba (parts of NTS 63J3–6, 11, 12, 14, 63K1–2, 7–10)
By R.-L.Simard, C.R. McGregor, N. Rayner and R.A. Creaser
Accompanies GS-6, Report of Activities 2010

Data Repository Item DRI2010005
Scanned image of original hand-drawn field map mosaic at 1:10 scale of regolith structure in dolerite below the Missi unconformity, Flin Flon area, Saskatchewan (part of NTS 63K12)
By M.G. Babechuk and B.S. Kamber
Accompanies GS-8, Report of Activities 2010

Data Repository Item DRI2010004
U-Pb geochronological results from the Seal River region, northeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 54L, M, 64I, P)
By N. Rayner
Accompanies GS-2, Report of Activities 2010

Data Repository Item DRI2010002
Geochemistry data of the Family–Fishing lakes area, Berens River Domain, Manitoba (parts of NTS 52M, 53D)
By M.T. Corkery, L.A. Murphy and H.V. Zwanzig
Accompanies GS-12, Report of Activities 2010

Data Repository Item DRI2009005
Geochronological data of the Notigi–Wapisu lakes area, Kisseynew Domain, Manitoba (parts of NTS 63O14, 64B3)
By N. Rayner
Accompanies GS-7, Report of Activities 2009

Data Repository Item DRI2009001
Operation Superior: multimedia geochemical survey results northeast of the Knee Lake greenstone belt, northern Superior Province, Manitoba (NTS 53M, 53N)
By M.A.F. Fedikow, E. Nielsen, G.G. Conley and P.G. Lenton

Data Repository Item DRI2008004
Geochemical data and alteration indices for the Sherridon structure, Manitoba (part of NTS 63N3)
By D.K. Tinkham and N. Karlapalem
Accompanies GS-7, Report of Activities 2008

Data Repository Item DRI2008002
Lithogeochemical database, Sm-Nd isotopic data and U-Pb geochronological data for the Rice Lake area, Rice Lake greenstone belt, Manitoba (parts of NTS 52L13, 52M4)
By S.D. Anderson
Accompanies Geoscientific Report GR2008-1

Data Repository Item DRI2007003
Sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) analyses of zircon grains from the Osik–Atik–Footprint lakes area, Manitoba (NTS 63O13, 14, 15, 64B2, 3)
By J.A. Percival, N. Rayner, M.L. Growdon, J.B. Whalen and H.V. Zwanzig
Accompanies GS-7, Report of Activities 2007

Data Repository Item DRI2007002
Sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) U-Pb data for basement units in the Wuskwatim–Tullibee lakes area, northeastern Kisseynew Domain, Manitoba (NTS 63O)
By N. Rayner and J.A. Percival
Accompanies GS-8, Report of Activities 2007

Data Repository Item DRI2007001
Geochemical analyses of the volcanic rocks of the Schist Lake–Mandy mines area, Manitoba (NTS 63K12)
By R.-L. Simard and R.A. Creaser
Accompanies GS-1, Report of Activities 2007

Data Repository Item DRI2006004
Analytical data for sample 7798, Pipe Formation, Pipe II pit and sample 8422, Pipe Formation, Thompson mine, 2500-foot level (NTS 63O8)
By N. Rayner, H.V. Zwanzig and J.A. Percival
Accompanies GS-11, Report of Activities 2006

Data Repository Item DRI2006002
Neoarchean Bird River greenstone belt in southeast Manitoba: lithostratigraphic details of two transects through the arc-type, volcanosedimentary sequence in the north panel of the belt (52L5N; 52L6)
By H.P. Gilbert
Accompanies GS-17, Report of Activities 2006

Data Repository Item DRI2006001
Major- and trace-element analyses of the metasedimentary and basement rocks, Thompson Nickel Belt, adjacent Superior Boundary Zone and Kisseynew Domain (63J; 63O; 63P; 64A; 64B)
By H.V. Zwanzig, J.J. Macek and C.R. McGregor
Accompanies: Zwanzig, H.V., Macek, J.J. and McGregor, C.R. 2007: Lithostratigraphy and geochemistry of the high-grade metasedimentary rocks in the Thompson Nickel Belt and adjacent Kisseynew Domain, Manitoba: implications for nickel exploration; Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, v. 102, no. 7, p. 1197–1216.

Data Repository Item DRI2005005
Major- and trace-element analyses and εNd of the Bah Lake assemblage, Thompson Nickel Belt
By H.V. Zwanzig
Accompanies GS-6, Report of Activities 2005

Data Repository Item DRI2005004
Lithogeochemical and lithological data, Sm-Nd isotopic data and geochronological data for the Black Island area, Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba (parts of NTS 62P1, 7 and 8) and the Rice Lake greenstone belt (parts of NTS 62P, 52M and 52L)
By A.H. Bailes and J.A. Percival
Accompanies Geoscientific Report GR2005-2

Data Repository Item DRI2005003
Lithogeochemical and lithological data and field photographs for the southern Wekusko Lake area, Manitoba (NTS 63J12NW)
By H.P. Gilbert
Accompanies Geoscientific Map MAP2005-2

Data Repository Item DRI2005002
Geochemical analyses of rocks from sites investigated during the Manitoba iron-oxide copper-gold (IOCG) scoping study (NTS 54L; 63J; 63K; 63N; 63O; 64A; 64H; 64B; 64C; 64F; 64G; 64I; 64J; 64K)

By A.H. Mumin and J.A. Perrin
Accompanies Geoscientific Paper GP2005-2

Data Repository Item DRI2005001
Electron-microprobe analyses of minerals from the Fox River Sill, northeastern Manitoba (53M16)
By A.C. Turnock, M. Raudsepp and R.F.J. Scoates
Accompanies Geoscientific Paper GP2005-1

Data Repository Item DRI2004005
Geochemical analyses of rock and spruce bark samples, occurrence 10, Sheila Lake, Manitoba (NTS 64C14)
By G.H. Gale
Accompanies GS-9, Report of Activities 2004

Data Repository Item DRI2004004
Geochemical analyses of peat and lake sediment samples, Reed property, Reed Lake, Manitoba (NTS 63K10)
By G.H. Gale
Accompanies GS-4, Report of Activities 2004

Data Repository Item DRI2004003
Geochemical analyses of soil samples, pits Mac 31, Mac 32 and Mac 33, Rainbow zone, MacLellan Au-Ag deposit, Lynn Lake, Manitoba (NTS 64C15)
By G.H. Gale, P. Pawliw and G.T. Hill
Accompanies GS-8, Report of Activities 2004

Data Repository Item DRI2004002
Geochemical analyses of spruce bark and soil samples, Poundmaker Au deposit, Bissett, Manitoba (NTS 54M4)
By G.H. Gale and N. Yavorskaya
Accompanies GS-22, Report of Activities 2004

Data Repository Item DRI2004001
Major- and trace-element analytical data for whole-rock samples from the Fox River Belt, northeastern Manitoba (53M15; 53M16)
By G. Desharnais, D.C. Peck, N.M. Halden, R.F.J. Scoates and L.J. Hulbert,
Accompanies Geoscientific Paper GP2004-1

Data Repository Item DRI2003002
Major, trace and rare earth element data for selected grab samples of drillcore from the Lynn Lake core repository, Manitoba (NTS 64C)
By G.H. Gale
Accompanies GS-10, Report of Activities 2003

Data Repository Item DRI2003001
Geochemical analyses of dwarf birch twigs, peat, bog iron and clay at Reed Lake, Manitoba (NTS 63K10)
By G.H. Gale
Accompanies GS-4, Report of Activities 2003

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